Is something, or perhaps, SOMEONE living in your closet?

how he let this happen
not use your closet for a year??
(damn, about to post)

this is some insane stuff ONE YEAR??!!?? how do things manage to go on like this?

he must have a huge house or something for her to be able to hide in there for a damn year
i dunno, older women in japan are mad sexy.... but most 30-40yo range.

its definitely possible, depending on the house. Im guessing he was a single man, who lives alone, most likely works most of the day, returning home around7-10pm at night, after that its straight to bed. The crazy workstyle in japan makes this possible.
Originally Posted by georgehimself

Damn, she was in there for about 365 days? She would have seen me spank my money at least 730 times.

Damn you be puttin in work

A whole year tho...thats wild
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