issues in the white community...

True life: I'm white, but I'm not allowed to enjoy it.

ie: can't say you're proud to be white/anglo
have to act guilty about being able to go to college
never give yourself the benefit of the doubt - if you said something, it was probably racist
probably forgetting a few things but you get the idea

basically dealing with a bunch of white guilt, that's the main issue today for whites today.
Originally Posted by illadelALLDAY

Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

Originally Posted by DEpast

For white males, the main problem is the difficulty of being hired when matched up with other races with similar education/experience. Rather than choose the best candidate, oftentimes hiring the white guy is the last resort because it "looks good on the company" to hire someone of color. It's reverse racism.

That's because the company is already filled with other white males/females of similar background. While that minority will most likely be one of only a handful that has ever been hired by the company. Also more times than not that minority is the best candidate.
There's a big difference between a racial issue and a social issue. Many in here are describing social issues of poor whites, while ignoring the historical reasons why poor whites were made to be seen as separate and superior to poor blacks. Simple divide and conquer tactics that were perpetrated by the elite for over a century and championed by the middle class. Now that the veil has been lifted over the life of true despair that they live, the absurdity that social issues are now racial issues are screamed from the highest mountain top.

The problem is that we're all paying for the sins of the past. We are all struggling for the American dream and some among us won't accept or even acknowledge that the reason things are as they lay is because their ancestors were duped. Now when they look around and say to themself you're middle class, I'm middle class ... you scored a 2000, I scored a 2050 you have a 3.5, I have a 3.5 so why is it you can get X while I can only go to Y ... why do you get 20 grand when I can only get 10 grand .... We're both equals so why is it because you're black/brown/blue/red you're getting more ....................... Divide and Conquer

lolwut? Explain this while not sounding like it was one of the most idiotic things ever uttered. Don't worry, I'll wait.

I stopped reading after that utterly racist remark.
Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

, it is pretty funny when "minorities" complain about white privilege, yet know nothing about being white; yet, are quick to tell whites they know nothing about the experiences of "minorities."

The ignorance of NT is amazing.  and when all else fails, throw a few insults, accuse someone of being a racist, problem solved.
Ignorance is a common trait in all races. At least we have that in common.
Agree with 8tothe24 and TeamJordan- @ ATGD, this explains some of it
I'm not buying you have to be white to know about white privilege as if white privilege only affects white ppl. That was a foolish and thoughtless statement. You can't be serious to agree with someone trying to compare white privilege to something like a group's culture or something case specific like that or the part about just insults and calling someone a racist to be done with it. It seems some of those responses are from ppl not actually reading the thread the last few pages or assuming meanings behind posts. So far in this whole white privilege topic we haven't even got past some ppl's denial of it for me to see some rampant display of ignorance. Nothing from that of his post really answers or addresses my previous post.

Now I agree with Team Jordan but that too isn't really dealing with ppl running away form the topic and assuming things of ppl who have to waste time to say white privilege is not a myth. All these little label excuses are baseless. There aren't any examples of ppl being bitter, ignorant, etc. when we haven't even gotten past the fact that white privilege is a real thing. I mean reread the posts since that topic was raised. Nobody has actually even dug in to the topic and discussed it yet and with posts where some ppl deny it's existence and replies about ppl blaming another group for even bringing it up it seems we won't even get to.


MAn I hope I find the transcript or vid for these scenes from Get On The Bus. They are so poignantly describing arguments brought up in this very thread.
Originally Posted by ectheg

True life: I'm white, but I'm not allowed to enjoy it.

ie: can't say you're proud to be white/anglo
have to act guilty about being able to go to college
never give yourself the benefit of the doubt - if you said something, it was probably racist
probably forgetting a few things but you get the idea

basically dealing with a bunch of white guilt, that's the main issue today for whites today.
Add this to the mix (I'm white too):

If I don't "hook-up" a black person with a discount at my job, I'm racist. I've worked a number of part-time retail jobs in addition to my day-to-day and I can't even describe how many times I've been called racist for not giving something away for free or hooking someone up.

The whole 'white people are mad because blacks have a chip on their shoulder' is the honest to God truth. I did not NOTHING to deserve the backlash I receive now for being white. What my ancestors did, though brutal inhumane and despicable, has nothing to do with me.

