Is This Blackface? vol. Olympic Edition

of course silence the dissenter 
i get it really i do

rather than just disagree, something about the way i express my opinion just rubs you the wrong way

maybe im too unapologetic, not meek enough

it just grind your gears that i can post on this website and say the things i say and theres nothing you can do about it

id prolly be mad too

so when you get to the end of your temper you just lash out 

and when i still dont stop you pray for me to banned

and when that doesnt work youll call me names hoping i say something back thatll get me banned

its a really good plan
see its not quite that the other one isnt

sure its not as elaborate

and its a little more subtle

but with the benefit of the doubt on one's side, it can be done with a facial mask

I disagree with you entirely in this instance and I have objections with the way that you're interpreting this photo, but I'll leave you alone.
if it makes you feel better

i have objections to the way you interpret white people and racism

but we'll leave it at that 
Yeah get your little punk *** pot shots in after I tried to end this discussion on a respectful note :rolleyes
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what whoa "punk *** shots"??

i wasnt taking any shot 

when i said i had objections i meant giving them the benefit of the doubt

that wasnt a shot at you

if anything i should take you "leaving me alone" to mean that you are above this (convo) or i am beneath your standard (of someone to talk to)

but i didnt
N OP been lame [emoji]128129[/emoji]

see this is the kind of stuff im talking about

"oh but its the internet ppl can say whatever they want to you"

like because i think this is blackface you can reach all the way to postin emojis that challenge my manhood/sexuality?

over a white girl?

likw how vitriolic and nasty that we cant even have a discussion without this bs

@Moe Fab
 I havent come at you in any sort of way so why do you feel its necessary to attack me personally?

calling me soft/gay just because im trying to have a civil discussion

Got me all the way n a half ****d up man. Im just sick of you always reaching with every post for some racism. This was racist? Really? You sound lame as ****. Ive seen ya threads n posts, always tryna kry racism, but you highkey a bigot too. Im not gonna go back n forth tho, ive done it before with you n even then you were lame. So whatever, just thought id share my thoughts, since you sharin yours about her as well [emoji]128129[/emoji]

N by the way, the emoji had nothing to do with your sexual preference nor equate to kalling you less than a man. Its obviously a ***** shrugging, meaning i dont kare if what i say hurts your feelings. Thanks n have a nice weekend [emoji]128129[/emoji]

N stop tryna play the doin enough to skew your manhood by doin that...**** is old, grow up

Chicken little, the sky is falling *** mutha****a
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Aight sorry man if you didn't mean anything by it I apologize

I just had some real life **** pop up that's got me a little hot so I may have flown off the handle a bit there :smh:

And what I meant by "leave you alone" is that you seemed like you were tired of having the discussion with me so I was just leaving
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that emoji looks like a girl with long hair in a pink shirt with only one hand up and limp-wristed; how im supposed to take that? man up and stop feigning ignorance 

i dont recall any back and forth with you, but i guess i really wouldnt as i really dont know who you are 

however the difference is im sharing my thoughts about her

but youre "sharing your thoughts" about me personally, even tho you dont know me from adam

but wanna call me lame and a bigot, from the sidelines no less, but im the lame 

why dont you just admit what you really sick of?

its not me "reaching for racism", you just dont like to see someone a little more outspoken than you comfortable with

you obviously familiar with my post history, so if you mad i dont like white people just say that 

dont sit here and pretend like you not taking shots


i  didnt catch your edit but thats really ****** rich

you come in the thread from out of the shadows, to do nothing but call me a lame, and then when i say something back im playing the victim??

i guess i shoulda been thanking you for posting that emoji huh?

you talkin real big and doing a lot of cussin but i guess that just because you really dont have anything of value to contribute

so you just stay mad and ima continue to talk about racism and you can just have a coke and a smile
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Aight sorry man if you didn't mean anything by it I apologize

I just had some real life **** pop up that's got me a little hot so I may have flown off the handle a bit there

And what I meant by "leave you alone" is that you seemed like you were tired of having the discussion with me so I was just leaving
if you wanted to leave thats fine but dont put it on me

i didnt say anything to that effect

just dont ask me for my reasoning and then abruptly attempt to invalidate it, as it makes me think you never had any intention of hearing me out at all
Shame on Simone for accepting that blatant disrespect. She should've put her white team mate in her place and told her that that's unacceptable.

Cmon son
hell no that ain't blackface. That's preserving your sexy. If that's blackface, then I must do whiteface 2x a week when I put on this Aztec bentonite clay mask to clear out my pores. That's the problem with the youth dem today. Cats is too busy with the fake outrage when they should be in their bathrooms exfoliating. You gotta sexy ya self up, my G
When an admin just comes in laughing :lol:

Gotta admit though, the way H2H has metaphorically thrown hands with everyone in the thread and still keeps going.... I'm impressed to say the least.
its cool if admins and mods dont see nothing wrong with it

lets just keep it all the way funky 

a lot of yall have prejudices and wouldnt see anything wrong with the pic even if she told you it was blackface

like lochte itd be "kids being kids"

lets see how funny this is all is after this picture gets posted

all you nt ***** can make up the same excuses for him as you did for her

and its funny he went all the way back to beginning of this thread to quote two ppl who been shut up already one of whom been had nothing else left to say except take shots, and the other one tried and failed
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Post about a shoe just once lol.
Like have at least one reason other than " shade whites" when you open the page
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