Its Time For The United States To Have A Serious Look At Gun Control Laws

You and the other people in that room are more prepared than that armed gunman.

No we're not. If someone runs into a crowded, public area to inflict this kind of damage they've thought about it for a long while, even if they're crazy. A bunch of strangers don't have the same time to plan countermeasures.
yeah, and that is exactly what that idiot thought too... and it is that mindset that makes this country more dangerous than any other country
yeah, and that is exactly what that idiot thought too... and it is that mindset that makes this country more dangerous than any other country

Do the countries Somalia or Mexico ring a bell? The hell you talking about this is the most dangerous country, I could think of 50 others off the top of my head.
No we're not. If someone runs into a crowded, public area to inflict this kind of damage they've thought about it for a long while, even if they're crazy. A bunch of strangers don't have the same time to plan countermeasures.
But it's all of you versus one of him. There's a much better probability that at least one of you will be able to put a bullet in him before he takes out all of you. Remember, you're not taking out a drug ring; you're defending yourself.
Again falling back on the hope that a bunch of people getting into a firefight are somehow going to manage to get a lucky shot if someone attacks them is ridiculous and a terrible reason for arming every single person. If I'm a criminal and I know everyone has a handgun, guess what? I'm getting an assault rifle. And when normal people see criminals have that they're going to want to step up their arsenals "to feel protected". We've seen this over the last few decades with gangs both against themselves and against the police. You have to tighten the current restrictions and then put the fire to those selling illegal arms.
But guns do exist, and people do use them to kill others. People know how to make guns. It's not like they're going to magically *poof* out of existence.

We can discourage people from committing gun violence but making laws harsher. They have no problems tapping your phones why can't we put live tracking on bullets and guns.

How about we start throwing people in jail for 15+ years for gun law offenders.

I'm not saying this would turn our world into Utopia, but there are ways we can better control how guns are used in this country.... the problem is no one cares until a few white people in Colorado die. :smh:
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Again falling back on the hope that a bunch of people getting into a firefight are somehow going to manage to get a lucky shot if someone attacks them is ridiculous and a terrible reason for arming every single person. If I'm a criminal and I know everyone has a handgun, guess what? I'm getting an assault rifle. And when normal people see criminals have that they're going to want to step up their arsenals "to feel protected". We've seen this over the last few decades with gangs both against themselves and against the police. You have to tighten the current restrictions and then put the fire to those selling illegal arms.
You can't. Much like the current War on Drugs, cracking down on gun rights will just result in more black market trade. I'd rather everyone have a gun and take their lives into their own hands than just the criminals having firearms and being able to control the lives of millions. I want to control my destiny, not some lunatic who just happened to know the right people to acquire an illegal firearm.

We can discourage people from committing gun violence but making laws harsher. They have no problems tapping your phones why can't we put live tracking on bullets and guns.
How about we start throwing people in jail for 15+ years for gun law offenders.
I'm not saying this would turn our world into Utopia, but there are ways we can better control how guns are used in this country.... the problem is no one cares until a few white people in Colorado die. :smh:

Criminals don't use legal firearms, they get them under the table. How exactly are you going to tap a device made out of metal and wood that doesn't use electricity? And sure, throw the people that carry illegal weapons in prison. I have absolutely no problem with that.
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You're not controlling your destiny you're giving it over to everyone else you hope is capable of handling a weapon correctly

July 20, 2012

[h1]We’ve Seen This Movie Before[/h1]

[h6]By ROGER EBERT[/h6]

JAMES HOLMES, who opened fire before the midnight premiere of “The Dark Knight Rises,” could not have seen the movie. Like many whose misery is reflected in violence, he may simply have been drawn to a highly publicized event with a big crowd. In cynical terms, he was seeking a publicity tie-in. He was like one of those goofballs waving in the background when a TV reporter does a stand-up at a big story.

