Jordan 1 x Nike SB QS!!!!

I was going to offer up some help locating you a pair. However I despise people who the word, "rape"....

Good luck getting your pair man....    

im not particularly a fan of the term but i call it like i see it. But to each their own perogative, i will stick to my guns and let the right deal find me or catch my eye, it'll happen and if it doesn't just wasn't meant to be in the collection. Thanks for the potential lookout though.
It's not that bad
It's actually very bad....

Some dude over charging for sneakers compared to another human being forcing his member in you.....

It is extremely belittling to eveyone in the sneaker cluture right now...

Especially since people use it so loosely....

Thank GOD it never happened to anyone I know. I could just imagine the impact it has.... 
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Using the word 'rape' to describe resale prices is completely UNACCEPTABLE

For those new to our community:

NikeTalk does not allow, and has always discouraged, the use of the word "rape" to describe resale prices.

It is beyond disrespectful and it has no place on a respectful community like ours. Frankly, it's an embarrassment that I even need to create and prominently display this post.

This subject is not open for debate. Any post that utilizes the word "rape" in this manner will be deleted. Repeat violators will be permanently banned from our forums.
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It's actually very bad....

Some dude over charging for sneakers compared to another human being forcing his member in you.....

It is extremely belittling to eveyone in the sneaker cluture right now...

Especially since people use it so loosely....

Thank GOD it never happened to anyone I know. I could just imagine the impact it has.... 
well if you go by this definition

an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation: the rape of the countryside.

its kind of understandable. Im not really trying to have that debate though since its not allowed on NT and I really don't use it myself
i know people who have been raped , mentally and physically

it isnt a word to be thrown around loosely, especially with something as trivial as shoes
i know people who have been raped , mentally and physically

it isnt a word to be thrown around loosely, especially with something as trivial as shoes
I feel you, but to intentionally not help someone who you were planning on helping just based on the use of that word once is a little bit excessive
cant stand the use of this word to describe sneaker prices

and its never going to change

all these little kids who are into kicks, are growing up learning the game and throw this around, as well as the N word like its nothing.
lol i see it all over the local fb group
cant stand the use of this word to describe sneaker prices

and its never going to change

all these little kids who are into kicks, are growing up learning the game and throw this around, as well as the N word like its nothing.

Lack of respect for themselves and people around them
Thank for the mod saying that.I hate that term when used for prices/sneakers,especially when idiots are talking about prices being only $100 or so over retail.Lames,it is used way to loosely.
lol i see it all over the local fb group

Lack of respect for themselves and people around them

i see it most on FB groups, which is why i even bring it up when speaking of kids growing up that way

whats crazy to me is you got these super suburban kids, who are obviously not black, speaking to other black kids, throwin around the N word and its just accepted

said my peace
to defend myself i didn't necessarily know the usage was banned here so you don't have to worry about it coming from me again. But 100 dollars over retail isn't overcharge but the shoe was 150, charging 400 is definitely overkill, no way of justifying that. Tgars 250 over retail... In an extreme case, you mean to tell me that yeezys, which retail at 250, its justifiable that the market price should be 2k and up? I mean come on, and to alp your right the word definitely can be applied in more ways than one. However, society auto assumes which way to perceive the usage of the word and auto associates it with the physical act, unfortunately, rendering the word useless when it is actually being used in the right context.
none of the prices are justifiable really, but the buyers pay why would you sell at a lower price?
none of the prices are justifiable really, but the buyers pay why would you sell at a lower price?
How are they not justifiable? If you don't want to pay, then don't pay it. I don't understand why this argument is present in every thread.

If you don't like the price: don't pay that price.
ppl just go with whats easy, a four letter word doesnt require thinking.

it really should be called resellers tax/fee, but most dudes dont have half a  mind to text or type "all that"
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are there any sites that are legit that are the middleman for trading shoes? 

never done this in my life

want to exercise a trade for tiff his 
are there any sites that are legit that are the middleman for trading shoes? 

never done this in my life

want to exercise a trade for tiff his 
iss has a trade program but its $20 per person. i think i remember another trade site too, look around
No you didn't.

You NEVER come out on top if you are buying from Flight Club. As far as I'm concerned, keeping the money in NT and supporting one of our own would have been a better option. Both options are pretty crappy though.

You would have come out on top if you just passed on the shoe if/since you couldn't get them at retail.

Yall don't hear me though. Yall LOVE resellers.

Repped! More people need to adopt that retail or bust mentality, they're just shoes y'all, leather and rubber, always some more hot ones around the corner if you miss out :smokin
Repped! More people need to adopt that retail or bust mentality, they're just shoes y'all, leather and rubber, always some more hot ones around the corner if you miss out

Why is how i spend my money yours, or anyone else's business? If I want them bad enough to pay resale prices, then obviously I really wanted them.

Too many of y'all are WAY too concerned with how others spend their money.
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