is killing blacks * the newest form of crowdfunding?

is killing blacks a new way for white men to crowdfund?

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 The problem is not ppl supporting these ppl financially on an internet site but for some reason you can't see that. The lack of evidence has no real bearing on whether or not a person should or should not support someone if they want to.
this just about sums you up. 

Originally Posted by Master Zik  

It's not about what I believe. I'm saying you can't prove it. Did you read what I actually said? You  I keep trying to change  changing from what I clearly posted to fit your replies.

That's called pushing the goalposts back. I didn't want  made my own distinction or ask for one. I specifically told you what the case is and then you brought up a different situation.  you can't call them all racist. i said either way its a double standard, because they have no proof, so i can. You shift on not enough proof, so now im telling you they actually posted along with their contributions so you know without a doubt at least some are racist . i said if their names were out too, we would know who those racists are.  you then shifted it an to an issue of the legality of free speech and donorship.

 We weren't talking about those ppl.

which ppl is that? the people who donated money or the people who donated and left racist messages?  to me theres no distinction in their racism, but you need to see proof or are trying distinguish racists from non racist donors on the basis of who left a message.
like i said, i think theyre all racists, but the only ones that can be proven are the ones that posted.  
i already told you how i believe that the only they are donating is because of a double standard on innocent until proven guilty.
What you believe isn't good enough.

and here it is the flat out denial. if theyre donating because they think he's innocent, they have no proof.  if theyre donating because they think the victim is guilty, they have no proof.  either way its a double standard and its racist.  telling me its not good enough is just dismissing what im saying.
 TYour stupid sarcastic double standard has nothing to do with a double standard of innocent until proven guilty. That's not what I'm talking about. You asked me a stupid sarcastic double standard question about black men being criminals and thugs for doing "whatever" and posting pics of the middle finger with a "right?" at the end. That's a stupid question, it had to be sarcastic unless you're trying to pretend you know anything about my previous posting history that would agree this and it was a double standard question because you tried to imply that it's about rights when white ppl say something racist but it's not for black ppl. That whole question was uncalled for and a waste. You can think what you want about me but your assumptions and bias aint gonna fly here. You want to fit me in one definition and it's not working and you're just getting either petty or emotional with it.

My double standard has everything to do with innocent until proven guilty.  white men are innocent, black men are guilty.  that is the double standard.  The question is uncalled for and a waste simply because there is no answer for it.  The same double standard that applies when people donate applies to the media coverage and everything else as well.  

you so wound up thinking a rhetorical question about how black men are perceived is specifically aimed at you and your convictions or post history 
 All racists do not benefit from white privilege. It's pretty clear who white privilege is for.  you simply cant believe that this is true
 You were the one that said it was illegal. I had to ask you is what exactly about it is illegal, you couldn't answer and now you're trying to say it was obvious 
 I dIdnt say it was illegal, i said it was a problem and it should be illegal that this is allowed to happen.
 So racism is a special issue more unique than other prejudicial issues that needs to be classified differently. Why? 

This is the reason why race relations will never change.  yes racism is a unique issue with widespreading effects and implications and should be classified differently.
 What are you talking about? This is bull ****. You seriously do not understand the ramifications of what you're saying right now.
Another flat out denial.  my point is that people can pay to support murderers based solely off knowing the race of the defendant, i see something wrong with this, but thats just bs 
 No. I'm saying two things here. You can't just call ppl racists for donating. You said ppl who donated are racists. You said that several times. Now you're switching what you're previously was talking about and saying ppl who donated and made racist posts are racist. So now the 2nd thing I'm telling you is them being racist and labeled racist to the whole world won't stop them from donating if they want to.
Aha here it is the contradiction!  By my saying that they are all racists, thats everyone, posters and nonposters alike.  i already showed how you created that distinction, so now you have created a set of undeniably racist donors. Unapologetic racists raising money in defense of a man who may have killed an innocent black man. The only thing you can say is "oh well" 
 Wow, you coming off like a real piece of **** right here. I'm a bit tired of your assumptions at this point. I don't even know what you're talking about or where this is coming from. 

So you said that all the donors werent white. implying that some may have been black too.
 No. You have to understand what circular logic is first man 
 It's circular logic because you called everybody who donated racist, you then want their names revealed so that you can prove they're racist. You've already blindly made a claim about all of these ppl. Now you want to infringe upon their rights to prove your claim.

