I've been scammed and I need the help of NT detectives

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this thread is great 
i lol'ed until i cried...
i gave out all my reps...

this thread didn't just deliver. IT DELIVERED.

This thread slowed down a ton. Patiently waiting for that 11:59pm Sunday night reveal. Didn't techically didn't give the money back
Can't believe dude had the audacity to create a new SN to tell OP that "we can be your shoulder to lean on" 

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Yoo just read through the 1st like 15 pages. So mad i missed this. Did op ever get his money back? Has the scammer response to anything?
Read the whole thread yesterday. Lol you fools are too much man. I hope the scammer has seen everything in here. But you guys gotta chill with roasting dudes mom.
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