James Holmes must also have been insane, and his inner terror expressed itself, as it often does these days, in a link between pop culture and firearms. There was nothing bigger happening in his world right now than the new Batman movie, and in preparation for this day, or another like it, he was purchasing firearms and booby-trapping his apartment. When he was arrested after the shootings, he made no attempt at resistance. His mission was accomplished.

I’m not sure there is an easy link between movies and gun violence. I think the link is between the violence and the publicity. Those like James Holmes, who feel the need to arm themselves, may also feel a deep, inchoate insecurity and a need for validation. Whenever a tragedy like this takes place, it is assigned catchphrases and theme music, and the same fragmentary TV footage of the shooter is cycled again and again. Somewhere in the night, among those watching, will be another angry, aggrieved loner who is uncoiling toward action. The cinematic prototype is Travis Bickle of “Taxi Driver.” I don’t know if James Holmes cared deeply about Batman. I suspect he cared deeply about seeing himself on the news.

Should this young man — whose nature was apparently so obvious to his mother that, when a ABC News reporter called, she said “You have the right person” — have been able to buy guns, ammunition and explosives? The gun lobby will say yes. And the endless gun control debate will begin again, and the lobbyists of the National Rifle Association will go to work, and the op-ed thinkers will have their usual thoughts, and the right wing will issue alarms, and nothing will change. And there will be another mass murder.

That James Holmes is insane, few may doubt. Our gun laws are also insane, but many refuse to make the connection. The United States is one of few developed nations that accepts the notion of firearms in public hands. In theory, the citizenry needs to defend itself. Not a single person at the Aurora, Colo., theater shot back, but the theory will still be defended.

I was sitting in a Chicago bar one night with my friend McHugh when a guy from down the street came in and let us see that he was packing heat.

“Why do you need to carry a gun?” McHugh asked him.

“I live in a dangerous neighborhood.”

“It would be safer if you moved.”

This would be an excellent time for our political parties to join together in calling for restrictions on the sale and possession of deadly weapons. That is unlikely, because the issue has become so closely linked to paranoid fantasies about a federal takeover of personal liberties that many politicians feel they cannot afford to advocate gun control.

Immediately after a shooting last month in the food court of the Eaton Centre mall in Toronto, a young woman named Jessica Ghawi posted a blog entry. Three minutes before a gunman opened fire, she had been seated at the exact place he fired from.

“I was shown how fragile life was,” she wrote. “I saw the terror on bystanders’ faces. I saw the victims of a senseless crime. I saw lives change. I was reminded that we don’t know when or where our time on Earth will end. When or where we will breathe our last breath.”

This same woman was one of the fatalities at the midnight screening in Aurora. The circle of madness is closing.

Roger Ebert is the film critic of the Chicago Sun-Times and the author of “Life Itself: A Memoir.”



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underlined for emphasis. /thread. i couldn't have said it better myself. this out of control system we have on guns in this county is a result of the LEGALIZED corruption of bureaucrats known as lobbying. and i totally agree, the media is gonna make a frenzy about this, people are gonna blame video games LOL and point to some reason as to why this guy shot up a movie theater. whatever the reason, the issue at hand is that he was able to get strapped up on some modern warfare steez, and nothing will change. money is the only language of washington.

so my fellow NTers, ib4 the next massacre.
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You're not controlling your destiny you're giving it over to everyone else you hope is capable of handling a weapon correctly

They've been correctly trained, so I don't see why not. Why don't you complain about police officers given the right to carry handguns in public? How many instances have there been when the police have shot a civilian? What if the training is a slightly modified version of the police training course? There are plenty of ways to make this work.
We can discourage people from committing gun violence but making laws harsher. They have no problems tapping your phones why can't we put live tracking on bullets and guns.
How about we start throwing people in jail for 15+ years for gun law offenders.
I'm not saying this would turn our world into Utopia, but there are ways we can better control how guns are used in this country.... the problem is no one cares until a few white people in Colorado die.
you really think someone like the shooter cared about consequences?

situations like these are premeditated and would have happened regardless...
They've been correctly trained, so I don't see why not. Why don't you complain about police officers given the right to carry handguns in public? How many instances have there been when the police have shot a civilian? What if the training is a slightly modified version of the police training course? There are plenty of ways to make this work.

