Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

independent journalists and ex cia/military/former parliament members who teach you to read between the lines.
People tend to loosen their standards or not apply any media literacy at all simply by virtue of a journalist or media outlet being independent.

Always apply a healthy amount of scrutiny and skepticism to any and all media, not just mainstream media.

As for the pager bombing; it’s a pretty genius idea on paper but horrible in practice.
It’s impossible to account for the collateral damage so it’s hardly much different from indiscriminate bombing. It’s not like Hezbollah members all just huddle up in a military compound next to eachother.
CNN has 20 posts on this

One excerpt:

How was this pulled off? Here are the theories​

From CNN's Christian Edwards
Experts have shared two competing theories as to how hundreds of pagers could have exploded simultaneously. One theory is that there was a cybersecurity breach, causing the pagers’ lithium batteries to overheat and detonate. Another is that this was a “supply chain attack,” where the pagers were tampered with during the manufacturing and shipping process.

David Kennedy, a former US National Security Agency intelligence analyst, told CNN that the explosions seen in videos shared online appear to be “too large for this to be a remote and direct hack that would overload the pager and cause a lithium battery explosion.”
Kennedy said he found the second theory to be more plausible.

“It’s more likely that Israel had human operatives… in Hezbollah… The pagers would have been implanted with explosives and likely only to detonate when a certain message was received,” he said.

“The complexity needed to pull this off is incredible. It would have required many different intelligence components and execution. Human intelligence (HUMINT) would be the main method used to pull this off, along with intercepting the supply chain in order to make modifications to the pagers,” he added.

not once did they say the words “terrorist attack”

they did however romanticize the attack as if james bond himself planned it.

in reality they found the supplier, in cooperation with the maneufacturer- planted tiny bombs. the pagers were shipped to thousands of lebananese (over the course of years probably) including nurses doctors etc and some hezbollah fighters.

they exploded them now prob bc they either were found out or its a sadistic reply by unit 8200 after their commander and 24 others were killed in the august 25 attack by Lebanon
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independent journalists and ex cia/military/former parliament members who teach you to read between the lines.

I don't think that's a good alternative, but I'll be more conscientious about building up a set of sources that looks to be close to the truth where it doesn't take days to do. Meaning this was a breaking news story and there were more sources to post, but I just chose a couple.
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