Japan 9.0 Mag. Quake/Tsunami -HAITI stands with Japan [vid]

 Stupid broad......damn ignorant statements like that piss me off....anyways...thanks to whoever provided the Al Jazeera link....I hate that stuff like this happens...and just out of nowhere like this.....hopefully some of my military people out there will get on facebook or twitter and let everybody know they alright..but I hope EVERYONE out there will be ok...RIP to those who already lost their lives. Sad...so sad.
I just read up on the supermoon, the moon will appear 14% bigger and brighter on March 19th and its supposed to cause some really weird weather events.
I just read up on the supermoon, the moon will appear 14% bigger and brighter on March 19th and its supposed to cause some really weird weather events.
Originally Posted by stand4something

I just read up on the supermoon, the moon will appear 14% bigger and brighter on March 19th and its supposed to cause some really weird weather events.

Reminds me of Bruce Almighty...
Originally Posted by stand4something

I just read up on the supermoon, the moon will appear 14% bigger and brighter on March 19th and its supposed to cause some really weird weather events.

Reminds me of Bruce Almighty...
This particular earthquake was very strange. It lasted for more than a minute!

When the 89 earthquake happened here in the Bay it was only a few seconds.
This particular earthquake was very strange. It lasted for more than a minute!

When the 89 earthquake happened here in the Bay it was only a few seconds.
That comment and at people actually liking it. Are you serious? Damn b

I'm still amazed at that person in black running as the water is heading towards him. I dont' know what to say....
That comment and at people actually liking it. Are you serious? Damn b

I'm still amazed at that person in black running as the water is heading towards him. I dont' know what to say....
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