Japan 9.0 Mag. Quake/Tsunami -HAITI stands with Japan [vid]

All the stone faces posted in the history of NT can't describe those people. Goodness. 
those facebook statuses are beyond ignorant. karma this, karma that..what will they say if it happens to us? just terrible.
those facebook statuses are beyond ignorant. karma this, karma that..what will they say if it happens to us? just terrible.
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by ZeroGravity23

strong ignorance/10

Spoiler [+]

None of those people were even alive when that happened. "I ain't forgave japan for that" lol wut???
Not surprised at this ignorance though.
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by ZeroGravity23

strong ignorance/10

Spoiler [+]

None of those people were even alive when that happened. "I ain't forgave japan for that" lol wut???
Not surprised at this ignorance though.
Talks of radiation being measured in trace amounts all the way down in Tokyo. Hopefully that doesn't mean too much yet.

Jake Adelstein specifically mentioned that the Japanese media has been asked to prevent any sort of mass panic.
Talks of radiation being measured in trace amounts all the way down in Tokyo. Hopefully that doesn't mean too much yet.

Jake Adelstein specifically mentioned that the Japanese media has been asked to prevent any sort of mass panic.
ideo of Japans earthquake warning system warning this guy seconds before the quake hit. Plus he records the whole time while the quake is happening.
ideo of Japans earthquake warning system warning this guy seconds before the quake hit. Plus he records the whole time while the quake is happening.
I think its because pearl harbor the movie was just on last week on TBS I think but thats beyond ignorant
I think its because pearl harbor the movie was just on last week on TBS I think but thats beyond ignorant
im pretty confident the sea water cooling will suffice while they can either repair the systems or come up with other ideas for a permanent fix. just the fact that they had to introduce sea water at all means this place has probably seen the last of its operational days. it'll take far too long and cost too much to strip the plant down and refurb it, factor in its age and its probably gonna be put to bed.

the trace amounts of radiation could very well be from the activated steam that was released in an effort to keep the rising pressure under control. as with any contaminants being released into the environment the solution is always dilution. we all get radiation in everyday life, most of which is from cosmic rays. being a nuclear worker radiation is part of my life and sometimes i will be exposed to it, its the nature of the job. there are exposure limits which we comply with, my yearly limit is roughly 4 times the radiation people receive just from being out and about from the solar system. in my line of work its exposure to small levels on regular intervals, the human body is very adaptive and any undetectable damage done is repaired. talk to any medical specialist in the field and they'll tell you that the biggest problem is acute exposure. taking the dose i get in a year and receiving it in 1min is destructive. if you guys ever look up how much radiation you receive from x-rays, CT scans, mammograms and etc you'd be very surprised. there are airline pilots that receive more dose than me in a given year.

point im trying to make is, some official will have to calculate and give out a rough ballpark figure on how much radioactivity was released in the process of pressure control. put that into the environmental conditions, spread pattern etc and in the end the dose that someone far away could've gotten would be pretty minor. in the industry we are most worried about inhalation/ingestion of anything radioactive. even then, if in small amounts it doesn't do irreparable damage because your system flushes it out slowly over time. unless they lose the ability to circulate sea water somehow, i dont see this situation getting any worse and i hope im not wrong
im pretty confident the sea water cooling will suffice while they can either repair the systems or come up with other ideas for a permanent fix. just the fact that they had to introduce sea water at all means this place has probably seen the last of its operational days. it'll take far too long and cost too much to strip the plant down and refurb it, factor in its age and its probably gonna be put to bed.

the trace amounts of radiation could very well be from the activated steam that was released in an effort to keep the rising pressure under control. as with any contaminants being released into the environment the solution is always dilution. we all get radiation in everyday life, most of which is from cosmic rays. being a nuclear worker radiation is part of my life and sometimes i will be exposed to it, its the nature of the job. there are exposure limits which we comply with, my yearly limit is roughly 4 times the radiation people receive just from being out and about from the solar system. in my line of work its exposure to small levels on regular intervals, the human body is very adaptive and any undetectable damage done is repaired. talk to any medical specialist in the field and they'll tell you that the biggest problem is acute exposure. taking the dose i get in a year and receiving it in 1min is destructive. if you guys ever look up how much radiation you receive from x-rays, CT scans, mammograms and etc you'd be very surprised. there are airline pilots that receive more dose than me in a given year.

point im trying to make is, some official will have to calculate and give out a rough ballpark figure on how much radioactivity was released in the process of pressure control. put that into the environmental conditions, spread pattern etc and in the end the dose that someone far away could've gotten would be pretty minor. in the industry we are most worried about inhalation/ingestion of anything radioactive. even then, if in small amounts it doesn't do irreparable damage because your system flushes it out slowly over time. unless they lose the ability to circulate sea water somehow, i dont see this situation getting any worse and i hope im not wrong
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

ideo of Japans earthquake warning system warning this guy seconds before the quake hit. Plus he records the whole time while the quake is happening.

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

ideo of Japans earthquake warning system warning this guy seconds before the quake hit. Plus he records the whole time while the quake is happening.

I wonder if people in other countries are as ignorant, hateful and self-centered as we Americans are. We turn a blind eye to the bombs we drop on innocents in the middle east (and thats just in the past few yrs, this countries @(#@ list is OD) but we hold grudges against other nations forever. We have been programed to be hateful war mongers, that's who we are. It's probably not just us, humanity just sucks. No compassion for other human beings.
I wonder if people in other countries are as ignorant, hateful and self-centered as we Americans are. We turn a blind eye to the bombs we drop on innocents in the middle east (and thats just in the past few yrs, this countries @(#@ list is OD) but we hold grudges against other nations forever. We have been programed to be hateful war mongers, that's who we are. It's probably not just us, humanity just sucks. No compassion for other human beings.
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