Interesting Take on Martin Luther Kings Life

Martin Luther King Jr.
>>>>>>>>>> Martin Luther (lutheran dude from1500's or so).
Sex with single and married women continued after King married, and on the night before his death, King had two adulterous trysts. His first rendezvous was at a woman's house, the second in a hotel room. The source for this was his best friend and second-in-command, Ralph Abernathy, who noted that the second woman was "a member of the Kentucky legislature," now known to be Georgia Davis Powers.
Georgia Powers
Georgia Powers, one of King's lovers.

Abernathy went on to say that a third woman was also looking for King that same night, but found his bed empty. She knew his habits and was angry when they met later that morning. In response, writes Abernathy, King "lost his temper" and "knocked her across the bed … She leapt up to fight back, and for a moment they were engaged in a full-blown fight, with [King] clearly winning." A few hours later, King ate lunch with Abernathy and discussed the importance of nonviolence for their movement.

Anyways, article doesn't change any of my beliefs about the man.

So, Meh
that people take time out to try and take away from what he accomplished...and focus on negatives...
ehh ...i think the author of the story has a bone to pick...i mean you could do this with any historic american figure especially Washington, Jefferson andLincoln with far greater success than can be done with mlk
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Originally Posted by cguy610

Pretty pathetic article.

If you want to see the footnotes for where he got his information to support the article, you have to send in $3.

Mods should lock this up. This isn't an "Interesting Take on MLK's Life". This is just a libelous article bashing MLK and is only going to start the usual arguments here.
Why are you so upset. I don't agree with this guy's take on MLK but you can't deny some of the facts he pointed out.

I'm far from upset and the article is far from having anything remotely close to factual information. The article won't even post the sources for theinformation.
Originally Posted by JinKazama

Moral of the story...ain't nobody perfect

We have all done shady crap in our lives. Hopefully by the time we pass away the good outweighs the bad. IMO MLK met that standard.

Originally Posted by Uptown Roamer

Good read, but really though, if anybody does some diggin' on some of the other iconic and historic people in this country, I can guarantee you that you'll find similar %$%@ on EVERYBODY.

Everybody has their %$%@ and like it's been said, nobody's perfect...

But the worst thing about all of this is the fact they are attacking the man all these years after his death. Let his legacy be what it is instead of throwingsalt on his name now.
Washington + Jefferson were both slave owners.

Lincoln supported slavery in the North

Roosevelt participated in the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II

All of these facts could be gained with a middle school knowledge of U.S. History. Compared to all of these men, MLK's mistakes were hardly noteworthy. Andregardless, all of these men were great leaders and great Americans that had a positive impact on our society today. I don't know why there should be anydebate about this.
The author of the article is racist.

Why else would this be included in the article?
Like liberals today, King denied racial differences. In a reply to an interviewer who told him many Southern whites thought racial differences were a biological fact, he replied:
"This utterly ignorant fallacy has been so thoroughly refuted by the social scientists, as well as by medical science, that any individual who goes on believing it is standing in an absolutely misguided and diminishing circle. The American Anthropological Association has unanimously adopted a resolution repudiating statements that Negroes are biologically, in innate mental ability or in any other way inferior to whites."

The conclusions to be drawn from his belief in across-the-board equality were clear: failure by blacks to achieve at the level of whites could be explained only by white oppression. As King explained in one interview, "I think we have to honestly admit that the problems in the world today, as they relate to the question of race, must be blamed on the whole doctrine of white supremacy, the whole doctrine of racism, and these doctrines came into being through the white race and the exploitation of the colored peoples of the world." King predicted that "if the white world" does not stop this racism and oppression, "then we can end up in the world with a kind of race war."

So what the author is proposing is that there IS something biologically inferior in black people. That right there is enough for me to discountany of this guy's writing.