But here's how society views me, citizens that aren't white: I vote republican, must be racist. I'm against abortion, must be racist. I'm for getting a job and against food stamps, must be racist. I don't like 30 inch rims, must be racist. I prefer alternative music over rap, must be racist. I get mad when a black comedian imitates a nerdy white person, must be racist.

You get the idea.

1st few minutes of each. I'd hope I wouldn't have to explain what parts I agree with and what parts I clearly don't and what's pertinent to this thread/recent discussion.
Originally Posted by Truballa101

Originally Posted by hongcouver604

Originally Posted by Truballa101

Because white people, historically, have never been judged because of their many cases they have capitalized because of their race.

Black people need to show a little more pride in their culture, community, and race because we have actually gone through historical struggles and equality imbalances and we are still on the "come-up."
It's sad to say but white people (generally) are on a higher level than other races. Showing pride for them is almost like "bragging."
You can't be serious...
OK...maybe I used the wrong choice of words but come on.
Take two people with the same qualities, same education and same experiences, and in most cases White People have the edge because of their skin color
aight then... glad you reworded it b/c i was like "que?" 

i think its more of the fact that white people in general look DOWN on other races, instead of looking up at their own.

Originally Posted by bleach

Originally Posted by Hermosa Beach

White privlidge is a make believe term

I wish I could benifit from some of it if it really did exist. My life sucks
it's so ingrained in american society that most white people are completely oblivious to it
white people are accustomed to turning on the television, or looking in a magazine and seeing people of their own race represented all the time.  white people are accustomed to learning about history in school, and being shown people of their own color that made civilization what it is.  all of these things are standard in this society

How is that a privilege? This country was founded by ex- British people and the trash of every other Euro country, so of course over time the media will be a representation of that because that's the majority. Not only that, you keep speaking as if white people come from a single country where they all share the same culture and history. They don't. The only time I see anything of my culture on American media is when we're represented as terrorists and evil people. Did I mention we're white too? If I can recall correctly, Hitler had a pretty bad impact on the Jewish people and they weren't exactly welcome in America either. They're one of the most powerful people on earth now.  
2011 is the first year non white babies out numbered white babies. They are going to continue to outnumber white babies until the end of time. So I'm curious in about 10-20 years when whites are the minority, what's going to happen? Things will surely change and you will start seeing whoever the majority is in the media. The same problems will still be here because it's always the rich vs. the poor; not black vs. white. So when Latinos become the majority and the media climate changes to cater to them will they have a Latino/Spanish privilege?
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

1st few minutes of each. I'd hope I wouldn't have to explain what parts I agree with and what parts I clearly don't and what's pertinent to this thread/recent discussion.

This goes for DEpast's response to what I wrote, too.
The underlying assumption in those clips is that "whiteness" is fundamentally wrong. So the more you reject your whiteness (jewish guy talking about holocaust, parents marching on Washington, etc) the better person you are. I can't say whether whites should reject their heritage/privilege or whatever you want to call it, but America today definitely expects it. 
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Wait, if it's intended for minorities why would it even be an option for a white person? Are there not a ton of other non-minority intended scholarships to apply for? I'm not about to take issue with a Native American/Indigenous people scholarship I can't apply for so why should you?

As far as affirmative action, there's a reason it was created (you know that thing some ppl are claiming is a myth) and why it's still upheld in certain work places.

the scholarship committee didnt word it properly. They never had a white winner of the scholarship before.
Also, Im black so I have no issue with there being minority based scholarships. I guess my attempt at humor failed
White people get blamed for pretty much everything. I remember there was a study done a few years ago which came to the conclusion that the SAT was biased towards white people and against blacks/Latinos because of the grammar/writing sections. Are you @#$@$! serious? That itself is a racist @#$ conclusion, since it's basically saying blacks and Latinos are unable to learn English. 
The worst one is being blamed for kids not succeeding in school in "urban" environments. I went to the same garbage @#$ schools as all the other kids in my majority Mexican/black neighborhood and came from a poor background like the majority of the students, yet still made it to a good private high school and college. The kids I went to school with REFUSED to educate themselves. They were too busy clowning on kids like me because we wore Payless velcro shoes and garbage @#$ clothes from Factory 2 U (funny thing is that they would come to school in their new Nikes and fresh clothes but would stand in lines for free breakfast and lunch), cussing out teachers, getting in fights, etc. The "nerdy" blacks and Latinos (who also came from the SAME environments as the others) were shunned by the other kids; maybe minorities need to address that aspect of their communities instead of blaming it on white people. 