Everyone who donates is racist (double standard) > names revealed = know who they are (not that they are racist, i have already established that) 
 Either case your bringing up, you do not know that they shot somebody and then went inside and started a crowd fund. I never said there was anything random about this. You just can't stop being narrow minded to not realize that any person charged with a crime would try to do this. A dude gets charged with a crime, lets say the crime gets national attention. Whether you like it or not there's gonna be a trial to determine guilt. Whether you like it or not there are ppl that believe that think the dude is guilty and ppl (if they're racist so be it, doesn't matter) that don't. Dude wants a good lawyer cuz he doesn't want to go to prison. Crowdfund is popular on the internet, so he goes there to gain support so he can pay for his legal fees.

We're going to see this a lot more with plenty of ppl charged with crimes.

Youre calling me narrow minded because i think racists will exploit this?  like how does anyone being able to use this change the fact that racists can and are?  what youre really saying is that more racists will commit crimes and do this since everyone and anyone can.  to you it doesnt matter about their support, but im sure to the familys of the victims it matters a whole lot.  public supported murder.
You haven't considered consequences or exactly how effective they'll be.

The loopholes already in place, etc. 

"im just maintaining status quo"

they'll stop making posts.

ppl will donate money through the mail or hell a relative of a person charged will start the crowd fund (this is very common) and they'll collect the money and pay for the legal fees. 

"ill make up excuses and start reaching for alternatives, but they dont change the fact that crowdfunding these murderers is wrong" 

There been plenty race based trials before the internet.

how many race based trials did the public send 500,000 in 10 days?

Plus like I said, this just opens the door for others even if you want to limit this just to racism.

Any time a black man is wrongly accused of a racist crime he won't get any support now if there's no evidence right?

So he'll get the ****** lawyer and end up in prison.

"let me turn your idea back on you"
, a black person won't get his case funded by "the public" anyway, and even if he did he's still a black man in court.  he doesnt get the same privilege white men do in the face of a jury.  besides, how many black people commit hate crimes against white ppl like murder?

Then everybody else like you with a bias against some other sort of prejudice based case will be asking for the same special exceptions in not allowing crowd funding for their cases.

yea poor us wanting something like a trial to be fair to both sides
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 The problem is not ppl supporting these ppl financially on an internet site but for some reason you can't see that. The lack of evidence has no real bearing on whether or not a person should or should not support someone if they want to.

this just about sums you up. |I
Attack the person and not the argument. That's what you're doing.

I can understand it's not your fault that you do not know what you're arguing.
 The problem is not ppl supporting these ppl financially on an internet site but for some reason you can't see that. The lack of evidence has no real bearing on whether or not a person should or should not support someone if they want to.

this just about sums you up. |I

I honestly feel like you're only reading/comprehending what you want to read and not approaching this with an open mind. that's fine - you're entitled to feel how you want, but I can't understand why he keeps wasting his time with you.

But ZIk, imo, is trying to dialogue with you with an unbiased approach. you're just not open to it.
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 The problem is not ppl supporting these ppl financially on an internet site but for some reason you can't see that. The lack of evidence has no real bearing on whether or not a person should or should not support someone if they want to.
this just about sums you up. 
Attack the person and not the argument. That's what you're doing.

I can understand it's not your fault that you do not know what you're arguing.
 i was summing up your argument 

youve clearly outright insulted me and attacked my intelligence numerous times tho so hows that high horse feel? 

and why would you take my taking two lines of what you said and saying thats you to be an attack? 
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 The problem is not ppl supporting these ppl financially on an internet site but for some reason you can't see that. The lack of evidence has no real bearing on whether or not a person should or should not support someone if they want to.

this just about sums you up. |I
Attack the person and not the argument. That's what you're doing.

I can understand it's not your fault that you do not know what you're arguing.
 i was summing up your argument :rolleyes
No need to do that at all if you read my post.

I basically said the same thing to you several posts ago. Are you reading?:
The problem isn't that they get money. The problem is racists killing black youth and getting away with it.

youve clearly outright insulted me and attacked my intelligence numerous times tho so hows that high horse feel? :rolleyes  
If the shoe fits. I'm calling a spade a spade here. I was just gonna leave it at that but then you began to expand on the stupid notion and then I went ahead to explain to you why it's stupid.

Perhaps you should think of a new idea and/or solution

and why would you take my taking two lines of what you said and saying thats you to be an attack? :nerd:
Cuz you've repeatedly shown not to be able to follow what I'm saying when I post or even worse read it assume something else entirely that wasn't said or implied and run with that as if I said something I didn't. I basically can't trust that you're correctly comprehending everything I'm saying.
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No need to do that at all if you read my post.

I basically said the same thing to you several posts ago. Are you reading?:
The problem isn't that they get money. The problem is racists killing black youth and getting away with it.
what does gettin away with it comprise of to you?  merely not going to jail? thats the only problem you see? 

youre simply disagreeing to disagree and parsing my original thesis out into pieces to try and call it stupid.

if you truly feel that there is no problem with men getting money on top of murder the bless your soul.
No need to do that at all if you read my post.

