Is it just me? vol. Partying

Originally Posted by Pat10leather

not saying this applies to you OP but some people hold these type of ideals because they feel superior to those that do these things (drink, drugs, party). These are usually the ones that always talk about how they don't do this or that. You can make the condescending tone from a mile away.

"Oh I don't poison my body....." FOH jo.

As long as turning water to wine remains Jesus' first miracle, I shall partake...
I agree. I'm not criticizing or judging anyone who chooses not to party or drink or do drugs, that's your business. But the problem Ihave is when you feel arrogant and superior to those who do. Not everyone who drinks or goes out is a lowlife piece of scum who has no morals. Some peoplecan stay in control and know their limits.

In high school I never drank or smoked and was always the sober one. I did it because I wasn't interested in getting in trouble and because most of myfriends needed a sober driver or someone to be responsible. I then realized that you can't try to worry about everyone else and their actions, so I nowdrink and enjoy myself while maintaining my self control.
Tried it, didn't like it, so I don't really "party" any more. I still go out w/ my friends once in a while. They're such happy littledrunks
It never gets old to me becuase I don't party every weekend. I'm 19 and I'm in college. I havn't burned in a long time because of job reasons,but I drink to get buzzed because passin out/hangovers SUCK! Plus gettin at girls is way harder drunk. I miss my Purple Kush

Also, don't yall hate the people that take a couple of drinks/puffs and say "I'm so drunk right now." or "I'm so high rightnow."
you will grow out of your non partying stage soon young grasshopper... & at that point you will realize exactly how much of a square you have been beingyour whole life
Originally Posted by bigdanes14

It never gets old to me becuase I don't party every weekend. I'm 19 and I'm in college. I havn't burned in a long time because of job reasons, but I drink to get buzzed because passin out/hangovers SUCK! Plus gettin at girls is way harder drunk. I miss my Purple Kush

Also, don't yall hate the people that take a couple of drinks/puffs and say "I'm so drunk right now." or "I'm so high right now."
its always been easier to me. ill say whatever i want drunk as opposed to being a little more reserved while sober. as long as your not obviouslywasted drunk, a few drinks in your system should make taking down that broad at the club/bar/party a tad bit easier.
I'm on your page OP.
I hate partying and such...don't drink, smoke, etc....but we are in the 2% or so of the population that feel this way.
I didn't party, have a gf, or even kiss a girl until I was 17! I skipped my best friend's party's also for no reason except to chill at the crib.Going into my senior year of high school in Fall 2005 I vowed to be more social and not even a month into my senior year I got a gf and I smashed. Once webroke up and I got over her, which wasn't easy at all, I became a lot more of who I am today. From the day I finally kissed a girl in a year I kissed over10 girls and smashed like 2 or 3 more. I started bunnin at the beginning of summer 2006 and smoke quite often now. In 07 I broke out a lil more and startedhitting up the club twice a week for like the whole summer but it was so much fun. I'm still a quiet and shy guy at heart but I am happy that I became somuch more social. It is always good to meet new people and the more you go out the more chance you develop new, strong friendships or relationships. Somepeople don't change but I am a good example of how much you can.
Foreal im 17, & i feel burnt out of partying too much!!! lol sike
i aint done yet, can you say JAIL BAIT! haha
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

solemunchies wrote:
Well NT, I wanted to talk about something that always bugged me and that is people that party. I am not referring to people who have parties for family or whatever. I am talking about those parties where people just get messed up and hook up with girls/guys and all that jazz. I don't know why but it bugs me too much to know that people do this. I feel that it is mad old and over done and simply childish. I strongly dislike drinking/taking drugs in general, it's not my thing. In my opinion, the atmosphere is just asking for some trouble.

I, for one, would rather just chill with some of my closest friends and just do @%** that doesn't involve things our parents would not want us to do.

Anybody else feel the same way?

Any thoughts?

my dude your 17.

do all that stuff right now and get it out your system at a young age. i've seen a few friends spend those years ages 16-21 not really partying that much and doing much with their free time try to catch up when they get older while all their boys who lived it up on the weekends are starting to calm down somewhat.

hit the bottle a few times, try that stuff ricky williams wanted to retire so he could smoke all the time, get some vagina but know your limits.

if you've drank/ smoked before and you just don't like it at all i can respect that but most of the time your gonna be the odd man out when weekends come around.

i can see where your comming from in the sense that partying every weekend gets redundant because at times its does, going clubbing and to partys every weekend, but still its good to get all that stuff out your system early.
Originally Posted by solemunchies

@ some of you that show no opinion but a straight up negative one.