Of course someone's going to post some sob story about a minority kid starving and working 3 jobs to support his family (happened in the thread about the Forbes article) and therefore failing in school, as if that's how most of these kids are 
Originally Posted by Truballa101

Originally Posted by hongcouver604

Originally Posted by Truballa101

Because white people, historically, have never been judged because of their many cases they have capitalized because of their race.

Black people need to show a little more pride in their culture, community, and race because we have actually gone through historical struggles and equality imbalances and we are still on the "come-up."
It's sad to say but white people (generally) are on a higher level than other races. Showing pride for them is almost like "bragging."
That's somewhat incorrect. Europeans have been oppressing EVERYONE on the planet since the beginning of time. You can look as far back as when languages were coming to be, when the different groups were roaming Angles pillaging any village they felt. 

or  The Great Famine or just look at the US. The British tried to oppress the founders of the US as well. 

Europeans, IMO, are the most evil people historically. They oppressed EVERYONE, including people who belonged to the same area as them. 

You also said blacks need to show more pride in their race because they've been through social injustices. If that's the case, every race on the planet should be more prideful. We've all been oppressed at some point. Black people aren't special. White people aren't special. Asians aren't special. Spanish people aren't special. 

The only man above you is the man you place above you.
Originally Posted by SFC415

White people get blamed for pretty much everything. I remember there was a study done a few years ago which came to the conclusion that the SAT was biased towards white people and against blacks/Latinos because of the grammar/writing sections. Are you @#$@$! serious? That itself is a racist @#$ conclusion, since it's basically saying blacks and Latinos are unable to learn English. 
The worst one is being blamed for kids not succeeding in school in "urban" environments. I went to the same garbage @#$ schools as all the other kids in my majority Mexican/black neighborhood and came from a poor background like the majority of the students, yet still made it to a good private high school and college. The kids I went to school with REFUSED to educate themselves. They were too busy clowning on kids like me because we wore Payless velcro shoes and garbage @#$ clothes from Factory 2 U (funny thing is that they would come to school in their new Nikes and fresh clothes but would stand in lines for free breakfast and lunch), cussing out teachers, getting in fights, etc. The "nerdy" blacks and Latinos (who also came from the SAME environments as the others) were shunned by the other kids; maybe minorities need to address that aspect of their communities instead of blaming it on white people. 

Of course someone's going to post some sob story about a minority kid starving and working 3 jobs to support his family (happened in the thread about the Forbes article) and therefore failing in school, as if that's how most of these kids are 

Since you have all the answers, why do these kids refuse to educate themselves- as you say?
Originally Posted by SFC415

White people get blamed for pretty much everything. I remember there was a study done a few years ago which came to the conclusion that the SAT was biased towards white people and against blacks/Latinos because of the grammar/writing sections. Are you @#$@$! serious? That itself is a racist @#$ conclusion, since it's basically saying blacks and Latinos are unable to learn English. 
The worst one is being blamed for kids not succeeding in school in "urban" environments. I went to the same garbage @#$ schools as all the other kids in my majority Mexican/black neighborhood and came from a poor background like the majority of the students, yet still made it to a good private high school and college. The kids I went to school with REFUSED to educate themselves. They were too busy clowning on kids like me because we wore Payless velcro shoes and garbage @#$ clothes from Factory 2 U (funny thing is that they would come to school in their new Nikes and fresh clothes but would stand in lines for free breakfast and lunch), cussing out teachers, getting in fights, etc. The "nerdy" blacks and Latinos (who also came from the SAME environments as the others) were shunned by the other kids; maybe minorities need to address that aspect of their communities instead of blaming it on white people. 

