Is it harder to respect women in this day and age?

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In my "research" of the Miss Delaware vid
. . . I found out that she did it for 250k apparently . . .

I don't know about you but I'd definitely get booty butt buckaroo naked for a cool 250,000.
she did way more than just get naked though..

homie was bowls deep in them yambs..

would you still take the 250k?
Guess what? Women like sex

Your mom liked sex that how you got here and the same thing applies to me. Enough with putting women in a box.

If you dont like it, move to the Middle East or turn out a nun
Guess what? Women like sex

Your mom liked sex that how you got here and the same thing applies to me. Enough with putting women in a box.

If you dont like it, move to the Middle East or turn out a nun
It ain't even about liking sex. If you don't see the difference between being a sloot and liking sex I feel for you bruh!
theres still alot of girls that arent trashy, if yall left ya moms basement once in a while you'd realize not every girl has an instagram full of trashy pictures.

im not even trying to be an *** but yall are going off the kinds of sloots you see on ya feeds or hear about on the internets..
long read but...
All too often, our ambition consumes us, and leads to hasty decisions. An intelligent spouse can help refine and focus that drive. "  
Today, an epic interview with Jacqueline Kennedy, dating back to 1964, is being released to the public.  The interview, conducted in seven parts with historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr., happened just months after John F. Kennedy's assassination. Jacqueline Kennedy is incredibly candid and charming throughout the interview, appearing ever the loyal, proud wife, even during what her daughter Caroline Kennedy refers to as "the extreme stages of grief." 

When we heard some of these tapes, we were reminded once again how important a supportive, confident wife is for the ongoing success of a powerful man.

While it's certainly not a requirement for career success, a supportive life partner can propel you professionally and make life richer and more meaningful. Here are some of the things that a good woman can do for you.

[h3]She provides self-confidence[/h3]By praising what you do and not demeaning your ideas or vision, a great woman can stroke your ego and give you the confidence you need to succeed. The marriage of Ronald Reagan  and Nancy Reagan has been described as one of the great love stories of the century. Reagan knew it. From the 1950s to the '90s, before Alzheimer's slowly took his life, Ronald wrote devoted love letters to his wife, expressing his gratitude for her support. These letters were later published in Nancy Reagan's book, titled I Love You, Ronnie

In one of the book's letters, written while he was Governor of California, Reagan expressed how much he valued his partner: "There are no words to describe the happiness you have brought to the Gov. It is no secret that he is the most married man in the world and would be totally lost and desolate without you."

[h3]She feeds ambition & drive[/h3]Women enjoy men who are fueled with ambition, drive and dedication. Hillary saw something special in Bill Clinton  when the two met at Yale Law School. She shared the vision he had for himself, and provided a sounding board for his ideas and actions in all of his political campaigns. All too often, our ambition consumes us, and leads to hasty decisions. An intelligent spouse can help refine and focus that drive.

[h3]She offers solid support[/h3]A great wife is there to listen to you and help you deal with issues. She offers emotional support which makes you feel better about yourself. It's well known that Laura Bush single-handedly persuaded her husband, George W. Bush, to lay off the bottle when he was in his early 40s. By being an emotional rock when her husband needed it the most, Laura helped Bush get back on his feet.

Thanks to Laura's emotional strength, Bush went on to become the Governor of Texas and the President of the United States. In addition to fulfilling our professional goals, we need to occasionally refuel our emotional tanks. A loving and intimate life partner will be there for you.

Read more:
theres still alot of girls that arent trashy, if yall left ya moms basement once in a while you'd realize not every girl has an instagram full of trashy pictures.

im not even trying to be an *** but yall are going off the kinds of sloots you see on ya feeds or hear about on the internets..
I don't know how things are in the desert but in these here burbs and cities the sloots are on parade my dude. Round my way high school girls have pregnancy clubs...and this is in the burbs.
I don't know how things are in the desert but in these here burbs and cities the sloots are on parade my dude. Round my way high school girls have pregnancy clubs...and this is in the burbs.

