Is what we see and hear exactly what is going on in reality?

Originally Posted by Wr

I honestly think this is the reason people in the world abuse drugs. For the increase in brain activity and tapping into that other side. But out culture doesn't even accept the other side existing as a real place. They'd  leave it in a vague story mode. 

When you look at how much effort other cultures took to prepare for the after life compared to how little we even discuss it tips the scale not in our favor.  When you look at the shamans of tribes they were the people of the village/ tribe/ group of people that would practice, navigate and chart that unseen realm. They just weren't getting high like majority of people nowadays. They did it with prefect intent of where they would end up and how to get back and guide others as well. 

All drugs do is trigger the brain to release what's already in there. So my thing really is this; all that dimension higher realm stuff exist. It's just whether your consciousness is amplified enough to experience life in certain frequencies above the base plane we use as our reference point. 

 I know some people I talk to in depth about this kind of stuff always tell me about the point in their life when they used to dream or remember their dreams and then they "grew up in the world" and don't dream or are not able to recall their dreams. I think it's only a matter of focus. Like if you're solely focused on everything that goes on in your waking stage, you can trick the brain to only revolve around that. But science and bodily functions prove that what we perceive and act on is less than 1%. 


The problem with stuff like adderall or "speed" is that you are jacking your brain up to focus on stuff that's really not that crucial to health. Just purely physical things that could easily be processed if we weren't so crammed with new information to process daily. The way our society is set up now, we are on information overload. Think about all the images you see on a daily basis and the messages they were designed to convey. Whether you realize it or not, as soon as your eye eats that image (your eyes are mouth's. same shape blinking is chewing/talking) it is processing it, interpreting and developing a thought form based on it stored on your hard drive. it wasn't necessary to add that to your brain RAM and now it's another possible option to think about in daily decision making. But sadly the only reason that stuff was placed in your eye was for commercial reasons. Waste of brain activity to me...It's like having a surgery that allows you to eat more junk food. 

mind = blown.

Cosign on the "focus" thing. We, as humans, can train our minds to do amazing things (calculations at blazing fast speeds, entire city layouts, etc.) It's just a matter of how much time we spend doing these things and attempting to learn them.

Sometimes I'm like
because I realize how much people think of computers as incredible machines, capable of doing things that humans could never do...when in reality, at the heart of computers, most languages attempt to model real life. (Computer science majors who have taken any form of C/Java know.)
Originally Posted by Still1Rise

Wr wrote:
It's really about remembering who you are and that you're in control no matter what.
I understand your in control, but how do you know who you really are?
They way i see it, once you spend enough time in silence or isolated by yourself and those layers of thoughts that you thought you were originally thinking start to kind of peel off like layers of an onion or a piece of fruit, and you get down to the seed in the middle. To me, that seed in the middle is like the central focal point that if you focus on it, you at the same time are charging yourself to focus on your own path which is security of the seed rather than focusing on layers that can easily be peeled off and eaten. 
Originally Posted by Still1Rise

Wr wrote:
It's really about remembering who you are and that you're in control no matter what.
I understand your in control, but how do you know who you really are?
They way i see it, once you spend enough time in silence or isolated by yourself and those layers of thoughts that you thought you were originally thinking start to kind of peel off like layers of an onion or a piece of fruit, and you get down to the seed in the middle. To me, that seed in the middle is like the central focal point that if you focus on it, you at the same time are charging yourself to focus on your own path which is security of the seed rather than focusing on layers that can easily be peeled off and eaten. 
Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by Wr

I honestly think this is the reason people in the world abuse drugs. For the increase in brain activity and tapping into that other side. But out culture doesn't even accept the other side existing as a real place. They'd  leave it in a vague story mode. 

When you look at how much effort other cultures took to prepare for the after life compared to how little we even discuss it tips the scale not in our favor.  When you look at the shamans of tribes they were the people of the village/ tribe/ group of people that would practice, navigate and chart that unseen realm. They just weren't getting high like majority of people nowadays. They did it with prefect intent of where they would end up and how to get back and guide others as well. 

