how was that him being a stan?

he was just making a point for what you previously?? goodl lord

lets drop this convo

I respect his point, but apparently I don't know what I'm talking about. I know I'm in a Cole thread, but someone comes in with a neautral mindset, and a little bit of criticism, and everyone goes nuts. I was a huge j Cole fan back in the day. In 2011 I went to go watch a show headlined by him. His first tour where he was the main act. Dude arrived an hour and a half late. Every rapper shows up late I get it. But the fact that this dude had the nerve to make his set 40 minutes, I couldn't believe it man. 40 minutes.. But ya lets drop it. I'm not trying to change yall opinion about him or anything. Keep supporting. That's what musics about. The dudes made it. Hopefully he keeps progressing
Explain, please. And it's bronconation. There's a n before the c. Don't be ignorant

Just look at your posts. You clearly don't understand the progression of a true artist who values their craft and doesn't feel like giving out everything for free that doesn't fit into a project.

I will never understand that ignorance or mentality from some hip-hop fans, that when someone reaches a certain level of success and has grown and evolved; the cop out answer is to call them a "sell out". That comes of lack of understanding and awareness of growth within. If you understood growth and evolution within yourself I think your view of Cole's evolution as an artist would not be as ignorant as you have displayed.
Just look at your posts. You clearly don't understand the progression of a true artist who values their craft and doesn't feel like giving out everything for free that doesn't fit into a project.

I will never understand that ignorance or mentality from some hip-hop fans, that when someone reaches a certain level of success and has grown and evolved; the cop out answer is to call them a "sell out". That comes of lack of understanding and awareness of growth within. If you understood growth and evolution within yourself I think your view of Cole's evolution as an artist would not be as ignorant as you have displayed.

I enjoyed reading this, and I respect it. Repped :pimp:
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