Is Kmart back to his old self?

Feb 17, 2004
He had an amazing statline today. 8-10 20 points 12 rebounds 3 steals 5 blocks. I hope he's back because he was an exciting player to watch with hisability to finish off the break and his solid D. What do you guys think? Discuss.
Originally Posted by BaronDavis5

you probly just jinxed him, next game he will break his leg. Just watch.
Lets see how long he can keep it up
Is Jason Kidd on the Nuggets? If not, then he'll never be back to himself.

No, sorry.

Kidd didn't make Kenyon, he made himself. With him he was slightly better, yes, but he would have prospered without Kidd.

I don't think he's back to him old self yet. If he stays healthy for another 3-4 months, then I'd say yes.
JapanAir, you don't think that Kidd made who Martin is? I mean look when he went to Denver, his first year he wasn't producing anything because he hadno solid point guard..Was it Andre Miller at the time? Not too sure...But yeah, since he left New Jersey, he has never been the same player he was.
He has his explosiveness back. He had some pretty explosive blocks tonight.
He's been plauged with injuries since he left NJ.

And, the only year he was healthy.. He shot better, just didn't rebound as well, and even when Kenyon was in New Jersey, he shined in the Playoffs, not inthe regular season.

I don't think he's been healthy since his first season with the Nuggets.
I really hope he stays healthy. I remember watching him back when he played for Cincinnati, and I loved watching him play. His injuries in the past few yearshave slowed him down, and it's good to see that he's finally healthy.
No... it was the luck of the Moore. I can get the same stat line playing against the King's front court.
I'm not a K-Mart fan but it's alway nice to see players that were plagued with injuries make decent recoveries. I believe it was from the beginning ofhis last season in NJ to the all-star break when he played the best basketball I've seen him play (or maybe it was the year before?)
Kmart was good...he just wasnt a max contract player (like he thought he was).
if you don't think Kidd helped him shine...then you never watched Nets basketball.

glad we let him go
Same way Kidd made Mikki Moore into an ALRIGHT NBA player, he made Kenyon Martin into a GREAT NBA player for a couple years, its just the truth. The guy is made to catch lobs and run and finish off breaks.... allthings Kidd can give him.
Look at Sean Williams right now, look at Miki before him, and Kenyon before him (hell.... Nenad Kristic with his mid range game even).... Jason Kidd has madesoooo many big men it isnt even funny, they really owe him part of their salary. I've said it before and I will say it again, the only person over6'10" who cant stand next to Jason Kidd and average at least 10 points a game is Jason Collins
I'm not saying that the combination of Kidd+Kenyon didn't make him better, what I'm saying is that Kenyon can prosper and still do well without adecent PG.

Look at his first year in Denver, the only stat that he was lower in was rebounds, and that's not because of Jason Kidd.
Im glad to see him come back this year and have a good start. dude is a great energy player on putbacks. I love seeing him on those alley oops.
I'm not saying that the combination of Kidd+Kenyon didn't make him better, what I'm saying is that Kenyon can prosper and still do well without a decent PG.
I agree. I think that Kenyon can do a good job in his role now & if you put him with another team, he can still succeed as well. When he waswith Jersey though, Kidd really put him to that next level, he got him to that all star level. Kenyon is a good player now, but when with J Kidd, he was upanother level that he is currently on. If he is healthy, he can be a good player no matter who the PG's name is with Denver though.
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