I basically said the same thing to you several posts ago. Are you reading?:
The problem isn't that they get money. The problem is racists killing black youth and getting away with it.

what does gettin away with it comprise of to you?  merely not going to jail? thats the only problem you see? :rolleyes
More assumptions here :smh: In the end this sums up you. You don't want real discussion, just want to place anybody who disagrees with you in a negative light and if you can't do that then they're disagreeing just to disagree. You're not even reading what's being said and considering that you may actually be wrong.

youre simply disagreeing to disagree and parsing my original thesis out into pieces to try and call it stupid.

if you truly feel that there is no problem with men getting money on top of murder the bless your soul.
Nah I think the whole thing is stupid. The premise and the solution.

You seem to not get past the part that they shouldn't be getting say with the murder which is the problem.

You've taken something that is an issue and a problem and come up with a bad way in dealing with it. A way that infringes upon rights and creates wholesale double standards in comparison to other ppl's issues. You've dealt with this in an insanely emotional and close minded way. Now you're just mad but like I said "I can understand it's not your fault that you do not know what you're arguing."

No such thing as souls by the way.
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No such thing as souls by the way.


doesnt believe in souls, but can talk about the value of human life |I
You're more troubled than I thought if you need to believe in the concept of a soul to recognize that human life has value. Like that's disturbing.

You one of those if GOD doesn't tell you what's right or wrong then why have morals types :smh: Abhorrent.
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I mean, I for one am tired of having to agree with black people on "certain" issues. 

I feel unlike other races, blacks are expected to have 1 voice. Don't expect that I voted for Obama just cause I'm a brotha. I'm a real person, capable of original thought without the context of my ethnicity. 

As far as the original post goes, who cares? They just in so much denial they do the opposite of "white guilt" called "white blame" I would say bunch of Tea Party folks, but you'd be surprised how little liberals care about black people.
They just use them for votes to get in power. The ultimate goal of any politician is personal gain at the expense of.
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You're more troubled than I thought if you need to believe in the concept of a soul to recognize that human life has value. Like that's disturbing.

You one of those if GOD doesn't tell you what's right or wrong then why have morals types
what value can you place on human life if you dont believe in a soul?
You're more troubled than I thought if you need to believe in the concept of a soul to recognize that human life has value. Like that's disturbing.

You one of those if GOD doesn't tell you what's right or wrong then why have morals types :smh: Abhorrent.

what value can you place on human life if you dont believe in a soul?
:smh: :wow:

Fam, before religion, before the concept of a soul was even thought of it didn't take cave men to realize that human life has value. To deal with things like the loss of life and the birth of new life does not take the belief in a soul (w/e that is to you).

If you don't know this and can't currently grasp this then seek some help.

It's a human being. You place the same value in it that you would your own.

I think we should stop now. I can't believe this. Like I'm not about to turn this in to that thread after I just got done with telling you what was wrong with your crowd funding topic.
You're more troubled than I thought if you need to believe in the concept of a soul to recognize that human life has value. Like that's disturbing.

You one of those if GOD doesn't tell you what's right or wrong then why have morals types
what value can you place on human life if you dont believe in a soul?

Fam, before religion, before the concept of a soul was even thought of it didn't take cave men to realize that human life has value. To deal with things like the loss of life and the birth of new life does not take the belief in a soul (w/e that is to you).

If you don't know this and can't currently grasp this then seek some help.

It's a human being. You place the same value in it that you would your own.

I think we should stop now. I can't believe this. Like I'm not about to turn this in to that thread after I just got done with telling you what was wrong with your crowd funding topic.
when you say "deal with things", all your saying is that there is an acknowledgement of the soul.  the soul is what makes these events significant, and why today we observe rituals such as burial.  you think cavemen were burying their dead simply because a life was lost?  

you say you "place the same value in it as your own" but we both know thats not true.  if everyone did that, then the world would be a better place.  you can say you specifically, but that does not exclude you.  you say you hold everyones life in the same regard but thats not true. would you sacrifice an organ to save a stranger? would you kill you save your own life?  do you look at the man on the street corner as the same as yourself?  would you care if he died?  do you hold pedophiles and rapists and racists in the same regard as yourself, or is it simply a case of we're all human?

and the essence of a human is the soul, if not its all just biological processes.
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umm a lot of people bury/burn the dead not because its some ritual but because they need to get rid of the body 

the burial ceremony is for people to remember the dead and have a chance to "say goodbye", this can be done without believing in souls
umm a lot of people bury/burn the dead not because its some ritual but because they need to get rid of the body  

the burial ceremony is for people to remember the dead and have a chance to "say goodbye", this can be done without believing in souls
 getting rid of the body is why ppl have burials.  the body will decompose no need to get rid of it, just throw it in a landfill

when you say "remember the dead and say goodbye", thats the soul theyre honoring.
You're more troubled than I thought if you need to believe in the concept of a soul to recognize that human life has value. Like that's disturbing.