Of course someone's going to post some sob story about a minority kid starving and working 3 jobs to support his family and therefore failing in school, as if that's how most of these kids are 
First off, educate themselves? Ive been to public school, private schools and magnet schools. And I can tell you the quality of education is different in each instance. Im not sure if you know this but, kids clowned each other at all of those schools, its just the difference was that we had great teachers, newer books, actual lab classes etc. Which alot of public districts in inner cities cant afford to have. And believe me, rich kids and white kids get into fights too.
You can make fin of kids etc, but as long as the classroom they went back to had new books great teachers, that stuff doesnt matter.
Originally Posted by SFC415

White people get blamed for pretty much everything. I remember there was a study done a few years ago which came to the conclusion that the SAT was biased towards white people and against blacks/Latinos because of the grammar/writing sections. Are you @#$@$! serious? That itself is a racist @#$ conclusion, since it's basically saying blacks and Latinos are unable to learn English. 
The worst one is being blamed for kids not succeeding in school in "urban" environments. I went to the same garbage @#$ schools as all the other kids in my majority Mexican/black neighborhood and came from a poor background like the majority of the students, yet still made it to a good private high school and college. The kids I went to school with REFUSED to educate themselves. They were too busy clowning on kids like me because we wore Payless velcro shoes and garbage @#$ clothes from Factory 2 U (funny thing is that they would come to school in their new Nikes and fresh clothes but would stand in lines for free breakfast and lunch), cussing out teachers, getting in fights, etc. The "nerdy" blacks and Latinos (who also came from the SAME environments as the others) were shunned by the other kids; maybe minorities need to address that aspect of their communities instead of blaming it on white people. 

Of course someone's going to post some sob story about a minority kid starving and working 3 jobs to support his family (happened in the thread about the Forbes article) and therefore failing in school, as if that's how most of these kids are 
This tho.  I mean, if you can't ball, rap, or act - education is your key to success, plain and simple.  Making kids feel corny for wanting to learn or do well in school needs to stop and is the root of the problem.

This goes for all races and is a problem plaguing our education system in America.
okay okay okay...
i see that people are saying that there's no such thing as white privilege...


no, you dont get a bag of money and a plot of land...

here's an example of white privilege...

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by blakep267

Originally Posted by SFC415

White people get blamed for pretty much everything. I remember there was a study done a few years ago which came to the conclusion that the SAT was biased towards white people and against blacks/Latinos because of the grammar/writing sections. Are you @#$@$! serious? That itself is a racist @#$ conclusion, since it's basically saying blacks and Latinos are unable to learn English. 
The worst one is being blamed for kids not succeeding in school in "urban" environments. I went to the same garbage @#$ schools as all the other kids in my majority Mexican/black neighborhood and came from a poor background like the majority of the students, yet still made it to a good private high school and college. The kids I went to school with REFUSED to educate themselves. They were too busy clowning on kids like me because we wore Payless velcro shoes and garbage @#$ clothes from Factory 2 U (funny thing is that they would come to school in their new Nikes and fresh clothes but would stand in lines for free breakfast and lunch), cussing out teachers, getting in fights, etc. The "nerdy" blacks and Latinos (who also came from the SAME environments as the others) were shunned by the other kids; maybe minorities need to address that aspect of their communities instead of blaming it on white people. 

Of course someone's going to post some sob story about a minority kid starving and working 3 jobs to support his family and therefore failing in school, as if that's how most of these kids are 
First off, educate themselves? Ive been to public school, private schools and magnet schools. And I can tell you the quality of education is different in each instance. Im not sure if you know this but, kids clowned each other at all of those schools, its just the difference was that we had great teachers, newer books, actual lab classes etc. Which alot of public districts in inner cities cant afford to have. And believe me, rich kids and white kids get into fights too.
You can make fin of kids etc, but as long as the classroom they went back to had new books great teachers, that stuff doesnt matter.
Parental involvement can make up for a lot of that.  Man I used to get grounded for getting below 90s on tests in elementary school and junior high.  I was damn near scared of what would happen if I DIDNT do well in school, so striving for excellence was the only option.  That had nothing to do with the school I went to and had everything to do with my parents and I can honestly say that without parental involvement I wouldn't have valued education (or feared the consequences of doing poorly).