Jesus, we're never going to see eye to eye on this, alright? You can't compare police and military PEOPLE WHO HAVE DEDICATED THEIR LIVES AND SPEND EVERY MOMENT OF THEIR JOBS TO MAKING SURE THEY KNOW WHAT DO IN THESE TYPES OF SITUATIONS to people who, in a perfect system, maybe take a few classes and hopefully get a good shot if someone comes in with a gun. And there have a been a bunch of instances where cops have shot civilians and each one is a tragedy and those numbers would only increase if you gave more people with less training and less oversight lethal weapons. Drop it, you're a brick wall on this and I'm not longer going to engage you in this discussion since you seem committed to thinking we live in a world where everyone has the dedication and training of an FPS AI.
Jesus, we're never going to see eye to eye on this, alright? You can't compare police and military PEOPLE WHO HAVE DEDICATED THEIR LIVES AND SPEND EVERY MOMENT OF THEIR JOBS TO MAKING SURE THEY KNOW WHAT DO IN THESE TYPES OF SITUATIONS to people who, in a perfect system, maybe take a few classes and hopefully get a good shot if someone comes in with a gun. And there have a been a bunch of instances where cops have shot civilians and each one is a tragedy and those numbers would only increase if you gave more people with less training and less oversight lethal weapons. Drop it, you're a brick wall on this and I'm not longer going to engage you in this discussion since you seem committed to thinking we live in a world where everyone has the dedication and training of an FPS AI.

All I want is a world in which I can take my life into my own hands. I don't want to have my only sentient existence taken from me because I didn't have the chance to protect it.
personally...I thinks it's folly to make laws and regulations out of emotion instead of thorough analysis and debate
personally...I thinks it's folly to make laws and regulations out of emotion instead of thorough analysis and debate

agreed but this gun regulation issue has been debated since the beginning of time...what does it take for actual change to occur?
Gun laws only affect the citizens that are law-abiding. So stricter gun laws only means that those who have the potential to stop these tragedies are fewer and more far between.
Immediately after a shooting last month in the food court of the Eaton Centre mall in Toronto, a young woman named Jessica Ghawi posted a blog entry. Three minutes before a gunman opened fire, she had been seated at the exact place he fired from.

“I was shown how fragile life was,” she wrote. “I saw the terror on bystanders’ faces. I saw the victims of a senseless crime. I saw lives change. I was reminded that we don’t know when or where our time on Earth will end. When or where we will breathe our last breath.”

This same woman was one of the fatalities at the midnight screening in Aurora. The circle of madness is closing.

Me=mind is blown :smh:
I enjoy the let's have everyone carry guns.. That'll solve it. :rofl:

Senseless murders will skyrocket.

The answer isn't ban all guns.. The answer is changing the ridiculously laxed gun laws in this country.. One of the expired gun bills would have made the rifle the gunman used illegal.. But because NRA pushes millions in the political sphere, nothing ever gets down about guns..
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That just means the choppa will become more popular.
A lot harder to conceal a choppa. Can't buy a choppa at Wal-Mart.

why? you're only going to carry one for self defense.
You don't need a gun for self defence.

And u believe that? U ban guns, all law abiding citizens surrender their firearms, then u have a bunch of criminals out there knowing there is a lesser chance of someone defending themselves w/ a firearm.
If we're banning guns, let's ban anything that causes death. medicine, vehicles, abortion, knives, etc etc.
The problem isn't the ppl who obtain guns legally, it's those that don't have any sense about being a responsible gun owner, whether they obtain them legally or not
Yes. You don't?

Less guns on the streets = fewer gun related deaths

Please don't make up fantasy scenarios. Do they wild out in other countries guns are banned?

It's shown in plenty of statistic. In developed countries, US tops everyone else in gun related deaths per capita.