All drugs do is trigger the brain to release what's already in there. So my thing really is this; all that dimension higher realm stuff exist. It's just whether your consciousness is amplified enough to experience life in certain frequencies above the base plane we use as our reference point. 

 I know some people I talk to in depth about this kind of stuff always tell me about the point in their life when they used to dream or remember their dreams and then they "grew up in the world" and don't dream or are not able to recall their dreams. I think it's only a matter of focus. Like if you're solely focused on everything that goes on in your waking stage, you can trick the brain to only revolve around that. But science and bodily functions prove that what we perceive and act on is less than 1%. 


The problem with stuff like adderall or "speed" is that you are jacking your brain up to focus on stuff that's really not that crucial to health. Just purely physical things that could easily be processed if we weren't so crammed with new information to process daily. The way our society is set up now, we are on information overload. Think about all the images you see on a daily basis and the messages they were designed to convey. Whether you realize it or not, as soon as your eye eats that image (your eyes are mouth's. same shape blinking is chewing/talking) it is processing it, interpreting and developing a thought form based on it stored on your hard drive. it wasn't necessary to add that to your brain RAM and now it's another possible option to think about in daily decision making. But sadly the only reason that stuff was placed in your eye was for commercial reasons. Waste of brain activity to me...It's like having a surgery that allows you to eat more junk food. 

mind = blown.

Cosign on the "focus" thing. We, as humans, can train our minds to do amazing things (calculations at blazing fast speeds, entire city layouts, etc.) It's just a matter of how much time we spend doing these things and attempting to learn them.

Sometimes I'm like
because I realize how much people think of computers as incredible machines, capable of doing things that humans could never do...when in reality, at the heart of computers, most languages attempt to model real life. (Computer science majors who have taken any form of C/Java know.)
I feel what you are saying about computers. If we as humans knew that technology is nothing more but an extension of human potential and that most of the things we marvel at are reversed engineered from the human body.
Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by Wr

I honestly think this is the reason people in the world abuse drugs. For the increase in brain activity and tapping into that other side. But out culture doesn't even accept the other side existing as a real place. They'd  leave it in a vague story mode. 

When you look at how much effort other cultures took to prepare for the after life compared to how little we even discuss it tips the scale not in our favor.  When you look at the shamans of tribes they were the people of the village/ tribe/ group of people that would practice, navigate and chart that unseen realm. They just weren't getting high like majority of people nowadays. They did it with prefect intent of where they would end up and how to get back and guide others as well. 

All drugs do is trigger the brain to release what's already in there. So my thing really is this; all that dimension higher realm stuff exist. It's just whether your consciousness is amplified enough to experience life in certain frequencies above the base plane we use as our reference point. 

 I know some people I talk to in depth about this kind of stuff always tell me about the point in their life when they used to dream or remember their dreams and then they "grew up in the world" and don't dream or are not able to recall their dreams. I think it's only a matter of focus. Like if you're solely focused on everything that goes on in your waking stage, you can trick the brain to only revolve around that. But science and bodily functions prove that what we perceive and act on is less than 1%. 


The problem with stuff like adderall or "speed" is that you are jacking your brain up to focus on stuff that's really not that crucial to health. Just purely physical things that could easily be processed if we weren't so crammed with new information to process daily. The way our society is set up now, we are on information overload. Think about all the images you see on a daily basis and the messages they were designed to convey. Whether you realize it or not, as soon as your eye eats that image (your eyes are mouth's. same shape blinking is chewing/talking) it is processing it, interpreting and developing a thought form based on it stored on your hard drive. it wasn't necessary to add that to your brain RAM and now it's another possible option to think about in daily decision making. But sadly the only reason that stuff was placed in your eye was for commercial reasons. Waste of brain activity to me...It's like having a surgery that allows you to eat more junk food. 

mind = blown.

Cosign on the "focus" thing. We, as humans, can train our minds to do amazing things (calculations at blazing fast speeds, entire city layouts, etc.) It's just a matter of how much time we spend doing these things and attempting to learn them.