Well it seems like you are young and chicks are still wild. Just wait a few years and the girls will act normal, just dont ask about their past :lol:
There is still good woman out there you just have to look a little harder.
theres still alot of girls that arent trashy, if yall left ya moms basement once in a while you'd realize not every girl has an instagram full of trashy pictures.

im not even trying to be an *** but yall are going off the kinds of sloots you see on ya feeds or hear about on the internets..
I don't know how things are in the desert but in these here burbs and cities the sloots are on parade my dude. Round my way high school girls have pregnancy clubs...and this is in the burbs.
are you in high school or what?? 

i know chicks from La who dont even have Facebooks and that other ish..

theres still smart beautiful ladies out there, your first mistake was joining Plenty of fish..
theres still alot of girls that arent trashy, if yall left ya moms basement once in a while you'd realize not every girl has an instagram full of trashy pictures.

im not even trying to be an *** but yall are going off the kinds of sloots you see on ya feeds or hear about on the internets..

Have to agree w/this fella

The same type of women you guys seem to hate are the same ones you follow on all the social sites then want to cry about everyone being loose. Yeah you're just there to see 'yambs' but you're also giving these women the validation they seek.

I won't lie at some point the idea of discretion was lost on our generation. When there was once shame in being a side chick you have these women posting their gifts from men who are in a public relationship with another woman.

At the same time there are plenty of women who still have respect for themselves and carry themselves as such.
theres still alot of girls that arent trashy, if yall left ya moms basement once in a while you'd realize not every girl has an instagram full of trashy pictures.

im not even trying to be an *** but yall are going off the kinds of sloots you see on ya feeds or hear about on the internets..
I don't know how things are in the desert but in these here burbs and cities the sloots are on parade my dude. Round my way high school girls have pregnancy clubs...and this is in the burbs.
are you in high school or what?? 

i know chicks from La who dont even have Facebooks and that other ish..

theres still smart beautiful ladies out there, your first mistake was joining Plenty of fish..
Bruh, I ain't in high school...and was making an observation. I am aware of there being smart beautiful ladies out there, and I know a few...thus my dissapointment with the way things seem to be trending. I ain't even on Facebook like that ish is corny to me, for the reasons stated and use it primarily for work.

POF was signed up on because of niketalk, and to troll. I ain't even on it like that.

Like I said maybe things are different in the desert across from that massage parlor where the asians are giving out hand jobs, and meth dealers are kidnapping you for ransom 
I have to agree with Gatzby and Mouse. Yea, there are the ones who are out there and it's pretty evident, but I run into respectable females all the time. Hell, there's a good handful I have met that are damn near boring because they are so conservative. You just have to look and put yourself in the right position/place to meet them.
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I have to agree with Gatzby and Mouse. Yea, there are the ones who are out there and it's pretty evident, but I run into respectable females all the time. Hell, there's a good handful I have met that are damn near boring because they are so conservative. You just have to look and put yourself in the right position/place to meet them.
This isn't as much about dating and finding someone who is respectable, but more about noticing a trend towards trashiness....
Respect is earned, be it male or female. I'm quick to judge someone as soon as I meet them , but if they show me a side that is worth my respect , then I'm extra nice to that person.

as men we've always been taught to give women a pass.  Give them a degree of respect off the bat. We treat everyone with dignity men and women though, even if we don't agree with their lifestyles.
laughing with you vs laughing at you.

crying with you vs crying because of you.

Everybody stops or slows down to see a car accident, you aren't praising it just because you are watching the 'trainwreck'.

"I dont know if they are laughing at me or laughing with me"

I think you have heard that saying.
It is hard to tell.

"Is he liking my pic cause I m cute or is he liking my pic to bookmark so he can make a thirsty girls thread"

Well it seems like you are young and chicks are still wild. Just wait a few years and the girls will act normal, just dont ask about their past :lol

I like you, you're funny
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