Is A-Rod I mean A-Clutch / King of NY the greatest of all-time?

Originally Posted by OLD SCHOOL

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

@The A-Rod hatred.
Yeah because it's something that is just happening now
I'm not saying it's new...just still find it funny how youcan't have a debate about dude's talent without people throwing around "Gay-Rod" and all of that jazz.

I mean, I'm not saying dissenting opinions are invalid, because how good he really is is heavily debatable. But the name-calling just shows a bias thatmakes me not want to take your opinion seriously.

And dude will never be "King of NY". Especially not after a measly ALDS against the Twins.

If the yanks win the world series this year much will be forgotten, but he's just nowhere near the KONY, he's not built like that. He's the fourthmost important person on this current team. I've never even heard anyone bring it up before. OP stays saying dumb @%@% anyway, this is probably a joke.

Bernie and Tino get more love than arod. At the moment Ewing, oakley, and even starks get more love. Leech and messier get more love. LT and ELI gets morelove.
Originally Posted by DubA169


If the yanks win the world series this year much will be forgotten, but he's just nowhere near the KONY, he's not built like that. He's the fourth most important person on this current team. I've never even heard anyone bring it up before. OP stays saying dumb @%@% anyway, this is probably a joke.

Bernie and Tino get more love than arod. At the moment Ewing, oakley, and even starks get more love. Leech and messier get more love. LT and ELI gets more love.
its possible if he hits three game winning homeruns, word to eli....if he wins two rings and performs well he will be a king.
Originally Posted by Curious24

Originally Posted by DubA169


If the yanks win the world series this year much will be forgotten, but he's just nowhere near the KONY, he's not built like that. He's the fourth most important person on this current team. I've never even heard anyone bring it up before. OP stays saying dumb @%@% anyway, this is probably a joke.

Bernie and Tino get more love than arod. At the moment Ewing, oakley, and even starks get more love. Leech and messier get more love. LT and ELI gets more love.
its possible if he hits three game winning homeruns, word to eli....if he wins two rings and performs well he will be a king.
agreed, he will live like A king, but he's messed up to many years to be THE king. It took tex coming over for him to be a cog in the machine.Nobody came to help eli manning, everything just clicked at the right time. Plus he beat a team that was undefeated and from boston, his whole story is ofmythic proportions. But hey time has been very kind to ewing, so who knows

To be honest the only king in nyc sports wise is Jeter, unless bron comes because basketball is just such an intergral part of nyc
LOL at jeter being king of ny, when AROD is CLEARLY a better player and gets paid more than Jeter plus his whole family... what more do you need to be one?

popularity? LLOL. come on now. they're sports athletes. the best athlete can be the king just like a best rapper and wealthiest rapper, Jay is the one.

if King of NY only refers to being popular,,,then there's a problem.
has no championships yet and if he doesnt win one this year then this year is totally worthless for him and the yanks as a whole... and this is coming from ayankees fan so no hater here
Originally Posted by PRETTYPLAYA

LOL at jeter being king of ny, when AROD is CLEARLY a better player and gets paid more than Jeter plus his whole family... what more do you need to be one?

popularity? LLOL. come on now. they're sports athletes. the best athlete can be the king just like a best rapper and wealthiest rapper, Jay is the one.

if King of NY only refers to being popular,,,then there's a problem.

That's basically what it comes down to. I'm a huge A-Rod fan, but in Yankee fans' eyes, Jeter will always be above Alex, off the strength of allthose championship years, and the huge role he seemed to always play in them.
thats because he's played in ny for so long. ya'll act like he was the main reason why ny won.

let's face it. people are jealous of Arod because hes getting paid way too much, yet seems like hes not performing worth the money. but no one can performworth billions in baseball

so ppl tend to not like him...showing their weak emotions of being jealous...that's human.

while jeter is getting paid alot but pretty affordable to most franchises in MLB.

Jeter's doing what he's supposed to do at his salary.

So hes very well-liked. i guess he has a nice personality and not cocky..humble all that.. he has those tools to appeal publics.

but that's just popularity.

but let's talk baseball. let's talk talent.

if you wanna be the king, YOU HAVE TO BE THE BEST at what you do and we clearly know that Jeter isn't the one. There's a HUGE gap b/w them.

if you wanna be the king, YOU HAVE TO BE WEALTHIEST, and Jeter isn't seeing that either. and there's another huge gap b/w them.

however Jeter can be the most likable athlete in NY though. lol
^ you serious man? you act like jeter never contributed in those championship years... i guess they call him mr. november just to be funny...but in allseriousness arod is a great player and will go down as one of the greatest and yes he is better than jeter BUT dude never won a championship... so to call himking of ny or even mr clutch is reaching... he does his thing in the regular season no doubt but in the playoffs not really...he hasnt done anything in theplayoffs since hes been a yankee... this year hes finally doing well but its only the first around against a tired twins team... ill start believing this guyis legit when he produces against the angels and if the yanks get to the world series he does his thing too... im not trying to discredit him but why get somuch praise when he hasnt won a championship yet? pujols even got 1 and he hasnt been in the league as long as arod and hes putting up similar numbers too...iguess pujols is underpaid in comparison to arod
put arod in 00 yankees = ring no matter what. one player can only have so much impact on a team.

Pitching and bullpen are way more important than Derek Jeter when it comes to playoffs.

this isn't basketball. funny how all these basketball fans coming up with "AROD 0 Ring" comparison to baseball.

Someone mentioned Barry Bonds as GOAT which I disagree.

But he's def top 5 to 10 range of all-time but HOW MANY RINGS???????????????????????????????

arod as a yankee = the team lacked major pitching to contend any.

when Wang is your ace for sp, you know you have a problem.
I guess we'll have to disagree, because when it comes to "King of NY" I think fan perspective plays a major role.

You just sonnd like a huge A-Rod fan, trying to defend your guy. Jeter was invaluable to those championship teams. Yes, pitching reigns supreme, but does thatcompletely discredit anything the position players do?

Alex hasn't been lucky enough to be on a championship team just yet. I don't think that has much to do with him being "King of NY" butapparently, some people do. If he wins one this year, he still won't go ahead of Jeter in the fans eyes.

I'm not foolish enough to say that Jeter is the better player. A-Rod > Jeter, as far as skill and talent goes, but you have to take into account howmuch he's done in the Playoffs when you talk about Jeter.

And trust me, I've played the opposite of this argument plenty of times a few years back when Yankee fans absolutely despized Alex. A-Rod is the betterplayer by far, but Jeter will always be "King of NY" in the eyes of the fans.
Why do you think money is the main factor of being king of new york? I didn't know that for a time bernie madoff was the KONY. How people perceive you andtreat you determines whether you are the KONY. Jeter is the most clutch player I've seen on the yankees in my 22 years on this earth. Arod has maaad workto do if he ever wants to catch up. Plus jeter came through the farm system, it's just a different kind of love.

I hate to bring rap in this... BUT

arod=jay z

a lot of people think jay z is much better than biggie, but he will never be as loved as biggie and will always be second fiddle.
@ this troll.

first he talks basketball which ends up to be complete and utter nonsense, now he's trying to talk about baseball?

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