Sometimes I'm like
because I realize how much people think of computers as incredible machines, capable of doing things that humans could never do...when in reality, at the heart of computers, most languages attempt to model real life. (Computer science majors who have taken any form of C/Java know.)
I feel what you are saying about computers. If we as humans knew that technology is nothing more but an extension of human potential and that most of the things we marvel at are reversed engineered from the human body.
GrimlocK wrote:

Speaking on knowing who you really are...I believe their is a center of core qualities that are unique to each individual, and that in times of stress, happiness they surface.  Knowing who you are isn't something you find when your looking for it just like the ancient proverb "if you seek it, you will not find it"...atleast from my perspective this is one of those old saying that has some merit behind it and isn't just some run of the mill motivational quote.  If you look at all the times that you were so busy living in the moment that you forgot what you were searching for...these moments show you who you are.

 Always good to know someone thinks like me. Makes me feel like I am not so crazy.

GrimlocK wrote:

Speaking on knowing who you really are...I believe their is a center of core qualities that are unique to each individual, and that in times of stress, happiness they surface.  Knowing who you are isn't something you find when your looking for it just like the ancient proverb "if you seek it, you will not find it"...atleast from my perspective this is one of those old saying that has some merit behind it and isn't just some run of the mill motivational quote.  If you look at all the times that you were so busy living in the moment that you forgot what you were searching for...these moments show you who you are.

 Always good to know someone thinks like me. Makes me feel like I am not so crazy.

Originally Posted by Wr

They way i see it, once you spend enough time in silence or isolated by yourself and those layers of thoughts that you thought you were originally thinking start to kind of peel off like layers of an onion or a piece of fruit, and you get down to the seed in the middle. To me, that seed in the middle is like the central focal point that if you focus on it, you at the same time are charging yourself to focus on your own path which is security of the seed rather than focusing on layers that can easily be peeled off and eaten. 
 I can relate to this. 

Do you
 a lot?
Originally Posted by Wr

They way i see it, once you spend enough time in silence or isolated by yourself and those layers of thoughts that you thought you were originally thinking start to kind of peel off like layers of an onion or a piece of fruit, and you get down to the seed in the middle. To me, that seed in the middle is like the central focal point that if you focus on it, you at the same time are charging yourself to focus on your own path which is security of the seed rather than focusing on layers that can easily be peeled off and eaten. 
 I can relate to this. 

Do you
 a lot?
Originally Posted by Still1Rise

Originally Posted by Wr

They way i see it, once you spend enough time in silence or isolated by yourself and those layers of thoughts that you thought you were originally thinking start to kind of peel off like layers of an onion or a piece of fruit, and you get down to the seed in the middle. To me, that seed in the middle is like the central focal point that if you focus on it, you at the same time are charging yourself to focus on your own path which is security of the seed rather than focusing on layers that can easily be peeled off and eaten. 
 I can relate to this. 

Do you
 a lot?
nah. I have smoked on countless occasions word to our prez. But I don't do it a lot. Spacing the days/weeks out that you do it makes
it much more enjoyable than your average multiple times a day
. no tobacco paper either. besides the fact that you waste so much and don't get as good, it's terrible for your health and mental clarity. Tobacco and dank is a multiplier affect(combining two different drugs). 
Originally Posted by Still1Rise

Originally Posted by Wr

They way i see it, once you spend enough time in silence or isolated by yourself and those layers of thoughts that you thought you were originally thinking start to kind of peel off like layers of an onion or a piece of fruit, and you get down to the seed in the middle. To me, that seed in the middle is like the central focal point that if you focus on it, you at the same time are charging yourself to focus on your own path which is security of the seed rather than focusing on layers that can easily be peeled off and eaten. 
 I can relate to this. 

Do you
 a lot?
nah. I have smoked on countless occasions word to our prez. But I don't do it a lot. Spacing the days/weeks out that you do it makes
it much more enjoyable than your average multiple times a day
. no tobacco paper either. besides the fact that you waste so much and don't get as good, it's terrible for your health and mental clarity. Tobacco and dank is a multiplier affect(combining two different drugs). 
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by Still1Rise

Originally Posted by Wr

They way i see it, once you spend enough time in silence or isolated by yourself and those layers of thoughts that you thought you were originally thinking start to kind of peel off like layers of an onion or a piece of fruit, and you get down to the seed in the middle. To me, that seed in the middle is like the central focal point that if you focus on it, you at the same time are charging yourself to focus on your own path which is security of the seed rather than focusing on layers that can easily be peeled off and eaten. 
 I can relate to this. 

