Is Our Government Serious Right Now?

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by rashi

This "debt ceiling" argument only proves this country's ignorance.

1. This country has defaulted many times.
2. Obama is lying when he says people won't get Social Security checks or the military won't get paid
3. He's lying because the government allocates enough revenue via taxes to pay their obligations plus interest on the debt they owe
4. Little known secret is that YOU are not entitled to Social Security, Medicare, ect. So they do not have to appropriate money for those programs
5. The only people who will be affected by a "default" are lobbyists

The United States has only defaulted on its debt twice. This is only if you count 1790, right after the Revolution, and 1933, where they didn't actually default but seemingly tried to inflate their way out of debt. So again, you're spewing lies and people on this site are lapping it up. Try not to eat up everything Paul Ryan says please.

Um, yeah.

1. Continental-Currency default
2. Greenback default
3. Continental Domestic loan default
4. Liberty Bond default
5. Defaulted in 1979

3 times this past century alone: 1934 by eliminating the ownership of gold devaluing dollar holdings , again between 1934-1971 because Congress refused to redeem silver certificates, and again because Nixon ended the gold standard via Bretton Woods.

I would suggest you brush up on your history beyond your public school revisionist history lessons, thanks. And no, I don't "eat up" what Paul Ryan, whoever that is. Only people economically illiterate as you would only believe to "pay off" a debt worth more than $125+ trillion in unfunded liabilities and projected costs in federal programs is to increase the spending with worthless money. We should print these up.

this cat knows what he's talking about
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by rashi

This "debt ceiling" argument only proves this country's ignorance.

1. This country has defaulted many times.
2. Obama is lying when he says people won't get Social Security checks or the military won't get paid
3. He's lying because the government allocates enough revenue via taxes to pay their obligations plus interest on the debt they owe
4. Little known secret is that YOU are not entitled to Social Security, Medicare, ect. So they do not have to appropriate money for those programs
5. The only people who will be affected by a "default" are lobbyists

The United States has only defaulted on its debt twice. This is only if you count 1790, right after the Revolution, and 1933, where they didn't actually default but seemingly tried to inflate their way out of debt. So again, you're spewing lies and people on this site are lapping it up. Try not to eat up everything Paul Ryan says please.

Um, yeah.

1. Continental-Currency default
2. Greenback default
3. Continental Domestic loan default
4. Liberty Bond default
5. Defaulted in 1979

3 times this past century alone: 1934 by eliminating the ownership of gold devaluing dollar holdings , again between 1934-1971 because Congress refused to redeem silver certificates, and again because Nixon ended the gold standard via Bretton Woods.

I would suggest you brush up on your history beyond your public school revisionist history lessons, thanks. And no, I don't "eat up" what Paul Ryan, whoever that is. Only people economically illiterate as you would only believe to "pay off" a debt worth more than $125+ trillion in unfunded liabilities and projected costs in federal programs is to increase the spending with worthless money. We should print these up.


Originally Posted by rashi

CallHimAR wrote:

The United States has only defaulted on its debt twice. This is only if you count 1790, right after the Revolution, and 1933, where they didn't actually default but seemingly tried to inflate their way out of debt. So again, you're spewing lies and people on this site are lapping it up. Try not to eat up everything Paul Ryan says please.

Um, yeah.

1. Continental-Currency default
2. Greenback default
3. Continental Domestic loan default
4. Liberty Bond default
5. Defaulted in 1979

3 times this past century alone: 1934 by eliminating the ownership of gold devaluing dollar holdings , again between 1934-1971 because Congress refused to redeem silver certificates, and again because Nixon ended the gold standard via Bretton Woods.

I would suggest you brush up on your history beyond your public school revisionist history lessons, thanks. And no, I don't "eat up" what Paul Ryan, whoever that is. Only people economically illiterate as you would only believe to "pay off" a debt worth more than $125+ trillion in unfunded liabilities and projected costs in federal programs is to increase the spending with worthless money. We should print these up.

Well for one, I stand corrected. 
Secondly, why do you not know who Paul Ryan is if you're so into American Politics?

Thirdly, I don't think I've ever said we need to pay off the debt by using federal programs. What needs to happen is a tax hike on those who can take the burden, closing tax loopholes that allow large corporations to get away with paying minimal taxes, a raise in the capital gains tax because where it stands now is absurd and a raise in the estate tax. Obviously we would need to cut spending in certain areas as well, but it certainly should not be in funding for education, science, and social programs. In doing that you would be cutting off things that people need and you would be dooming your coming generations to fail.

