Its Time For The United States To Have A Serious Look At Gun Control Laws

its NOT the guns kills people,,,its the dumbass people shoot innocent people
But if a guns are harder to acquire for dumbasses, less people die.

Guns make it too easy for dumbasses to kill people. (duh)
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Honestly i don't think gun control laws will do anything, people of that nature will go out of there way to create destruction just the way james went out of his way to did what he did :smh:

Do i think America needs to take a look at gun control laws? yes, but that isn't the root of the problem however it will be big defense
the forefathers made this the second ammendment for a reason so if and when the people need to rebel against the government they have the power to do so. why would u want the people un armed?

You honestly think the people with their pistols and single shot rifles, stand a chance against the US Military? Come on now. This might have worked in the 1700's when we matched the Government shot for shot, but not anymore.
I love how the pro-gun people think "Guns don't kill people - people kill people" is the argument to end all arguments. Repeat it like a parrot - over and over again. Like checkmate - a completely air tight argument. Did you ever hear someone who is in favor of gun control argue for gun control because of some poltergeist killer gun going on a killing rampage on its own, reloading itself and everything? Of course a gun isn't going to harm anyone on its own if you just leave it lying on the table, unless it's a very faulty model. The point is that guns make the killing for people who want to kill people infinitely more simple.

And you can also stop with your ******ed "People get killed in traffic. Should we ban cars now too?" type arguments as well. You can't ban something that is made for something else and is of vital importance to modern society because it has a negative side effect. Guns on the other hand are made for one reason and one reason only: To kill.
personally...I thinks it's folly to make laws and regulations out of emotion instead of thorough analysis and debate

there we go. Why don't we get to the root of the issue, which obviously made this guy lash out, instead of trying to ban everything around us in a futile attempt to forcibly make everyone "nice."
I can't take anyone who thinks banning handguns, automatics, and big clips won't bring down murder rates across the country seriously.

Will people still murder other people? Yes. But it will be A LOT harder.

Why does nobody counter the statistics of other countries with gun laws?
there we go. Why don't we get to the root of the issue, which obviously made this guy lash out, instead of trying to ban everything around us in a futile attempt to forcibly make everyone "nice."
This is not a knee jerk thing though. It's BEEN KNOWN that guns should be banned. Statistics etc.

But when things like this happen and people against guns say "SEE!" Gun lobbyist say "Hey hey, let not make an emotional decision now"
i really don't think banning guns will change anything as i said. and do you realize how expensive a select fire assult rifle is? you're going to spend 15k at least. no one is buying those on a whim thinking "hey maybe i'll shoot up a theater today." not to mention you need to get it signed off by the police in your area. i'd like to see one case of a dude with a legal REAL assult rifle going ham and shooting something up. \

so you're saying the answer is only allowing hunting rifles? anyone who knows anything about guns could mod those and do just as much damage. the sks doesn't have detachable mags, you can still get stripper clips and reload them damn fast. all guns will never be banned.

maybe a tighter background check and checking your mental health but that's all i could really see happening. i'm not even against that. but don't make it impossible for the good dudes out there to get guns if they choose.
I can't take anyone who thinks banning handguns, automatics, and big clips won't bring down murder rates across the country seriously.
Will people still murder other people? Yes. But it will be A LOT harder.
Why does nobody counter the statistics of other countries with gun laws?

dude look at this list, do you think the us has more gun crimes then mexico? switzerland has half the gun owners per capita, do you think they have half the gun violence we have? hell no. gun ownership has nothing to do with it. it's well known sweeden, norway and finland have tons of guns yet a very low murder rate.
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Toronto is the 4th biggest city in NORTH AMERICA. Behind New York, LA, and Chicago.

There has been major shootings this year. But how does Toronto compare to the rest of the US?


You're gonna compare US to Mexico, where they have all out Drug Wars in the streets. Is Mexico even considered a 1st world country?

Bring me numbers. "tons of guns" is a joke.
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i love guns...GUNS stays in the house for our own personal protection with the exception of the law enforcement,
I can't take anyone who thinks banning handguns, automatics, and big clips won't bring down murder rates across the country seriously.
Will people still murder other people? Yes. But it will be A LOT harder.
Why does nobody counter the statistics of other countries with gun laws?

Although I strongly agree that gun laws should be a lot stricter here, following Australia's, Canada's and UK's gun bans the crime rates skyrocketed. But people with mental health issues, criminal records, and even high school drop outs shouldn't be allowed near weapons IMO.
What happened is a sad situation but being that alot of things that are going to be suggested by Americans is going to be a quick fix,an answer to the why's.
Most of us usually don't take into consideration the history of America(violence,war,civil unrest,eradication) thus making us fall short sighted every time something of this nature happens, with alot of answer,some resolutions but never a solution.
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ok, i'm talking about legal gun ownership. not colombia in 2000 which was worse than it is now. or mexico in 94 which is 100x worse than that now. i don't just mean murder rates, i mean murder rate vs legal owners. switzerland damn near every male in the country has a gun.
Just have one quick thought...

