Jordan Retro 1 High "Shattered Backboard"

****** over twice in one day by online reservations. Now I'm salty AF because I didn't even get to enter this raffle since my phone wasn't receiving the code until it was too late to enter... :smh:
****** over twice in one day by online reservations. Now I'm salty AF because I didn't even get to enter this raffle since my phone wasn't receiving the code until it was too late to enter...
Should have gotten your accounts verified days in advance. Homework is key.
They really shouldn't if bots are going to purchase all the pairs :[. This system gives a fair chance for us plebs.

And what about the other 90% of the country who don't live within a reasonable range of a Niketown?
I think its fair since more of us will be able to get the shoe, unlike when bots bought them all up and left nothing except for a lucky few.
As the salt was digging in reading these post, i decided to check my spam folder and i hit NTLA! Finally won something on a Nike Raffle.
I've taken so many L's today with sneakers.....Jesus. Welp, putting the Bred 1's on the trading block.
At least I know time ISNT a factor in this online raffle thing. I entered 5 entries and that one that won was the one i entered with only a 1 minute and 30 secs remaining 
Do they email you if you lost out? Cause the 4 separate entries none have got an email (either way). (All 4 different folks with different phone #s.)
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