I think Banneds are dope and well done, but what really made me love the shoe was the return of Nike Air.


that was the first time in 10 years since JB and nike finally acknowledged their past, and put nike air on a damn shoe. finally.

and with all the little extra stuff, like the OG like size stamp in the liner, the X's, the "what if?...", etc... they were acknowledging and praising the history that one shoe made...

it's very arguable none of us would be on here right now if it weren't for that shoe. sneaker culture would prolly exist, but def not as we know it.

the banneds were their tribute to that (you can call it a gimmick, but i found it pretty cool). that's why i picked them up (i already had the 2001's at that point, so i didn't need them just for NA, but it was everything about them, + the outlet only release mystique, etc, that made them a must have)...
man... you guys reach so hard some times...

then ya wanna use this as a way to take all kinds of shots (which i'll remember when you're PMing me for help on something)... so easily and quick throwing around the "hype beast" term these days... you obviously don't even know what the word means...

i only buy and wear shoes i like (of many diff brands, i like variety), which consists of plenty of unhyped, under the radar releases... hell, i was on asics in 2008 b4 there was any hype at all... i pass on hyped up releases ALL the time... i borrow some styles from ye and and freely admit to it and i get labeled all kinds of stuff... well that's cool, but at least i admit to his influence. he got most of y'all wearing slimmer fit jeans than you used to, or waxed denim, or bracelets, or leather (something i don't mess with), or all of it, and all kinds of little trends, and you lie to yourself about it... :lol: there's plenty of trends he starts that i call ugly and don't rock with (true stans wouldn't do that, they'd so ANYTHING he does, i think leather pants are ugly, i think givenchy is ugly, i think the over sized tees are ugly when not layered underneath, i think a lot of stuff he does is wack and i don't follow it)... there's plenty of styles, brands, whatever, that i have rocked with, or pick up on currently, that have NOTHING to do with him...

but y'all don't wanna see any of that... you just wanna take shots however you can... i get it...

Maybe they call you a hypebeast because you constantly talk about the monetary value of sneakers.
Damn what's going on in this thread :smh: The banned I talk needs to stay in the banned I thread. This is the 2013 black/red I thread, let's keep it that way.
So I guess it's safe to say you wanted DECENT PIECES OF CRAP. :x

yup. :lol:

you can take it out of context like that if you want, they're not total pieces of crap, but they were being compared to the amazing leather on the banneds...

for those who've ever owned luxury shoes, or at least nicer leather like on the banneds, the normal stuff out of JB is crap, man... i'm sorry, but it is.

that being said, i'm proud of JB for at least making this year's NA retros better than those bum @$% chicagos they put out recently...

how they gonna retro all these OG's but then put out that craptastic, non NA having retro of the chicago?

the ultimate troll is putting out that mid top, non NA, bred retro at the SAME DAMN TIME as these OG retros...

not gonna lie, i almost checked all the way out with a pair on some site the other day by accident... :lol:

LMAO at the poor guy someone said bought them and had to buy an extra suitcase to bring 'em back on the plane... :rofl:
Maybe they call you a hypebeast because you constantly talk about the monetary value of sneakers.

actually i don't.

actually i get joked on sometimes for talking about how much i genuinely love certain sneakers, and how i will never sell the majority of my collection, no matter how much they're worth, cuz i bought all of them cuz i genuinely like them, not cuz of hype, or to make money off of them.

nice try tho.
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Jus thinkin' about how I may have to pay close to or firmly $300 for Black n' Red 1's to wear. Smh.

yeah, that's about the cheapest i can find my size for too...

suppose we should jump on it, cuz they're only gonna go up, and prolly won't get much of a restock, if any (like the 2013 royals, which i got lucky and caught a canceled order pair on FNL a few days later, but i ain't gonna get that lucky this time i'm afraid)...

i might catch these to wear and retire the 01's, cuz i agree, the 01's aren't very comfortable.

