Is it just me? vol. Partying

eh...I guess I just like being around people.

Just because you drink doesn't mean you have to get totally wasted (word to Gucci & Plies)

I party from time to time but I also like chillin playing cards, board games, bowling, etc. If drinks are present at these events, I aint mad
Originally Posted by TkTheGirl

Originally Posted by solemunchies

I just know how to have fun without things like alcohol and drugs.

My own family stay looking at me screwface when I say this.
I second this. But then again, I'm not against gettin loose every once in a while. Some of the besttimes I've ever had was when I was drunk.
Originally Posted by rockforlight

You're 17. I bet right now , you're super excited about bands like Minor Threat,Project-X,Youth of Today,Turning Point, Chain of Strength,etc... You're feelings will most likely change when you get older. Mine sure did. I broke edge just a few months after turning 21.

I also like Casey Jones
Its all fun and games until your on the roof of a high rise playing truth or dare, true story.
@ some of you that show no opinion but a straight up negative one.

Oh and I'm not Mormon, have you ever met a Filipino Mormon living in SoCal? it's unheard of.

Yeah, I was mad last night but some of the more mature posts got me to accept more people

To the dude that had a friend that broke his edge, I don't know why but I got a slight chuckle out of that because yeah some people do break it. I mean thepoint of being straight edge is to live out a lifestyle full of self pride and I just think it takes a lot of courage to say no than to conform.
not saying this applies to you OP but some people hold these type of ideals because they feel superior to those that do these things (drink, drugs, party).These are usually the ones that always talk about how they don't do this or that. You can make the condescending tone from a mile away.

"Oh I don't poison my body....." FOH jo.

As long as turning water to wine remains Jesus' first miracle, I shall partake...
Originally Posted by AceBoogie

Its all fun and games until your on the roof of a high rise playing truth or dare, true story.

What did this cat Drake say on "Ignant #+#+"?

"I think better when I'm not sober."

And to the OP and those who have posted in this thread claiming they're straight edge: I seriously commend you. It takes major discipline to totallyabstain from alcohol and/or drugs, especially when part of the Age 17-22 demographic.
Only reason i dont drink/smoke when i go out is because I dont know who's gonna be @ these events and in the circle I'm in (in the entertainmentindustry) , it's VERY small and everyone knows someone.

I'll drink lightly for a friend's bday but i try not to otherwise.

As far as smoking, i fell back. I hate laughing @ dumb @*#. LOL
Guys I don't think He is down going out to have fun. I think He just doesn't subscribe to making it a hobby or a must do type thing.
Son needs to get out of the house. NT/porn/the net in general isnt that cool for me to be cooped up.

Its the summer. People to meet and women in heat
a. get a blog and a Wii

b. get off NT and try it yourself

c. you don't have to party to the point of getting sick. you CAN meet people by being social. and why do you care if people are having fun if it's nothurting anyone?

d. it sounds like you spend your weekends at funerals

e. this thread borderline pisses me off

f. why are you going to events you don't enjoy?
Originally Posted by Big J 33

If you don't like it, don't go and find alternative means of entertainment.

I for one can't wait for school to start again. Freshmeat
Thats good for you...I agree with dude earlier that it will change though. I'm guessing you gotta be a freshman at 17. You will try a drink or blunt atsome point of your college career. Its natural to try it. As far as the getting scummy and cuttin something new, let them do them. If thats not your thing,don't judge others for finding their fun.
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