.::It's Official, The Jewelry Thread Vol. 10: Kiddin' like Jason::.

Damn Lax you're freaken lame just stop it already I know for a fact you say this alot!!!!!!!
I never said it was HIS personal piece

but it does have suspicion to me after seeing that

Coming soon than the haters and my enemies want me too.........Believe that...Jay The Jeweler, INC for 2008-2009 biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiches...

the big homie bump j...i need a close up of this joint..this piece is hard...and i think jason made this as well..
Originally Posted by Rjwco

I never said it was HIS personal piece

but it does have suspicion to me after seeing that

why do you keep trying to imply it if its not.. what are you trying to say? and no one really cares if he was exposed since most south dudes rightnow have boo boo diamonds anyway and its known.. your the #$$ for even attempting to expose ppl with your fake #$$ rock piece and giving away watches to djskee
Fiji, China? No Internet? The only person in the U.S with the BB Bold? He started the blog movement? He making platinum hits?
Originally Posted by cquan05
People really need to start being more humble especially my young black dudes with money. I dunno maybe I feel this way because I'm not ofmoney (yet) but there are waaaay more important things to worry about than people posting blogs about my lost jewelry. I just came back from Las Vegas forBarack Obama's Drive for Change Nevada Campaign and there are people losing their homes. There are livelihoods at stake and all Sean Kingston can worryabout is someone posting some bs about his garbage of a Crayola pendant...
I seriously hoped that would've been a wake up call for him to realize that he needs to make sure that he secures his money in something oftrue value. Now, I don't know what his money looks like however his position in the entertainment industry is not guaranteed and he (along with many otheryoung artists) need to realize that music acts are a dime a dozen and DISPOSEABLE.... You are young, fresh, and new but how long will your sound be in season?How long will your trend last? To secure your place in the business you must not only have an appeal and commercialization but an accurate representation andamplifier of voices shouting to be heard... *sigh*

Sorry for the rant but after watching that video and seeing what I saw in vegas I felt like I needed to put that out there.... On with the jewels...
smh @ that clown....
I can call him out. lol. I'm gonna go hard at fake recession proof cats.
he's doin good. NOT CRAZY. and the bold? cmon, look at the date of my pics from myspace with my card. lol

Originally Posted by BENBALLER

smh @ that clown....
I can call him out. lol. I'm gonna go hard at fake recession proof cats.
he's doin good. NOT CRAZY. and the bold? cmon, look at the date of my pics from myspace with my card. lol

'preciate it....
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