Is Kobe Bryant Still the Best Shooting Guard in the NBA?

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by KenJi714

Originally Posted by Hyper

This man knows.
No he doesn't.  Bynum and Gasol are unathletic and slow. They're not dominant at all and they can't play defense against fast teams. The Heat not only have Lebron and Wade for defense. They have Haslem, Battier, Joel Anthony who are much better at moving laterally on defense . Dude don't know @%
Your the most nonsensical, nonstop Kobe slopper on this board, take your meat riding back to the Lakers off-season thread
First of all it's You're not Your

Second. You're an idiot if you think Lakers two seven footers are better perimeter defenders than Lebron and his team. You hype Bynum and Gasol without realizing that they're not dominant nor athletic. Lebron > Gasol and Bynum on defense and athleticism. The Lakers bigs can't even guard pick and roll. The Heat defense is a lot better than the Lakers.
Originally Posted by RunningFishy

A bunch of woman here talking about fish/frog hybrid and the fallen angel (kobe). I mean, come on man. Why don't you let KOBE take some roids, so he'll be at the LBJ/WADE level. There's no way LBJ can be that big w/o being injected w/ roids, the same w/ DWADE. Thing is, both DWADE and LBJ are probably on: BOTOX!
fish/frog hybrid
Wow...dudes really in here trying to undervalue the importance of having a mid range attack?

I'm out.
Originally Posted by MaxElite

Max may be done, but I had a question for him, everyone slobbers all over the Dream's footwork, why is he discounting it now being brought up for Kobe? 
  Nobody bats and eye when it's brought up for Hakeem, why take offense when it gets brought up for Kobe?

First of all Hakeem was a 7'1 Center with the footwork of a GUARD. That's why people "slobber" over it. That should be obvious. However that doesn't necessarily make him a better Center than say Shaq or Kareem does it?

Kobe Bryant has footwork that is unparalleled right now. So what? Its obviously not helping him shoot the ball efficiently. It's a great trait in his game, but it's also just a way for him to cope with the fact that he cant get to the rim like he used to.

You guys have a big hard on for getting to the rim or something, damn. 
  Mike stopped getting to the rim and adjusted, Kobe has done the same.  Won't be long before Wade can't go to the rim either, but making layups don't make you a better player. 

Footwork is a skillset.  Part of the arsenal.  I don't think it has anything to do with getting to the rim, he's had great footwork for over 10 years, when he could clearly get to the rim at will.  And if you mention Hakeem had footwork of a guard, then Kobe has post game of a Center, does he not?  Left, right, either shoulder, up and under, fadeaway mini shake, now he's adding this Dirk leg to the arsenal, you going to credit him for that? 

The guy is as complete a player as there is in NBA history.  His only knock is instead of taking a nice set 18 footer, he torques and spins, and uses his left hand, closing his eyes, with 3 defenders instead of just 1, and I have no idea why.  I wish he would take a normal jumper, but he likes to add degrees of difficulty for some damn reason.  But in terms of game/skill, he has it all.  Even passing he excels at, he just hates it I think. 
  But watch him enough, he puts passes right where they need to be, he sees all the angles, just needs to do it more so he can start to get cleaner looks.  My last sentence will never happen tho. 

Here we go with "complete" again...

Kobe and Wade are equals, they give you the same production in different ways.
Originally Posted by KenJi714

Originally Posted by RunningFishy

A bunch of woman here talking about fish/frog hybrid and the fallen angel (kobe). I mean, come on man. Why don't you let KOBE take some roids, so he'll be at the LBJ/WADE level. There's no way LBJ can be that big w/o being injected w/ roids, the same w/ DWADE. Thing is, both DWADE and LBJ are probably on: BOTOX!
fish/frog hybrid


My name is ddddd waydk

aka a fish frog hybrid.

Originally Posted by JD617

Attacking the rim>>>Mid-range.
This. Mid-range jumpers are the least efficient shot in basketball. From most efficient to least:
1. Dunks/layups

2. Free throws

3. Corner threes

4. Other threes

5. Mid-range shots

How Do You Come Up With This? Other Threes
CP, you're my guy and all but c'mon.