Also, the source of the article is taken from a racist website. It's veiled as a website discussing race matters but dig a little deeper and it'sreally just another white supremacy site.
I think this would be a great article if it was to either to inform or make some sort of point, because i'm sure there could be a lot of truth in there.But theres an agenda here dethrone the man from his well deserved historical status. Therefore, i just can't read it.
Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by spsfinest212

[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""]King and President Lyndon Johnson.[/th] [/tr][/table]
@ this pic
Must have been asking him to desegregate the schools for the 15th time..
I think this would be a great article if it was to either to inform or make some sort of point, because i'm sure there could be a lot of truth in there.But theres an agenda here dethrone the man from his well deserved historical status. Therefore, i just can't read it.
This entire article is coming from a white pride website. Here's another posting about "Race and IQ" from this website

"One of the most destructive myths of modern times is that people of all races have the same average intelligence. It is widely accepted that genesaccount for much of the difference in intelligence between individuals, but many people still refuse to believe genes explain group differences in averageintelligence. This blindness leads to futile attempts to eliminate "learning gaps" between the races and forces whites to accept the view that ifblacks and Hispanics are less successful than whites, it is because of white "racism."

I don't even understand why this was posted to begin with since it is obviously from a website full of hate and bigotry.
smh.gif ?
Originally Posted by Tus4Prez

This entire article is coming from a white pride website. Here's another posting about "Race and IQ" from this website

"One of the most destructive myths of modern times is that people of all races have the same average intelligence. It is widely accepted that genes account for much of the difference in intelligence between individuals, but many people still refuse to believe genes explain group differences in average intelligence. This blindness leads to futile attempts to eliminate "learning gaps" between the races and forces whites to accept the view that if blacks and Hispanics are less successful than whites, it is because of white "racism."

I don't even understand why this was posted to begin with since it is obviously from a website full of hate and bigotry.
Yeah, most of the sites posting this are White Nationalist sites.
I see nothing wrong with these allegations.

Plagiarism? So what, it's just a means to pass your classes and get a degree. He didn't care as much as others did since he didn't deem it asimportant as his other goals.

Adultery? So what, like seriously. So what?

Whites; "vast majority of whites are racist" It's his opinion, he may be right he may be wrong it's an opinion based off of his experiences.Can't fault a man for that. We do deserve reparations.

Communism? I won't even go in to it since most ppl don't know what it is. America has attached a negative connotation to that word for like 60 years.If ppl didn't allow themselves to be corrupted communism could actually work quite well.

As if he's the only christian(any religious person really) to doubt something about his religion. Faith isn't something you shouldhave just to have it, you don't blindly believe in things. His views on his religion are his views, far be it from any other christian/person to dare judgehim because of that.

If ppl want to go out idolizing MLK, praising him the most, making him out to be a saint that 's their problem and prerogative.

At the end of the day he stood for equality and peace. He fought for civil rights.
Originally Posted by JFK

Source of article please.

Like any other person, King had his faults. But you can't take away his legacy or his accomplishments because he was striving for the common good. King was the leader of the Civil Rights Movement and without his participation, who knows what would have happened.
You pulled this from a White Supremacist website - and I'm NOT going to allow our community to amplify their views. This has never been a platform forhate speech, and the author of this hatchet job's pitiful intentions are transparent.

Come on, there's a whole freaking section about how King denies innate cognitive differences among races as though this WIDELY accepted view weresacrilege. (And it is... if you're a White Supremacist...)

"This utterly ignorant fallacy has been so thoroughly refuted by the social scientists, as well as by medical science, that any individual who goes on believing it is standing in an absolutely misguided and diminishing circle. The American Anthropological Association has unanimously adopted a resolution repudiating statements that Negroes are biologically, in innate mental ability or in any other way inferior to whites."
Do you DISAGREE with that statement? The author of your "interesting view" does.

There are plenty of sensible works on Dr. King's life, which include his flaws. (Most recently, King: Pilgrimageto the Mountaintop by Harvard Sitkoff)

If you want to learn more about the man, that's a good place to start - not some bilious libel posted on a hate site.
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