You don't need expensive resources to develop a love for learning, or at least to realize that learning is the key to success in life.  It all starts at home.
I'm not denying that white privilege exists, but some minority individuals (keyword that some of the generalizing posters in this thread should take notice of) exaggerate about how much we benefit from it. Based on their opinions you'd think we don't do @#$% in life and still live a life of luxury and happiness just because we're white. They think our biggest problems include our relationships with our dogs and dumb @#$% like that
For the first time in a long time if ever alot of white people in here are getting a chance to look at themselves in the mirror and more importantly are being told how they look in the mirror by alot of black people in here and white people are not liking what they are seeing and hearing.  
Originally Posted by chickencurry4eva

Originally Posted by blakep267

Originally Posted by SFC415

White people get blamed for pretty much everything. I remember there was a study done a few years ago which came to the conclusion that the SAT was biased towards white people and against blacks/Latinos because of the grammar/writing sections. Are you @#$@$! serious? That itself is a racist @#$ conclusion, since it's basically saying blacks and Latinos are unable to learn English. 
The worst one is being blamed for kids not succeeding in school in "urban" environments. I went to the same garbage @#$ schools as all the other kids in my majority Mexican/black neighborhood and came from a poor background like the majority of the students, yet still made it to a good private high school and college. The kids I went to school with REFUSED to educate themselves. They were too busy clowning on kids like me because we wore Payless velcro shoes and garbage @#$ clothes from Factory 2 U (funny thing is that they would come to school in their new Nikes and fresh clothes but would stand in lines for free breakfast and lunch), cussing out teachers, getting in fights, etc. The "nerdy" blacks and Latinos (who also came from the SAME environments as the others) were shunned by the other kids; maybe minorities need to address that aspect of their communities instead of blaming it on white people. 

Of course someone's going to post some sob story about a minority kid starving and working 3 jobs to support his family and therefore failing in school, as if that's how most of these kids are 
First off, educate themselves? Ive been to public school, private schools and magnet schools. And I can tell you the quality of education is different in each instance. Im not sure if you know this but, kids clowned each other at all of those schools, its just the difference was that we had great teachers, newer books, actual lab classes etc. Which alot of public districts in inner cities cant afford to have. And believe me, rich kids and white kids get into fights too.
You can make fin of kids etc, but as long as the classroom they went back to had new books great teachers, that stuff doesnt matter.
Parental involvement can make up for a lot of that.  Man I used to get grounded for getting below 90s on tests in elementary school and junior high.  I was damn near scared of what would happen if I DIDNT do well in school, so striving for excellence was the only option.  That had nothing to do with the school I went to and had everything to do with my parents and I can honestly say that without parental involvement I wouldn't have valued education (or feared the consequences of doing poorly).

You don't need expensive resources to develop a love for learning, or at least to realize that learning is the key to success in life.  It all starts at home.

Oh im not denying that it starts at home. I was just calling this guy out on how he seems to think that being materialistic silly children is exclusively a black people thing. Where I know its not. Because I knew white, asian whatever, kids who were busy clowning other people, and were bad seeds, but still did ok in private school because the school had better resources. I mean, having a nice new library with a full time librarian who can help you research things is an advantage. Having a computer lab where you can work on projects the lst goes on.
Now of course some kids have their priorities wrong, but to say that that is the sole reason and once that is fixed everything will be ok since they can devote all of their time to studying. Thats not fair. thats the point
One the real though, who in the hell is still blaming white people or that "man" for thier problems???????????????????

You guys should stop recyling what your pops says, his argument is out dated.
Originally Posted by ricky409

okay okay okay...
i see that people are saying that there's no such thing as white�privilege...


no, you dont get a bag of money and a plot of land...

here's an example of white privilege...

Spoiler [+]
haha, if you just act like you're supposed to be doing something and are white, people tend not to intervene, lol.�
it's like that movie catch me if you can: "why do the yankees always win?" "cuz everyone else is too busy staring at the pinstripes"
Originally Posted by SFC415

White people get blamed for pretty much everything. I remember there was a study done a few years ago which came to the conclusion that the SAT was biased towards white people and against blacks/Latinos because of the grammar/writing sections. Are you @#$@$! serious? That itself is a racist @#$ conclusion, since it's basically saying blacks and Latinos are unable to learn English. 
you should probably try reading about things that you reference. the study does not suggest that blacks or latinos are "unable to learn english". 
Originally Posted by blakep267