Oh and I'm not Mormon, have you ever met a Filipino Mormon living in SoCal? it's unheard of.

Yeah, I was mad last night but some of the more mature posts got me to accept more people

To the dude that had a friend that broke his edge, I don't know why but I got a slight chuckle out of that because yeah some people do break it. I mean the point of being straight edge is to live out a lifestyle full of self pride and I just think it takes a lot of courage to say no than to conform.

lol no it doesn't. i know nobody who drank or did drugs because of "peer pressure," the ones that do must be weak individuals.

i do what i do because i want to. some nights i will be completely sober awhile everyone's getting sh-faced (more often than not, actually as i'm analabout not drinking after lifting), and despite drunk kids pouring me drinks or bottles coming to our table i don't drink if i don't want to.

don't tallk yourself up dude, you're not on some higher moral ground than everyone else.
Originally Posted by solemunchies

@ some of you that show no opinion but a straight up negative one.

Oh and I'm not Mormon, have you ever met a Filipino Mormon living in SoCal? it's unheard of.

Yeah, I was mad last night but some of the more mature posts got me to accept more people

To the dude that had a friend that broke his edge, I don't know why but I got a slight chuckle out of that because yeah some people do break it. I mean the point of being straight edge is to live out a lifestyle full of self pride and I just think it takes a lot of courage to say no than to conform.
Ummm... and you're doing what?
Arlington tonight

DDing because I can't continue to drink. Will definitely be a good time though.
Mayhem, you gotta stop. I'm entitled to an opinion. You're like the only one that is truly angered by my opinion. Chill. And that goes for a lot of youcases trying to start something.

I don't care if I'm smashing, you swear like the girls you guys bag are dimes. Oh wow, 'she has a fatty' 'she got some tig ol bitties'.Some of the dudes on NT like some disgusting girls. Real talk.
Neither side is going to agree with the other so we should just leave it at that. I mean, why exactly would you want more dudes (OP & co.) to get out more, that could potentially make it that much harder to bag a chick orwhatever for you.
Everyone being their own person is what makes the world so unique, just worry bout yourself and not how everyone else is living.
I agree with solemunchies. I'm 15 and I don't really drink and i don't smoke. I've been to parties before but it's just not my thing. Irather shoot pool w/ some of my boys or go watch a movie with a girl.

I got friends that need to be intoxicated to bag a chick. Last week I went to see a Marlins game with friends and everybody I was with wipped out their fakesand started getting wasted. (the beers were like 9 dollars ea. mind you)

Maybe the fact that I don't really go to house parties has to do with how shy I am but idk. I feel like i'm talking to a psychiatrist right now lol.
IMO I think we have to consider that OP is 17 and probably hasn't started college yet. Trust me, your views about the world will change drastically withinnext year.

Right now, you say you are "above" people who party, and that they are messing themselves up.. well when you start college, you'll find out thatsame dude who parties hard, who you thought you were "above", will be turning in his work faster than you, getting better grades than you, networkingwith more people than you, making more friends than you, smashing more girls than you, and having more fun than you... and you'll say to yourself "
Damn... @#@% just got real. Some of these dudes are supposed to be inferior to me, yet their lives > mine." That's when you'll learn to stopbeing so judgmental of people's lives and behaviors and you'll open yourself up to new things.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

IMO I think we have to consider that OP is 17 and probably hasn't started college yet. Trust me, your views about the world will change drastically within next year.

im 22 and graduating college in 3 weeks and i agree with op.
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

IMO I think we have to consider that OP is 17 and probably hasn't started college yet. Trust me, your views about the world will change drastically within next year.
im 22 and graduated college in 3 weeks and i agree with op.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Please tell me how that's possible?[/color]
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

IMO I think we have to consider that OP is 17 and probably hasn't started college yet. Trust me, your views about the world will change drastically within next year.

im 22 and graduating college in 3 weeks and i agree with op.
so you believe that you are "above" people who party/drink (and you don't believe in hooking up with guys)?

there's nothing wrong with choosing not to party/drink.. i have plenty of friends who experienced it and decided that it just wasn't for them. myproblem with the OP is that he's talking down on people who do party/drink as if he is superior to them, and he hasn't even experienced it yet.
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