Is Social Media Destroying Society? Former Facebook Exec Says 'Yes'

people been mean and angry since the beginning of time. People were mean and nasty before social media.

I wish people would stop crying so much. No one is forcing you to participate in social media.

Soft generation. Our ancestors were literally hunted down, lynched, raped and forced to work.

Since engineering and infrastructure made life “easier” people have gotten weaker.

We’ve literally got it “made in the shade” and people out here crying about comments or getting riled on. Shush up.

"Elon Musk discussed his plans for Twitter, now called X, on Monday during a livestreamed conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Among other things, Musk said the social network is “moving to having a small monthly payment for use of the X system” in order to combat “vast armies of bots.”

Musk did not say how much a new plan would cost users of the social network, or what other features would or would not be included with payment at the lowest tier."

"Elon Musk discussed his plans for Twitter, now called X, on Monday during a livestreamed conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Among other things, Musk said the social network is “moving to having a small monthly payment for use of the X system” in order to combat “vast armies of bots.”

Musk did not say how much a new plan would cost users of the social network, or what other features would or would not be included with payment at the lowest tier."

There’s a theory he’s intentionally crashing Twitter, to hide/destroy comms from there. Or tip people off.

And we’ve seen he’s already done that w/ Trump.

"Elon Musk discussed his plans for Twitter, now called X, on Monday during a livestreamed conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Among other things, Musk said the social network is “moving to having a small monthly payment for use of the X system” in order to combat “vast armies of bots.”

Musk did not say how much a new plan would cost users of the social network, or what other features would or would not be included with payment at the lowest tier."

Seems like he’s going to feast off of people’s addictions. People will justify paying for this ando guarantee Meta will be soon to follow.

We’ve enjoyed the so called luxuries of freedom for too long. It’s only going to get worse from here.
They'd probably lose the majority of their real users by pulling something like this.

Good luck getting the advertisers to come back.
i haven’t even reupped netflix after they stopped letting folks eat i’m def not paying for twitter.

looks like i’ll be on NT 10% more
IDK how I would feel as a parent about teachers putting my children on the internet

You have to remember, millennial parents and modern parents are supporters of “going viral” they already record themselves or everything their kids do. Trust me, they love this.

Modern parents are a different breed than baby boomers or Gen x

(I for one disagree with that song and being used as a tool to teach the kids) but again, here we are. Most of these parents are supporters of ignorance.

Y’all have high expectations for these modern parents. The parents of those kids probably range from 22-30, they’re DOWN WITH it, sadly.
I had this whole diatribe written out about what I would do and parents/authority figures have to stop being friends and draw the line with the kids, but I realize the bigger issue.

We tell our kids "There's another kid across the country waking up at 5:00 am putting up jump shots working to beat you for a chance to make the NBA," when we need to tell them "There's another kid across the world that's working on his algebra to be your boss one day."

We can be disciplined in games (sports/esports), but we can't recite the quadratic formula. Even if we can, most of us can't even tell you what it's used for. I'm about to have a child, so that video really hit me with what's important to teach my kids.
But as I said before I know I have to check myself working here that I'm not bootstrapping but sometimes these kids gotta be told they are shooting themselves in the foot with how they are operating.

Life is probably not going to change for you and your family If you keep messing up in school.

We got enough liberal white women In the building indirectly telling them racist BS in the name of being allies.

Babying these black boys and almost excusing their behavior in the name of lowering expectations and "feelings" really irks a lot of us here.

Need more strong, positive males in these schools and not off no Adam Tate stuff for those of you that naturally want to jump on the back of anyone that utters the words, "We need more men to _____."

But we need more of us to show these kids the way man because "they" ain't doing it for us.
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I’m not sure how I feel about the education thing. We’re strongly moving to a society where general knowledge isn’t worth very much and only specialized knowledge is worth a lot.

I’d almost rather have my kids:
-Play in nature as much as possible
-Be really easy on them about general knowledge classes and have them do the bare minimum there
-Help them find 2 or 3 things they show actual interest in and help them dedicate seriously to those (even if that’s a trade).
-Learn programming because that’s almost like learning English at this point. Every future job will require technology + hands on (e.g., agriculture).

The route we took this past generation of expensive college seems a bit outdated given how specialized the knowledge is for every job. Like I’d imagine someone in 20 years will need to know programming + xyz to be a base level person at any meaningful job.
AI is about to change education and the job market immensely in the next 5 years. Funny I got on DC a year or so ago about pushing trades in school but ironically those will probably be the most stable for the longest, until the robots come. Programming knowledge will be dam near worthless. That kid doing math in his head up there, computers doing millions of computations per second so what's the point?
You have to remember, millennial parents and modern parents are supporters of “going viral” they already record themselves or everything their kids do. Trust me, they love this.

Modern parents are a different breed than baby boomers or Gen x

(I for one disagree with that song and being used as a tool to teach the kids) but again, here we are. Most of these parents are supporters of ignorance.

Y’all have high expectations for these modern parents. The parents of those kids probably range from 22-30, they’re DOWN WITH it, sadly.
You gotta stop generalizing. Words have meaning. At least drop in a "most of".
Just calling it like I see it… on the DAILY.

Y’all be hurt by facts? It’s a s*** show out here with a lot of these young parents. Probably upset because it’s you guys peers

The music, lifestyle choices, a lot of what’s currently GOING, from a world view it’s as clear as day. Don’t be embarrassed.

Social media is a cesspool, as well as out in public. A lot of people don’t have common courtesy or decent etiquette and it shows. Sorry, not sorry.
One cognitive dissonance comment I want to make though is that the real world isn’t all that different.

Like if tomorrow we completely turned off social media and got rid of all apps except phone calls on mobile phones things wouldn’t “feel” that different than they used to.

I think the real disease of social media is that it’s warping how we feel or view the world in our minds and it’s being shaped by the extremist views online.

But everyday the real world reminds me mundane and normal life usually is. I go for a walk say hi to strangers, go play hoops at a drop in gym we talk the same nonsense about nba players, i go out for drinks and the scene is pretty similar to the past. It’s just the online echo chamber that makes things seem different.
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