i haven't worn any of the 2013 OG retros tho, are they really that much more comfortable?
I thought today's post would make good toilet reads but it just made me more constipated.. Oops!
yeah, that's about the cheapest i can find my size for too...

suppose we should jump on it, cuz they're only gonna go up, and prolly won't get much of a restock, if any (like the 2013 royals, which i got lucky and caught a canceled order pair on FNL a few days later, but i ain't gonna get that lucky this time i'm afraid)...

i might catch these to wear and retire the 01's, cuz i agree, the 01's aren't very comfortable.

i haven't worn any of the 2013 OG retros tho, are they really that much more comfortable?
Definitely agree with this statement.. its only going to get worse when the REAL pairs start drying up and the market gets flooded with GMs/fakes
Jus thinkin' about how I may have to pay close to or firmly $300 for Black n' Red 1's to wear. Smh.
Me neither.  I'm not even seeing $300.  Everything is $350+ by me.  And its not worth it man... the shoe isn't $300 worth of build.  You could cop some dope *** Allan Edmonds etc. dress shoes for that.

That said if I saw them for $250 I'd do it and frown the entire time.  But these are one of my grails (and couldn't even get one pair)
Random thought. Would people go for this trade: DS Banned 1 sz 8.5, for 2 pairs of 2013 Black/Red 1's?

Not actually happening, just wondering.
Random thought. Would people go for this trade: DS Banned 1 sz 8.5, for 2 pairs of 2013 Black/Red 1's?

Not actually happening, just wondering.
Right now, probably not. Assuming 13' pairs start to sell for like 400 - 500 in a few months and Banned's stay at current price range then yeah I think so.
Some people just like to hear themselves talk.

and some people wanna reach with baseless crap and jump on the lynch mob mentality bandwagon to look cool trying to fire shots at proto (but later PM me on the low asking for help for something)...

and then when i defend myself they wanna make statements like your's here...

the original attack was dumb, it was only just last night where i first said maybe i don't wanna sell them now... so was i supposed to immediately go cancel my ebay listing for them cuz i said that, would that have made y'all happy? i will sell them if the price is right (to use the money to pay rape on a grail), otherwise i feel like they'll be worth more later, now that i know these 2013 retros are so limited.

but of course that opened the flood gates for proto hate, and laughs at a baseless attack that didn't even make sense...

y'all spent multiple pages laughing at a non-zing, talking about me, etc, and then when i try to defend myself and explain, all the sudden it's "some people like to hear themselves talk"... or "don't respond or feed into proto, don't get the thread off track" (when y'all were happy to let the thread go off track for multiple pages b4... so what? it's all good until i respond, then it's wrong? y'all want to be able to say whatever you want, and you want me to just not say anything and act like you're right, when you're wrong?)...


y'all are something else man...
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how was that a burn? did you not notice i've had those banneds up there on ebay for like a year? gladly letting them sit at $1k, and $1200 b4 that?
i've obviously been in no hurry to sell them, hence turning down offers of $750 (to be fair tho, that's been kinda low since cats have been paying $600+ for used pairs, and size 13 is more rare)...

i just haven't taken 'em down yet, in fact, i prolly won't, cuz if someone drops a stack on em then i prolly will sell 'em and use the money to pick up a grail (and will still have another pair of DS banneds = win)...

i wasn't saying i didn't wanna sell now cuz i love them so much, i was saying i think they're gonna be worth way more later. and usually when i predict these types of things, i'm right (held onto a few of the infrared pack, which for a few months after RD you could barely get retail for, then recently sold for $7 - 800 each... or how everyone said the yeezy 2's would make the 1's go down in price, i said they'd go up... people called me crazy, sure enough they almost doubled... etc, etc).

for a minute there i thought this 2013 retro would be in much larger numbers, and that would drive down the price a bit for the banneds, which is why i was considering taking like $750 for them...
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