Is your campus area safe? Mine's not... RIP

Jun 8, 2006
[h1]UAlbany student taken off life support after shot in head[/h1]Comments 0 | Recommend 14
October 21, 2008 - 1:33AM

CBS 6 News

UPDATED: October 21st 3:15 P.M.

A 22-year-old UAlbany student was taken off life support at Albany Medical Center Tuesday afternoon after being shot late Monday night.

He was pronounced dead at 1 p.m. today (Tuesday) after being taken off life support.

Richard Bailey is originally from downstate in Wantagh, NY, but was currently living at 560 Park Avenue in Albany while he attended UAlbany.

He was shot in the head before 11:30 p.m. on South Lake Avenue near the intersection with Yates Street, according to Police Chief James Tuffey.

He was walking alone at the time about three or four blocks from his home when he was shot, according to police. A woman who was driving home on South Lake Ave. heard the shot fired and saw Bailey laying on the ground, and called police.

Officers responding to the scene found Bailey unresponsive on the sidewalk. He was immediately taken to Albany Med, where it was determined he was shot in the head.

"It was with great sadness that I learned of the tragic shooting of one of our students that occurred off campus last night in the city of Albany," said interim UAlbany president George Philip in a statement released before the student was identified. "We are deeply troubled by this event, and our thoughts and prayers go out to the student, his family, friends and loved ones."

Albany Public Safety Spokesman Det. James Miller said the circumstances surrounding the shooting are still unclear. He said an extensive search of the area was conducted last night and this morning for evidence and witnesses, but no motive or suspect has been determined.

Miller did add two men were seen riding bikes in the area of the shooting around the time it occurred, but they are not considered suspects.

Police have their mobile response unit in place and will have a command post set up through the night.

Anyone who may have seen or heard anything relative to the shooting is asked to contact the Criminal Investigation Unit at 462-8039.

Stay tuned to CBS 6 and here on the Web for the latest.

South Lake Ave is me and Fox5kobe's street...literally happened right on the same block below us. And I didn't even find this out till now...

I don't even wana think if their was a motive, or somebody just let off for no reason outside.

I've always felt UAlbany was lacking with security not directly on campus...

question...yall feel safe around your parts?....for those who go to school in a city
Very disturbing news

Parents send their kids off to college in hope of a better future and assuming they'll be safe. I can't imagine what they're going through.

This def hits home because I have class on Monday nights at Draper Hall which is a few blocks away from there. Like allen3xis said, Albanyis seriously lacking in neighborhood security around their downtown dorms and campus. It's extremely unfortunate that it's going to take a tragic eventlike this to increase police presence.
Sorry to hear that Allen.

Anyone who has come to Syracuse for a party/visit or attends the school knows that the area off the hill isn't safe to be around. Another area is byThornden Park. The hood is on the other side of the park and +%#**@ from the other side stick up and assault people who go to the school. They are gettingbraver now. Someone that my friend knows was robbed in broad daylight by Brewster Boland hall (residence hall 5 minutes from the hood). If you don't livein the suburbs then you'd agree that the city is a cesspool. +%#**@ is thirsty out there and will prey on the first one they see slipping.
Originally Posted by myCHENNY

wow.. and i was considering applying to UAlbany

RIP though

i mean, i wouldn't let that stop you.

I'm not as a familiar wiht Suny cause I go to St rose....but for the most part it's straight.

There are robberies every weekend, just can't be dumb about things and know where you're going
R.I.P. yall need to get some cops down there ASAP.

At Gsu i'll never have to worry about crime, the Atlanta police got the area around our school on lock.
Damn, my alma mater

Real talk though, Albany the town was never all that safe to begin with. If you didn't know that before, you better know it now homie. It's as sketchyas any town can get. The locals and students were forever beefing when I went there. My homeboy got shot back in like '01 or '02 by a local for notgiving up his watch. Dudes would come to our parties and start fights, or let off shots outside because they couldn't get in. They are all bitter at theirmiserable lives in that town where the most exciting thing to do is go to Crossgates Mall
. Albany the school is straight but the town sucks. Asidefrom all the gov't buildings and such that town is absolutely worthless. Don't even let me start on Arbor Hill
After I graduated I got the helloutta dodge lol. The few times I've been back to visit trust it wasn't to hang around town.

Living off campus is cool but definitely not the safer option. Keep them eyes and ears open homie.
Arbor Hill...goodness

I've known since a body got found outside the dorms freshmen year
...this one just hit home cause I very well coulda been at there at that time

and yeah..The locals pick off the college students left and right.
Haha I'm going to Temple next year which is in a grimey neighborhood but I guarantee there will be no meth labs of any sort there.
Rest In Peace Richard Bailey. Clearly there's no background story buttaking another person's life is totally heartless. Hopefully they find out who did it.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Damn, my alma mater

Real talk though, Albany the town was never all that safe to begin with. If you didn't know that before, you better know it now homie. It's as sketchy as any town can get. The locals and students were forever beefing when I went there. My homeboy got shot back in like '01 or '02 by a local for not giving up his watch. Dudes would come to our parties and start fights, or let off shots outside because they couldn't get in. They are all bitter at their miserable lives in that town where the most exciting thing to do is go to Crossgates Mall
. Albany the school is straight but the town sucks. Aside from all the gov't buildings and such that town is absolutely worthless. Don't even let me start on Arbor Hill
After I graduated I got the hell outta dodge lol. The few times I've been back to visit trust it wasn't to hang around town.

Living off campus is cool but definitely not the safer option. Keep them eyes and ears open homie.
This is the same exact way Syracuse is. The main social area of the city is the Carousel Center. They are trying to revitalize the city with thisproject called Destiny USA. There's no hope for that place no offense to anyone that is from there but that is the truth and you know it.
RIP. My campus isn't safe either. This year has been horrible. 2 girls raped in the first week of school. Another student stabbed and killed about a monthago. University of South Central for those wondering.
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