Do you
 a lot?
nah. I have smoked on countless occasions word to our prez. But I don't do it a lot. Spacing the days/weeks out that you do it makes
it much more enjoyable than your average multiple times a day
. no tobacco paper either. besides the fact that you waste so much and don't get as good, it's terrible for your health and mental clarity. Tobacco and dank is a multiplier affect(combining two different drugs). 

Yea, it def. is better when your not an everyday smoker. I go through different phases with smoking, mainly use my pipe, but on the go or when I got extra
 I'll roll a fat blunt or joint. Feels Good Man. 
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by Still1Rise

Originally Posted by Wr

They way i see it, once you spend enough time in silence or isolated by yourself and those layers of thoughts that you thought you were originally thinking start to kind of peel off like layers of an onion or a piece of fruit, and you get down to the seed in the middle. To me, that seed in the middle is like the central focal point that if you focus on it, you at the same time are charging yourself to focus on your own path which is security of the seed rather than focusing on layers that can easily be peeled off and eaten. 
 I can relate to this. 

Do you
 a lot?
nah. I have smoked on countless occasions word to our prez. But I don't do it a lot. Spacing the days/weeks out that you do it makes
it much more enjoyable than your average multiple times a day
. no tobacco paper either. besides the fact that you waste so much and don't get as good, it's terrible for your health and mental clarity. Tobacco and dank is a multiplier affect(combining two different drugs). 

Yea, it def. is better when your not an everyday smoker. I go through different phases with smoking, mainly use my pipe, but on the go or when I got extra
 I'll roll a fat blunt or joint. Feels Good Man. 
Wr wrote:

nah. I have smoked on countless occasions word to our prez. But I don't do it a lot. Spacing the days/weeks out that you do it makes
it much more enjoyable than your average multiple times a day
. no tobacco paper either. besides the fact that you waste so much and don't get as good, it's terrible for your health and mental clarity.
Tobacco and dank is a multiplier affect(combining two different drugs). 

Truth...I do mines like a ritual...only after 10 p.m. mon-fri.  No smoke on the weekends as well as no meat to let the body reset.  The tobacco and papers is what kills people...for me it's my pyrex one-hitter or my mflb and i'm good.  Better for your body, mind and your high.
Wr wrote:

nah. I have smoked on countless occasions word to our prez. But I don't do it a lot. Spacing the days/weeks out that you do it makes
it much more enjoyable than your average multiple times a day
. no tobacco paper either. besides the fact that you waste so much and don't get as good, it's terrible for your health and mental clarity.
Tobacco and dank is a multiplier affect(combining two different drugs). 

Truth...I do mines like a ritual...only after 10 p.m. mon-fri.  No smoke on the weekends as well as no meat to let the body reset.  The tobacco and papers is what kills people...for me it's my pyrex one-hitter or my mflb and i'm good.  Better for your body, mind and your high.
^^ Word to both of ya'll

Coming up I used to see cats go through like 5 blunts a day because they thought it was the only way.... such dummies. I'm not gonna say I'll never hit a blunt or a good wrap, hell I'll indulge in a fatty from time to time.But to have to roll one every time u want blow is such a waste of money and good. but i guess dealers don't mind because it keep ppl come back quicker. all that flavor cigar %$% is for kids imo.
^^ Word to both of ya'll

Coming up I used to see cats go through like 5 blunts a day because they thought it was the only way.... such dummies. I'm not gonna say I'll never hit a blunt or a good wrap, hell I'll indulge in a fatty from time to time.But to have to roll one every time u want blow is such a waste of money and good. but i guess dealers don't mind because it keep ppl come back quicker. all that flavor cigar %$% is for kids imo.
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