Kobe excels at passing? How can you excel at something you don't even do?
Originally Posted by UnCalled4Boy

Originally Posted by JD617

Attacking the rim>>>Mid-range.
This. Mid-range jumpers are the least efficient shot in basketball. From most efficient to least:
1. Dunks/layups

2. Free throws

3. Corner threes

4. Other threes

5. Mid-range shots
How Do You Come Up With This? Other Threes

I don't think it's that hard to figure out, corner three's are the closest to the basket.
Originally Posted by MaxElite

CP, you're my guy and all but c'mon.

Kobe excels at passing? How can you excel at something you don't even do?

I know, weird, but if you can find a video with a collection of the 7 passes he's made in the NBA, you'll see it. 

But seriously, he passes very well, he had one earlier this year that was a left handed bounce pass ahead between defenders that caught his guy in stride.  That's not an easy play and he did it with ease. 

He just never uses his passing ability. 

Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by JD617

Attacking the rim>>>Mid-range.
This. Mid-range jumpers are the least efficient shot in basketball. From most efficient to least:
1. Dunks/layups

2. Free throws

3. Corner threes

4. Other threes

5. Mid-range shots

I'm not following.  Wade does better at the rim, Kobe does better 2, 3, and 4.  And then Mid range, you can say what you want, both of them do as well as anybody there.  Both have good mid range games, both take crazy shots, Kobe moreso of course, hence the better percentage by Wade.  But if he's not hitting free throws or 3's, then he's better just from getting dunks and layups?  I'm not followin your thought process here.  

Just speaking in general on those types of shots.
But as far as Kobe/Wade, the difference in #1 is a huge one. Only 15% of Kobe's field goal attempts come at the rim versus a whopping 39% for Wade. This is the main reason Wade shoots 50% and Kobe only shoots 43%, that plus 34% of Kobe's FGAs are from the inefficient 16-23 foot area. He takes far more shots from there than any other area. Here's the breakdown of where they take their shots:

[table][tr][td][/td][td]Kobe[/td][td]Wade[/td][/tr][tr][td]Rim[/td][td]15.3%[/td][td]39.4%[/td][/tr][tr][td]3-9 Feet[/td][td]13.1%[/td][td]16.5%[/td][/tr][tr][td]10-15 Feet[/td][td]16.6%[/td][td]12.4%[/td][/tr][tr][td]16-23 Feet[/td][td]33.6%[/td][td]25.3%[/td][/tr][tr][td]Threes[/td][td]21.4%[/td][td]6.5%[/td][/tr][/table]

Wow...dudes really in here trying to undervalue the importance of having a mid range attack?

I'm out.

I don't think anyone said it's not important to have a mid-range attack. But when you rely on that too much you're just not gonna be as efficient as guys who get to the bucket, it's very simple.
I go Kobe still (slightly).

Hasn't Wade's job on offense been simplified A LOT since LeBron headed south? Here's a cross screen to get the ball in the post - go to work. Here's a high screen and roll - go to work. Not to say he still can't make plays for others but he's not asked to do so now and it's helps him be able to attack as efficiently as he does. Because of that I actually don't think he's going to fall apart within the next 2-3 years, he gets to work in spurts - which he does at a very high level. 
^That's a good point too. Kobe simply does more for his team than Wade does. We are still talking about right now, right?
That's a good breakdown JD. 

Someone said it, think it was AK, that attacking the rim by Wade is going to cut him short real soon.  Notice the guy is always limping, hurt, in/out of the lineup.  That stuff takes a toll.  Kobe's figured that out and adjusted.  Mike did too. 