Medicine isn't made to kill people. Vehicles aren't made to kill people. Knives aren't made to kill people.
you need a gun for self defense if you're defending yourself against someone with a gun.

do you really think an outright ban will change a thing? i paid more for my legal gun than i could have picked up a dirty gun for. let's face it, you can't do anything about it. there will always be crazy people.

i do wish with these circumstances they would just take dude out back and shoot him. why waste the tax payers money? he was caught red handed. just off him and get it over with.
I have no problem with guns. Im in the military, I'm around them all day, I'm around gun lovers all day, and I recently participated in an NRA shooting competition.....BUT I do have a problem with how easy it is to get guns. There definitely needs to be a mental health screening. Its just become too easy. In Pennsylvania, it costs $19 to get your concealed carry permit THE SAME DAY. The fact that gun laws are different in every state doesnt help much either
you need a gun for self defense if you're defending yourself against someone with a gun.
do you really think an outright ban will change a thing? i paid more for my legal gun than i could have picked up a dirty gun for. let's face it, you can't do anything about it. there will always be crazy people.
i do wish with these circumstances they would just take dude out back and shoot him. why waste the tax payers money? he was caught red handed. just off him and get it over with.
Nah, running would probably be more effective. If you get shot, you were probably gonna get shot before you had an opportunity to pull out your own gun anyway.

Yes. Like I said, look t the statistics. Gun related deaths are CLEARLY lower in countries where handguns are illegal.

Why was there no legal gun carrying heroes there to save the day in the theatre?
real life...
na man wouldnt work... dumb people will still get a gun and not be abo
people who drive like poo have drivers licenses...

You're assuming that the examination would be just as easy as driving a motor vehicle for a few hours and taking a written examination. What's wrong with competent, mentally healthy individuals carrying arms?[/quote]

real life...

you never know when someone will snap...
Nah, running would probably be more effective. If you get shot, you were probably gonna get shot before you had an opportunity to pull out your own gun anyway.
Yes. Like I said, look t the statistics. Gun related deaths are CLEARLY lower in countries where handguns are illegal.
Why was there no legal gun carrying heroes there to save the day in the theatre?

if i'm gonna get shot i'd like the option to shoot back. not just run away and take a few in the back. :lol:

what would banning hand guns do anyways? when do crazy people go shoot up a theater with a glock? they always have a rifle of some sort.

i don't know where the heros were, i was asking myself that. i thought everyone carried a gun in colorado. all it would have took is a few people who had some time behind their pistols to lay him out. legal gun owners usually practice alot and get alot of range time. at least i do, it's a hobby. all it would have taken is one skilled dude to put him down. yeah people would have got shot regardless but not 70 of them. dude had time to reload and everything. vest on or not if someone was shooting back it wouldn't have lasted as long as it did.
if i'm gonna get shot i'd like the option to shoot back. not just run away and take a few in the back. :lol:
what would banning hand guns do anyways? when do crazy people go shoot up a theater with a glock? they always have a rifle of some sort.
i don't know where the heros were, i was asking myself that. i thought everyone carried a gun in colorado. all it would have took is a few people who had some time behind their pistols to lay him out. legal gun owners usually practice alot and get alot of range time. at least i do, it's a hobby. all it would have taken is one skilled dude to put him down. yeah people would have got shot regardless but not 70 of them. dude had time to reload and everything. vest on or not if someone was shooting back it wouldn't have lasted as long as it did.
1 person dies vs. 2 people die. Lose lose to me. Like I said, you'd probably get hit before you can find/pull out your gun anyway.

That's why automatics should be banned as well as big clips. If you're not on a battlefield when is there ever a need to spray rounds.

The only guns that I think should be legal are big *** hunting rifles, for owners with hunting licenses.

People will see you coming with a rifle, lots of time to run. limited rounds to dodge.

Like I said. The right to carry arms didn't help anyone in that scenario did it?

More guns don't help.
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