You one of those if GOD doesn't tell you what's right or wrong then why have morals types :smh: Abhorrent.

what value can you place on human life if you dont believe in a soul?
:smh: :wow:

Fam, before religion, before the concept of a soul was even thought of it didn't take cave men to realize that human life has value. To deal with things like the loss of life and the birth of new life does not take the belief in a soul (w/e that is to you).

If you don't know this and can't currently grasp this then seek some help.

It's a human being. You place the same value in it that you would your own.

I think we should stop now. I can't believe this. Like I'm not about to turn this in to that thread after I just got done with telling you what was wrong with your crowd funding topic.

when you say "deal with things", all your saying is that there is an acknowledgement of the soul.
No. I specifically said deal with things like the loss of life and birth of new life. I said things to imply there's more than one and then I stated some of those things. That's what I meant. So please don't tell me what I'm saying or acknowledging.

the soul is what makes these events significant, and why today we observe rituals such as burial.  you think cavemen were burying their dead simply because a life was lost?  

you say you "place the same value in it as your own" but we both know thats not true.  if everyone did that, then the world would be a better place.  you can say you specifically, but that does not exclude you.  you say you hold everyones life in the same regard but thats not true. would you sacrifice an organ to save a stranger? would you kill you save your own life?  do you look at the man on the street corner as the same as yourself?  would you care if he died?  do you hold pedophiles and rapists and racists in the same regard as yourself, or is it simply a case of we're all human?

and the essence of a human is the soul, if not its all just biological processes.

Lost boy.
I think we should stop now. I can't believe this. Like I'm not about to turn this in to that thread after I just got done with telling you what was wrong with your crowd funding topic.
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umm a lot of people bury/burn the dead not because its some ritual but because they need to get rid of the body  

the burial ceremony is for people to remember the dead and have a chance to "say goodbye", this can be done without believing in souls
 getting rid of the body is why ppl have burials.  the body will decompose no need to get rid of it, just throw it in a landfill

when you say "remember the dead and say goodbye", thats the soul theyre honoring.
what the hell is a soul?

leaving dead bodies around to decompose is a great way to start a plague

burials are "for" the dead but its just a way for the living to pay their respects and fell better about their loss, it gives people closer and is intended to help them get on with their lives  
Originally Posted by Master Zik  
No. I specifically said deal with things like the loss of life and birth of new life. I said things to imply there's more than one and then I stated some of those things. That's what I meant. So please don't tell me what I'm saying or acknowledging.

it doesnt matter if you stated only those two things or had more, they both are evidence of humans knowing the significance of the soul.  if not, then essentially the birth of new baby is just a new personality waiting to be developed, and death is just a person going to sleep forever.


yes when theres no reply, stoneface  


Lost boy.

yes im lost because i believe people have souls.  
 go outside 

No. I specifically said deal with things like the loss of life and birth of new life. I said things to imply there's more than one and then I stated some of those things. That's what I meant. So please don't tell me what I'm saying or acknowledging.

it doesnt matter if you stated only those two things or had more, they both are evidence of humans knowing the significance of the soul.  if not, then essentially the birth of new baby is just a new personality waiting to be developed, and death is just a person going to sleep forever.

yes when theres no reply, stoneface :rofl:

Lost boy.

yes im lost because i believe people have souls. :rofl:  go outside 
Yeah you're pretty much lost. You think there's no value in human life without a soul.

Enlarging your words and putting it in bold don't mean you right :lol:

Those things or anymore is not evidence of a soul.
if not, then essentially the birth of new baby is just a new personality waiting to be developed, and death is just a person going to sleep forever.
Yes that's as of right now is exactly what it is.

Although I wouldn't call death "sleep forever".
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burials are "for" the dead but its just a way for the living to pay their respects and fell better about their loss, it gives people closer and is intended to help them get on with their lives  

so why even go thru the hassle? just incinerate them en masse
if not, then essentially the birth of new baby is just a new personality waiting to be developed, and death is just a person going to sleep forever.
thats exactly what it is 

how does that make a human life any less valuable? 
because neither of those events are significant in and of themselves when put into those terms.  a man was shot to death, but its no big deal he just went to sleep for a little longer than how we sleep for 12 hours.  he could have lived longer, but it would have just been his personality taking up space.  he just had a new personality come into his life, but it doesnt matter because hes only sleeping now. 
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