Originally Posted by SFC415

White people get blamed for pretty much everything. I remember there was a study done a few years ago which came to the conclusion that the SAT was biased towards white people and against blacks/Latinos because of the grammar/writing sections. Are you @#$@$! serious? That itself is a racist @#$ conclusion, since it's basically saying blacks and Latinos are unable to learn English. 
The worst one is being blamed for kids not succeeding in school in "urban" environments. I went to the same garbage @#$ schools as all the other kids in my majority Mexican/black neighborhood and came from a poor background like the majority of the students, yet still made it to a good private high school and college. The kids I went to school with REFUSED to educate themselves. They were too busy clowning on kids like me because we wore Payless velcro shoes and garbage @#$ clothes from Factory 2 U (funny thing is that they would come to school in their new Nikes and fresh clothes but would stand in lines for free breakfast and lunch), cussing out teachers, getting in fights, etc. The "nerdy" blacks and Latinos (who also came from the SAME environments as the others) were shunned by the other kids; maybe minorities need to address that aspect of their communities instead of blaming it on white people. 

Of course someone's going to post some sob story about a minority kid starving and working 3 jobs to support his family and therefore failing in school, as if that's how most of these kids are 
First off, educate themselves? Ive been to public school, private schools and magnet schools. And I can tell you the quality of education is different in each instance. Im not sure if you know this but, kids clowned each other at all of those schools, its just the difference was that we had great teachers, newer books, actual lab classes etc. Which alot of public districts in inner cities cant afford to have. And believe me, rich kids and white kids get into fights too.
You can make fin of kids etc, but as long as the classroom they went back to had new books great teachers, that stuff doesnt matter.
My middle school science classes were comprised mostly of Bill Nye the Science Guy videos. The people who failed in ridiculous classes like these failed because they chose to. They even failed classes like P.E. because they thought they were too cool to dress up in the gym uniforms 
Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by SFC415

White people get blamed for pretty much everything. I remember there was a study done a few years ago which came to the conclusion that the SAT was biased towards white people and against blacks/Latinos because of the grammar/writing sections. Are you @#$@$! serious? That itself is a racist @#$ conclusion, since it's basically saying blacks and Latinos are unable to learn English. 
you should probably try reading about things that you reference. the study does not suggest that blacks or latinos are "unable to learn english". 
Of course it's not saying that openly. But what other explanation is there for making a stupid point like that? If you're illiterate, you're illiterate. There are plenty of white people who can barely form coherent sentences despite being born and raised in this country, yet the SAT grammar section is biased against blacks/Latinos 
Originally Posted by blakep267

Originally Posted by chickencurry4eva

Originally Posted by blakep267

First off, educate themselves? Ive been to public school, private schools and magnet schools. And I can tell you the quality of education is different in each instance. Im not sure if you know this but, kids clowned each other at all of those schools, its just the difference was that we had great teachers, newer books, actual lab classes etc. Which alot of public districts in inner cities cant afford to have. And believe me, rich kids and white kids get into fights too.
You can make fin of kids etc, but as long as the classroom they went back to had new books great teachers, that stuff doesnt matter.
Parental involvement can make up for a lot of that.  Man I used to get grounded for getting below 90s on tests in elementary school and junior high.  I was damn near scared of what would happen if I DIDNT do well in school, so striving for excellence was the only option.  That had nothing to do with the school I went to and had everything to do with my parents and I can honestly say that without parental involvement I wouldn't have valued education (or feared the consequences of doing poorly).

You don't need expensive resources to develop a love for learning, or at least to realize that learning is the key to success in life.  It all starts at home.

Oh im not denying that it starts at home. I was just calling this guy out on how he seems to think that being materialistic silly children is exclusively a black people thing. Where I know its not. Because I knew white, asian whatever, kids who were busy clowning other people, and were bad seeds, but still did ok in private school because the school had better resources. I mean, having a nice new library with a full time librarian who can help you research things is an advantage. Having a computer lab where you can work on projects the lst goes on.
Now of course some kids have their priorities wrong, but to say that that is the sole reason and once that is fixed everything will be ok since they can devote all of their time to studying. Thats not fair. thats the point
When did I say it was an exclusively black people thing? Of course there are plenty of rich white @#$ holes, in fact the high school I went to (70% white) had far too many thieves and drug addicts for a private Catholic school 
 I only said that it's wrong to blame white people for minority kids' failures in school when many of them CHOOSE not to study. Again, you have to really try to fail a class in which you get at least a C for ATTEMPTING to do your homework and showing up to class. That's how it was in my elementary school. You could get every answer wrong and still get a 100% on your homework (which also made up 60% of your class grade). Showing up to class was 10% of most class grades as well.
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