I find it funny that a Libertarian has the audacity to call anyone economically illiterate. 
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by rashi

CallHimAR wrote:

The United States has only defaulted on its debt twice. This is only if you count 1790, right after the Revolution, and 1933, where they didn't actually default but seemingly tried to inflate their way out of debt. So again, you're spewing lies and people on this site are lapping it up. Try not to eat up everything Paul Ryan says please.

Um, yeah.

1. Continental-Currency default
2. Greenback default
3. Continental Domestic loan default
4. Liberty Bond default
5. Defaulted in 1979

3 times this past century alone: 1934 by eliminating the ownership of gold devaluing dollar holdings , again between 1934-1971 because Congress refused to redeem silver certificates, and again because Nixon ended the gold standard via Bretton Woods.

I would suggest you brush up on your history beyond your public school revisionist history lessons, thanks. And no, I don't "eat up" what Paul Ryan, whoever that is. Only people economically illiterate as you would only believe to "pay off" a debt worth more than $125+ trillion in unfunded liabilities and projected costs in federal programs is to increase the spending with worthless money. We should print these up.

Well for one, I stand corrected. 
Secondly, why do you not know who Paul Ryan is if you're so into American Politics?

Thirdly, I don't think I've ever said we need to pay off the debt by using federal programs. What needs to happen is a tax hike on those who can take the burden, closing tax loopholes that allow large corporations to get away with paying minimal taxes, a raise in the capital gains tax because where it stands now is absurd and a raise in the estate tax. Obviously we would need to cut spending in certain areas as well, but it certainly should not be in funding for education, science, and social programs. In doing that you would be cutting off things that people need and you would be dooming your coming generations to fail.

I find it funny that a Libertarian has the audacity to call anyone economically illiterate. 

I don't typically watch/read Zionist run news outlets, so if he's a topic of discussion I wouldn't know. After Googling him and reading his "plan", I see why Republicans among the other morons that run this government are so clueless. Having a deal that would "hope" to have the foregoing Congress would obey a plan for 10 years without touching the Pentagon and their satellite does absolutely nothing to the U.S. fascist empire. I mean this is the same guy who voted for TARP and Medicare D. Wouldn't these two things you would be in favor of?

Who would we be taxing?
  The Billionaires are exempt from paying taxes, you didn't know? By you even advocating higher taxation says a lot what you believe on a moral level. It's illegal for me to go to a "rich" persons house with a semi-automatic weapon and demand money from him, but it's ok with the government doing it? Who gives the government a moral authority to forcefully steal from anybody? After all, this is the same government who discriminates against certain races, invades foreign countries, kills women and children, funds the U.N. and their global child prostitution ring, ect.

Closing tax loopholes won't happen because politicians need to be reelected, raising Capital Gains won't happen because all politicians are invested in Wall St., Estate Taxes won't hurt the elite because their exempt (Kennedy's, Bush's, Heinz, ect). And even if they did all of this, the elite would still be exempt, like GE, whose CEO is on Obama's economic committee.

This is the problem, you don't really know who or what you are really supporting. Even though you are invested in believing what the government wants you to believe, you are still a peon in the eyes of these oppressive rulers. The 50 states make up a socialized tax jurisdiction for Wall St. who hire politicians who do their dirty work via legislation. As Bernie Sanders (someone you would support) said recently in response to what he found in auditing the Fed.

"This is a clear case of socialism for the rich and rugged, you're-on-your-own individualism for everyone else."

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait, this admitted Socialist is saying that this system of fractional reserve banking is some sort of Socialist trick for the big banks? I thought the manipulation of currency, credit, and counterfeiting was some sort of Capitalist scheme?

I would have you know, people who subscribe to the Austrian Business Cycle Theory have predicted every Depression, and every Recession in the past 100+ years with absolute precision. Ron Paul predicted this predicament we are in know 10 years ago, you can go on YouTube and look up the hearings with Bernanke, Greenspan, and Paulson where Ron Paul not only grills them on monetary policy, but warned of an economic disaster 5-6 years before it even happened when Keynesian and Socialist moron economists like Ivy League educated and Nobel Laureates Krugman, Stiglitz, ect. claimed there was nothing wrong and that more credit should be expanded.
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