Jesus Says Obama is The ANTICHRIST...

He does have some hard facts going for him. But I think it's some lowlife white supremacist who's still mad & can't get over change.

We will see.
Originally Posted by enlightenedespot

Nostradamus predicted that the third and final anti-christ would be a muslim.
If he is correct than it would more likely be Osama than Obama.

Muslims get blamed for everything now...
Where does Nostradamus predict this though?
Originally Posted by MoMoney848

Originally Posted by enlightenedespot

Nostradamus predicted that the third and final anti-christ would be a muslim.
If he is correct than it would more likely be Osama than Obama.

Muslims get blamed for everything now...
Where does Nostradamus predict this though?

all of Nostradamus' "predictions" are after a tragedy and someone goes reaching to find a link. He "predicted" the world to end in 2000also.
wow, this dude just made the biggest stretch ever
"U is sometimes used as an O"

So with his logic he just said "This can sometimes mean this when I want it to"
Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

I'm saying though, if the Antichrist had to be leader of any country on earth, i'd rather he be on our side.
No you don't.
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