Why are we allowed to have automatic rifles? And why are we allowed to have a stock pile as if an enemy wanted to square up w/ us on are own turf. Makes no sense.

There should be a limit to TYPE of weapon and a limit the NUMBERS we may have. 

/Thread (as far as I am concerned)
Just have one quick thought...
Why are we allowed to have automatic rifles? And why are we allowed to have a stock pile as if an enemy wanted to square up w/ us on are own turf. Makes no sense.
There should be a limit to TYPE of weapon and a limit the NUMBERS we may have. 
/Thread (as far as I am concerned)

I'm pretty sure that fully automatic weapons manufactured after 1985 are illegal. You can buy lets say an m16 made before that date for $16,000, or one made after thats semi for $1,500. Then all you have to do is find the parts and convert it info a fully automatic(which is illegal, but who's watching). 'Merica.
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you don't just swap a few 10 dollar parts and boom you're fully auto. you need the receiver and good luck finding that... anyone who says they modded their gun to be fully auto is lying.
you don't just swap a few 10 dollar parts and boom you're fully auto. you need the receiver and good luck finding that... anyone who says they modded their gun to be fully auto is lying.

LOL.. Sure... I know at least 3 people who have done it personally. Its not that hard if you know the right people.
FRIDAY, JUL 20, 2012 4:20 PM UTC
[h1]Aurora: We shouldn’t be surprised[/h1]
[h2]It's shocking that shootings like the one in Aurora don't happen more often: They're easy to carry out[/h2]


Eyewitness Chandler Brannon, 25, sits outside Gateway High School where witnesses were brought for questioning after a shooting at a movie theater showing the Batman movie "The Dark Knight Rises," Friday, July 20, 2012 in Aurora. A gunman wearing a gas mask set off an unknown gas and fired into the crowded movie theater killing 12 people and injuring at least 50 others, authorities said. (AP Photo/Barry Gutierrez)  (Credit: AP/Barry Gutierrez)

America is a violent country – our homicide rate is four to 12 times higher than that in more civilized parts of the world – and Aurora, Colo., is more violent than the average American town. A down-market suburb of Denver, it sees an average of about 20 of its 325,000 residents murdered each year.

This fact is a matter of almost total indifference to the local – let alone the national – media, since the murders are rarely considered noteworthy by the news business, which is to say the victims are rarely either sufficiently rich or telegenic to garner more than cursory attention.

A lot of people – about 15,000 at present – get murdered in the United States every year. Most of these people get killed in places that, roughly speaking, look something like Aurora: places where the people are poorer and less white than in America in general, and who are therefore by definition not very interesting or important.

Of course these rules don’t hold if some lunatic kills a dozen people at once, especially in a normally innocuous public space, such as a multi-screen movie theater, which interesting and important people can picture themselves within. So today murder in Aurora, Colo., is an interesting and important topic.

Among other things, this kind of crime highlights the absurdity of “security theater” – the almost wholly symbolic rigmarole to which Americans subject ourselves in a few symbolic places, such as airports, government buildings and the like. Anybody in this country who wants to kill a lot of people in a crowded public space can do so fairly easily. The fact this almost never happens – and that when it does happen the act almost never has a political motive – indicates how wildly overstated the threat of terrorism is in America today.

If we faced any kind of real terrorist threat, incidents like the Aurora shooting (except with a political motive) would happen all the time, since, again, there’s nothing that can be done to stop them. That they don’t illustrates the extent to which “terrorism” is a politically useful bogeyman, deployed by the national security state for reasons that have almost nothing to with actual considerations of public safety and everything to do with cultivating a sufficiently fearful and docile populace.

Indeed, leaving aside considerations of terrorism altogether, the surprising thing about the Aurora shooting is that incidents of this type don’t happen more often. We live in a (compared to the rest of the developed world) extraordinarily violent, deeply economically stratified nation, with more than 270 million guns floating around – enough to arm every adult and half the kids in the nation.

A lot of Americans are broke, or angry, or paranoid, or all three, and a lot of these people are heavily armed. It’s not exactly a shock that this combination of factors helps produce 15,000 murders per year.
dude look at this list, do you think the us has more gun crimes then mexico? switzerland has half the gun owners per capita, do you think they have half the gun violence we have? hell no. gun ownership has nothing to do with it. it's well known sweeden, norway and finland have tons of guns yet a very low murder rate.

it's people like you that have a mindset that you have to have a gun and that ownership has nothing to do with it.. the less people have guns, the less people die.. simple as that.. because irresponsible people+guns= kill..
it's people like you that have a mindset that you have to have a gun and that ownership has nothing to do with it.. the less people have guns, the less people die.. simple as that.. because irresponsible people+guns= kill..

exactly! People are worried that their guns will get taken away. They think "Oh well, I like guns, so they should be easy to get". This has nothing to do with taking peoples guns away, this is about making it more stringent to acquire in the 1st place. I think a mental health evaluation (at the cost of the prospective owner) should be very high on the list of requirements.

In Pittsburgh, I can literally walk in any store and walkout with a rifle or handgun. In the state of Pennsylvania, a concealed carry permit is $19, and can be had the same day.
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