Is This Blackface? vol. Olympic Edition

once again this is not merely about a girl wearing a face mask

if it was green no problem

now about being given the same information


old woman or young?

see how perception can differ depending on who you ask?

This doesn't speak against my point in any way

The person who sees an old woman in that picture is no more or less accurate than the person who sees a young lady

But you're doing the opposite of that. You're behaving as if the way you see this photo is the truth and everyone else who doesn't see the same as you is missing the point or doesn't care enough to recognize it as racist
thats ur opinion @Based Jesus  

you think someone would have to put a gun to a prvileged white girls head to make her take a racially insensitive picture
No, I think someone did put a gun to a privileged white girl's head to make her take a photo with a face mask on. I think it's his fetish or something. He's clearly a highly disturbed individual.

These folks don't even try to hide their racism.  
"Benefits all skin types" All? As in all lives matter? Racists 
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well i dont think any of that is necessary, but i cant tell you what to think

i would think if ppl were puttin guns to white olympic athletes heads we'd hear about it on the news

oh wait

well agree to disagree?

ive heard and accepted your pov now will you extend me the same courtesy?
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no youre telling me theres only one way to see it not that either are valid

that was my point in putting in up

we can look at a picture and see two different things but only the way you see it is valid

Go back and look at my posts in this thread

Not once have I said that you're wrong and I'm right or that there's only one way to look at it. I've mostly been asking questions to try and figure out your reasoning. I even said "I don't know" in plain English

So that Pee Wee Herman "I know you are but what am I?" stuff isn't gonna fly here
Go back and look at my posts in this thread

Not once have I said that you're wrong and I'm right or that there's only one way to look at it. I've mostly been asking questions to try and figure out your reasoning. I even said "I don't know" in plain English
That's an appeal to tradition. A fallacy.You're right...I don't know. But I'm not the one making the claim either.The burden of proof is on you.This is a loaded question...another fallacy.
N OP been lame [emoji]128129[/emoji]
see this is the kind of stuff im talking about

"oh but its the internet ppl can say whatever they want to you"

like because i think this is blackface you can reach all the way to postin emojis that challenge my manhood/sexuality?

over a white girl?

likw how vitriolic and nasty that we cant even have a discussion without this bs

@Moe Fab  I havent come at you in any sort of way so why do you feel its necessary to attack me personally?

calling me soft/gay just because im trying to have a civil discussion
Man, OP the type of person you and everybody else keep plans from because he's gonna kill the vibe. Then you gotta act like you "forgot" when he finds out.
you claim you never said i was wrong but you tried to say i was wrong with a myriad of "logical fallacies"

youve mostly been asking questions except when trying to say im wrong

you even said "i dont know" in plain english and then proceeded to demand proof even though theres not only one way to look at it

thats what i proved

do you want to take it back now?
This thread got me interested, so I checked her IG. Did you see that she has posted with the face stuff on in the past and has suggested the product? Did it ever pass your mind that these two teammates just wanted to take a picture (at night, I'm assuming), just because they felt like it and that the white girl had the mask on at the time of taking the photo? She's taken photos with the mask on why is this time so different? (I'm honestly curious)
This thread got me interested, so I checked her IG. Did you see that she has posted with the face stuff on in the past and has suggested the product? Did it ever pass your mind that these two teammates just wanted to take a picture (at night, I'm assuming), just because they felt like it and that the white girl had the mask on at the time of taking the photo? She's taken photos with the mask on why is this time so different? (I'm honestly curious)

Because there is a black person in the photo so it can be construed as blackface. That and her (Aly) smile.
now you interested and wanna make a real response 

if you read the thread you woulda seen the part where standing next to a black woman is problematic

where casual racism is played with in such ways

where taking a picture with the mask on without consideration that it could at the very least be seen as problematic is problematic

where i believe her smile is indicative of mockery

but you read the thread right?

you didnt just come in on this page to take a shot at me
Eh, if she does the same routine every night and there is no vindictiveness behind it, and her teammate knows such...then I see no foul here. You're turning an ant hill into a mountain and attempting to bend what's in front of your face into what you want/hope it to be. *shrugs*
its funny how this white girl is above all reproach, i cant even raise the question

yet meanwhile ryan lochte and his white privilege is on full display

i guess her white privilege extends to white knights too
so you know simone too? 

the other dude is aly beautician yall should link up

she told you it was blackface and she aint have no problem with it?

i honestly believe it is and she doesnt, but i also think her personality is that of a ****

and i can only see what i see

what i know is that white privilege and that sliver of ambiguity are all the room she needs to play with casual racism in that space in between
you claim you never said i was wrong but you tried to say i was wrong with a myriad of "logical fallacies"

youve mostly been asking questions except when trying to say im wrong

you even said "i dont know" in plain english and then proceeded to demand proof even though theres not only one way to look at it

thats what i proved

do you want to take it back now?

You didn't prove a thing except that you apparently don't understand what logical fallacy or burden of proof mean

The purpose of pointing out the fallacies that you employ isn't to show that you're wrong. It's to show that the reasoning you used to reach your conclusion is flawed.

The burden of proof refers to presenting proof for a claim that you make. I didn't "demand" proof, I just let you know that it's your duty as the person making the claim to have the proof the back it up. You did the opposite by making a claim and then asking for us to disprove it. That's not how it works.

So no, I'm not taking anything back.
you and dc probably the only two people in the world that have a problem with this
come on man stop playing semantics

if you ask me for my reasoning, and i give it you, and you say its "flawed", its your subjective opinion not that you are the arbiter of logic

you simply dont want to accept the basis of my assertion, or my reasoning, so you will say things like using historical precedent is a logical fallacy instead of looking at it

like "well i asked him for his reasoning, he gave it me, and i accept it. i dont agree with it, but i accept it that his reasoning."  instead you take that next step to invalidate 

my reasoning simply because in your opinion she cant possibly think like that

since i have no way of absolutely proving whats in her head, it doesnt say that this isnt blackface, just that there isnt proof

that doesnt mean a "crime" wasnt committed

this is the court of public opinion so you insisting of proof that you know isnt available only shows how you only want to prove me wrong

what does blackface look like? a lot like her right?

in other words in order to say this is not blackface you have to first tell yourself that its only beauty product, and then on top of that rule out the possibility of blackface

like i said, you dont HAVE to see it, but i do

if my reasoning isnt good enough for you then oh well too bad i didnt convince someone who wasnt going to be convinced no matter what i say
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