Iverson to the Pistons

Yall are missing the bigger issue. The Pistons are gonna have $20 millon in cap space for Lebron
im really gonna miss chancey billups love that dude i hope my pistons go 2 the finals this season
Originally Posted by Kal Ripped Ken

does this mean that iverson and billups will miss any games this week due to paperwork or whatever?

if so, that might be EXACTLY what I need to win my matchup this week

i think this will be great for both teams. im a stuckey fan so i hope they dont make him give up the number lol
im sorry but herrman FRIED the wizards the other nigh LOL ... if he can do that the pistons are a problem
a little shocked about a.i goin there.....thought he woulda wound up in orlando
the difference between this trade and the nuggets trade is ... ai has PROVEN talent around him ... rip tay sheed ... you all realize this is the first legitteam ai has ever been on? this is what hes been dreaming of ...
What I am hearing is that the key to the deal for Dumars was Iverson's expiring contract, per his blog. He wants to make a run at Bosh and Joe Johnson nextyear. He wants his lineup to look like this:

PG stuckey
SG joe johnson
SF tayshaun
PF amir johnson
C bosh
Originally Posted by Scottsauce88

Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

put it this way ... detroit wasnt winning !$%* this year as constructed pre trade ... now with ai, you just never know they could take off ...

they might not have won the championship before, but what does this trade bring that puts them over the top? Its not like they are clearly better than the Celtics and the Lakers or even on the same level. No one knows how the chemistry is going to work out. For all we know this is going to turn into another Philly and Denver situation where AI stunt peoples growth and takes shots away from other players.
there is no growth to stunt. Rip is Rip, Sheed is Sheed, Prince is Prince....they are what they are. It also doesn't stunt Stuck'sgrowth because he is still coming off the bench to replace Rip and AI instead of Rip and Billups.

The Pistons' problem the last few years is their inability to create their own shots during crunch time. They keep running the same plays over and overagain and when the 4th quarter comes around, the defense knows whats coming and doesn't allow them to run that "Rip coming off the Sheed/Dice screen" play any more. I'm sure AI can facilitate that "play" the same way Billups did. And when it doesn't work, now they actually havesomeone who can create his own shot and improvise/create a different shot for someone else.

Honesty, AI may not make the Pistons better because they'll still win their 50+ regular season games, make it deep into the playoffs but it gives them abetter chance of winning the close playoff games they've been losing the last couple years.
what makes anyone think AI can blend into a team like Detroit which has been known to have no "major" stars but a bunch of quality players combiningto form a team?

AI is still gonna wanna score 30+ a game which he cant do in the Pistons system

as a 76ers fan I love AI but he's the Dan Marino of the NBA
this deal came out of nowhere.
I'm glad to see AI back in the east on a contending team in a major market, hopefully this is his chance to finally get a ring. Detroit needed a shakeupand this just might be the move that puts them over the top.

This is a questionable move on Denver's part. They turned down an opportunity to trade Klieza for Artest last season.
They traded away Camby their onlycenter and the only one who played defense for a 2nd round pick, this offseason. Now they trade Iverson who had 21 million coming off their cap at the end ofthe season to take on Billups' longterm contract. This deal doesn't won't get them out of the first round assuming they even make the playoffs anddoesn't really make them a contender for anything within the next few years. Only good thing about this deal for the Nuggets is now Melo is the leaderagain.
Originally Posted by FLINTGREY

What I am hearing is that the key to the deal for Dumars was Iverson's expiring contract, per his blog. He wants to make a run at Bosh and Joe Johnson next year. He wants his lineup to look like this:

PG stuckey
SG joe johnson
SF tayshaun
PF amir johnson
C bosh
No Dammit, we need Bosh in Miami
I woke up this morning with the ESPN teller showing the trade.

I was like WHOA! Especially early in the season.
This really helps both teams, imo.

Denver gets a good PG now, plain & simple. They had Carter at point before, now they have someone who can score & run the offense.

With Detroit, they got the better end of the deal, imo, even though both sides did well.

Detroit gets a hungry superstar scorer now. AI plays better with vet players & this is the perfect situation for him. AI knows he has a better shot at aring now, that'll definitly get him playing at that high level every night. Billups was more ladi back, you'll have much more energy from Iverson,especially now.

Also, AI doesn't necessarily have to look to get everyone involved. Even though Rip needs to be set up, Sheed & Tayshaun can get there own shots.

Both teams benifited from this deal I think though.
This really shakes things up in the east.

Denver is the better team with Billups IMO, but it's going to be hard to contend out west with a healthy Lakers team.
Makes sense for Detroit. If AI doesn't pan out, Stuck is good to go, and he was going to be sitting behind Billups anyway (not as much, but still). If hedoes work out, then you have Stuck to backup Rip and AI (for as long as they both are around). Max has been stepping up anyway, so McD isn't going to be somissed. And for Denver (and especially George Karl) to get an actual, real real PG is great. Actually as I really think about it, Billups is more combo thanstraight PG, but MUCH LESS of a 2 than Ivo. But he takes about 2-3 shots a game, where you're like FTW was he thinking. But with their big man healthissues, the LAST THING Denver should do is waive McD.

All I keep thinking now is, (talent-wise) this trade makes the Camby deal look that much worse. Camby on this team now, puts them right in the West race IMO.Oh well, I'm sure that second-round pick will do wonders, Denver always does so well in the drafts...
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