Japan 9.0 Mag. Quake/Tsunami -HAITI stands with Japan [vid]

Another Tsunami alert? 
Tokyo (CNN) -- A meltdown may be under way at one of FukushimaDaiichi's nuclear power reactors in northern Japan, an official withJapan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency told CNN Sunday.
"Thereis a possibility, we see the possibility of a meltdown," said ToshihiroBannai, director of the agency's international affairs office, in atelephone interview from the agency's headquarters in Tokyo. "At thispoint, we have still not confirmed that there is an actual meltdown,but there is a possibility."

Though he said engineers have beenunable to get close enough to the core to know what's going on, hebased his conclusion on the fact that they measured radioactive cesiumand radioactive iodine in the air Saturday night.

"What we haveseen is only the slight indication from a monitoring post of cesium andiodine," he said. Since then, he said, plant officials have injectedsea water and boron into the plant in an effort to cool its nuclearfuel.

We have some confidence, to some extent, to make thesituation to be stable status," he said. "We actually have very goodconfidence that we will resolve this."

Astate of emergency has been declared for it and two of the other fivereactors at the same complex, he said. Three are in a safe, shut-downstate, he said. "The other two still have some cooling systems, but notenough capacity."
Tokyo (CNN) -- A meltdown may be under way at one of FukushimaDaiichi's nuclear power reactors in northern Japan, an official withJapan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency told CNN Sunday.
"Thereis a possibility, we see the possibility of a meltdown," said ToshihiroBannai, director of the agency's international affairs office, in atelephone interview from the agency's headquarters in Tokyo. "At thispoint, we have still not confirmed that there is an actual meltdown,but there is a possibility."

Though he said engineers have beenunable to get close enough to the core to know what's going on, hebased his conclusion on the fact that they measured radioactive cesiumand radioactive iodine in the air Saturday night.

"What we haveseen is only the slight indication from a monitoring post of cesium andiodine," he said. Since then, he said, plant officials have injectedsea water and boron into the plant in an effort to cool its nuclearfuel.

We have some confidence, to some extent, to make thesituation to be stable status," he said. "We actually have very goodconfidence that we will resolve this."

Astate of emergency has been declared for it and two of the other fivereactors at the same complex, he said. Three are in a safe, shut-downstate, he said. "The other two still have some cooling systems, but notenough capacity."
Hey brrraptors, are you allowed (comfortable) to say what plant you work at?  If you're working Saturday, you must be in OPs right?  Or just overtime?
Hey brrraptors, are you allowed (comfortable) to say what plant you work at?  If you're working Saturday, you must be in OPs right?  Or just overtime?
Props to everybody here for the genuine concern, and for keeping the thread well informed.

I was able to talk to some family and friends there over the last day or so. Sentiments ranging from "no problem" to absolutely terrified to "shikataganai."

Keep the good intel flowing. It helps everybody.
Props to everybody here for the genuine concern, and for keeping the thread well informed.

I was able to talk to some family and friends there over the last day or so. Sentiments ranging from "no problem" to absolutely terrified to "shikataganai."

Keep the good intel flowing. It helps everybody.
That arguement is kind of like saying why do Japanese people live on an island that is so earthquake/tsunami proof. Japan unfortunately didn't have much options as they don't have coal or oil like we do and with it's ever growing energy needs nuclear was the way to go. Remember many early placed ones like the one in question now was built by the USA. And remember this was the worse earthquake in their modern history and for over 50 years it stood fine versus the pollution a coal mine would've done in that area. In a perfect world they'll have sure proof clean energy but that day has yet to come. It was a calculated risk vs reward.
That arguement is kind of like saying why do Japanese people live on an island that is so earthquake/tsunami proof. Japan unfortunately didn't have much options as they don't have coal or oil like we do and with it's ever growing energy needs nuclear was the way to go. Remember many early placed ones like the one in question now was built by the USA. And remember this was the worse earthquake in their modern history and for over 50 years it stood fine versus the pollution a coal mine would've done in that area. In a perfect world they'll have sure proof clean energy but that day has yet to come. It was a calculated risk vs reward.
Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

quake is suppose to hit cali in < 5 years.......

I'm on my phone so: *insert applause gif*insert picture of Nostradamus. It doesn't take a genius to know that Cali is due for a major quake and it has nothing to do with 2012. Frankly I can't wait until 2013 so that nonsense can stop. We are in a seismic activity hit zone, not as bad as Japan but still volatile. There hasn't really been a major quake in NorCal since 1989 and there hasn't been one in SoCal since 1994. It's coming, if you experienced either, you know it's coming. There have been minor quakes since but nothing really major. I just hope that it happens during the day, nothing like your alarm being your house violently shaking and *$#! falling all over the place like in '94. I'm more concerned for this Nuclear situation. Hopefully they get it under control. Also there are dormant faults in the Northwest and Midwest that people should be concerned about. They can produce bigger quakes than the San Andreas.
Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

quake is suppose to hit cali in < 5 years.......

I'm on my phone so: *insert applause gif*insert picture of Nostradamus. It doesn't take a genius to know that Cali is due for a major quake and it has nothing to do with 2012. Frankly I can't wait until 2013 so that nonsense can stop. We are in a seismic activity hit zone, not as bad as Japan but still volatile. There hasn't really been a major quake in NorCal since 1989 and there hasn't been one in SoCal since 1994. It's coming, if you experienced either, you know it's coming. There have been minor quakes since but nothing really major. I just hope that it happens during the day, nothing like your alarm being your house violently shaking and *$#! falling all over the place like in '94. I'm more concerned for this Nuclear situation. Hopefully they get it under control. Also there are dormant faults in the Northwest and Midwest that people should be concerned about. They can produce bigger quakes than the San Andreas.
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