Kobe's fall off has been slight year by year, I think we are going to see Wade drop A TON.  One day he's great, and then suddenly a week later he's absolutely nothing.  TMac like drop off.  It's why I have never proclaimed Wade better, nor will I.  Like I brought up earlier, a week ago he dropped 5 in a playoff game, and people all thought he was done.  Then he wakes up in the second half of game 4, and he's the best SG in the game? 
Kobe just can't get by his defenders. He isn't consciously making a decision to pump fake 8 times and take tough contested fadeaways after dribbling out half the clock and going nowhere. Increasingly, he has had to rely on calls like this going his way
Damn I wonder if he is purposely traveling knowing that they won't call it. THAT there is a got damn shame
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Attacking the rim>>>Mid-range.
One gets you free-throws the other doesn't.  Who cares if Wade Free throw percentage hasn't been steller when Kobe can't really get to the rim anymore and even get fouled.  Aside from game three when the refs stepped in Kobe didn't get to the charity stripe very much.

Westbrook annihalted him when Kobe was forced to guard him.  Wade was dominant in last year's postseason and is finding his groove again now.  His recent two games I'd say were better than any game Kobe has had yet.

Kobe is a better rebounder than Wade right now?

I don't care what numbers say, Wade can go out and grab 10 boards right now way easier than Kobe can.

As other people have pointed out, Kobe is basically  6'6 Iverson at this point in his career, he's a volume scorer to the core and that's not really going to lead you anywhere when he can dominate opponents physically anymore.
So then Wade's 5 point game last week was........

Wade "can" go out and get 10 rebounds, just like Kobe "can" go out and get 15 in a game 7 of the Finals. 
  But that's beside the point, Kobe doesn't need to grab as many with the 2 big guys, but he has proven, year after year, if he needs to go get rebounds, he can and will.  All this talk from Wade guys that he's a better rebounder are full of +%#!.  He doesn't get any more (or less) than Kobe.  It's a waste to even argue that point.  Debating like half a rebound or some +%#!.  That's why I brought it up, was discrediting everyone that said otherwise.  Would Wade get those 10 boards with Pau and Drew on his team?  Probably not. 

Max may be done, but I had a question for him, everyone slobbers all over the Dream's footwork, why is he discounting it now being brought up for Kobe? 
  Nobody bats and eye when it's brought up for Hakeem, why take offense when it gets brought up for Kobe?  
Kobe has been a top 5-8 all time player for years.  YEARS.  Wade is gonna max out in the top 30-35 range.  And we already see signs of him breaking down even sooner than Kobe. 

2 years from now, Wade may not have anything in the tank, Kobe will STILL be better than him, at 35.  But yeah, keep callin him Iverson. 
Come on man, you mention his 15 rebound game? Why not mention in the same game he shot 25% in the biggest game of his career? Against the rival team, game 7, you're the guy, the hardest opponent you've had to face in a Game 7, and you go 6/24.
Still the best shooting guard in the NBA?

He's still the best player in the NBA. 
Originally Posted by RunningFishy

DWADE needs a wheel chair for a finger injury. What do you expect?

DWADE looks like a disgusting fish/frog hybrid. He takes steroids w/ Lebron. Both exhibit steroid/HGH use:

DWADE = Enormous Jawline
Well Kobe's game is better, but Wade is the best dressed shooting guard in the NBA. srs.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Damn I wonder if he is purposely traveling knowing that they won't call it. THAT there is a got damn shame

Not sure if serious.

It's not like he proceeded to take 4 steps towards the basket like a Lebron or Wade... There was really no advantage gained from that travel...  You see far worst from he and other players every single game.
Savraj1 wrote:
Well Kobe's game is better, but Wade is the best dressed shooting guard in the NBA. srs.


oh ok.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by MaxElite

CP, you're my guy and all but c'mon.

Kobe excels at passing? How can you excel at something you don't even do?

I know, weird, but if you can find a video with a collection of the 7 passes he's made in the NBA, you'll see it. 

But seriously, he passes very well, he had one earlier this year that was a left handed bounce pass ahead between defenders that caught his guy in stride.  That's not an easy play and he did it with ease. 

He just never uses his passing ability. 

He actually can pass; he used to do those wrap around passes at the basket to get it to Shaq, which would often result in a dunk. He just doesn't pass anymore because the current team sucks.
Moonman, there's too many good outfits of his for me to include in here. I suggest you take a look in the NBA Casual Wear thread.
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