I'm smashing, but I can't get the girl. Vol Ronnie Romance

Originally Posted by bogusreality

turn a garden tool into a housewife.

let me know how that goes...
exactly. guess you gotta be lookin for diff women
Originally Posted by bogusreality

turn a garden tool into a housewife.

let me know how that goes...
exactly. guess you gotta be lookin for diff women
Originally Posted by KingJay718

Well, I've got a few ladies that I sleep with when time permits, but damn I can't seem to get a serious relationship with a woman.  The longest relationship I've been in was 6 months.  I've had more sex partners than girlfriends.  I get kinda envious when I see dudes with their females out and about, whereas it seems like I'm stuck in the role as *+$% on call.  Is there anyway out of this?  I've had females laugh at me when I propose to get serious.  Don't get me wrong, I love smashing, but I'm 27 and sometimes I feel like I'm on the clock.  Most of the males in my family, from HS. have kids, a family etc,

I feel you, I am 29 and going through the same thing. Slowed myself down and haven't smashed a random in about 2 months because I am catching feelings for this chick I met in Dubai earlier this year. Taking $@@ slow as hell, but it could happen. Regardless don't stress about it that much, take it day by day, and let life just happen man. Real talk just make sure you set the example of what you want by giving it to your self first, i.e. make sure you love yourself the way you heart wants to be loved first so you show the world how you demand to be loved..
Originally Posted by KingJay718

Well, I've got a few ladies that I sleep with when time permits, but damn I can't seem to get a serious relationship with a woman.  The longest relationship I've been in was 6 months.  I've had more sex partners than girlfriends.  I get kinda envious when I see dudes with their females out and about, whereas it seems like I'm stuck in the role as *+$% on call.  Is there anyway out of this?  I've had females laugh at me when I propose to get serious.  Don't get me wrong, I love smashing, but I'm 27 and sometimes I feel like I'm on the clock.  Most of the males in my family, from HS. have kids, a family etc,

I feel you, I am 29 and going through the same thing. Slowed myself down and haven't smashed a random in about 2 months because I am catching feelings for this chick I met in Dubai earlier this year. Taking $@@ slow as hell, but it could happen. Regardless don't stress about it that much, take it day by day, and let life just happen man. Real talk just make sure you set the example of what you want by giving it to your self first, i.e. make sure you love yourself the way you heart wants to be loved first so you show the world how you demand to be loved..
Originally Posted by KingJay718

Well, I've got a few ladies that I sleep with when time permits, but damn I can't seem to get a serious relationship with a woman.  The longest relationship I've been in was 6 months.  I've had more sex partners than girlfriends.  I get kinda envious when I see dudes with their females out and about, whereas it seems like I'm stuck in the role as *+$% on call.  Is there anyway out of this?  I've had females laugh at me when I propose to get serious.  Don't get me wrong, I love smashing, but I'm 27 and sometimes I feel like I'm on the clock.  Most of the males in my family, from HS. have kids, a family etc,

i feel u on this bro cuz im 25 and im the sameway but im tryna settle down now cuz i feel like its bout dat time u can only play the cards your dealt for so long then u gotta back out thats how i see it
Originally Posted by KingJay718

Well, I've got a few ladies that I sleep with when time permits, but damn I can't seem to get a serious relationship with a woman.  The longest relationship I've been in was 6 months.  I've had more sex partners than girlfriends.  I get kinda envious when I see dudes with their females out and about, whereas it seems like I'm stuck in the role as *+$% on call.  Is there anyway out of this?  I've had females laugh at me when I propose to get serious.  Don't get me wrong, I love smashing, but I'm 27 and sometimes I feel like I'm on the clock.  Most of the males in my family, from HS. have kids, a family etc,

i feel u on this bro cuz im 25 and im the sameway but im tryna settle down now cuz i feel like its bout dat time u can only play the cards your dealt for so long then u gotta back out thats how i see it
Originally Posted by copped

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by KingJay718

 but I'm 27 and sometimes I feel like I'm on the clock.

You're thinking like a female...
...men don't have a "clock" to worry about.
what are you talking about? you want to be 35 having your first kid?

don't know about you but I want to grow with my kids, be a young father...when your child is heading to college you are going to be pushing 50-55... no thank you.

men have clocks just like women.
Actually, yes...
...I never planned on getting married until I was at least 35, and not because I want to run through women - because I want to be able to financially support my wife and any children she shoots out.

My father got married when he was 28 and had me when he was 30, so I don't knock any man who wants to get married relatively young, but to me personally: being able to send my future rugrats to private school from kindergarten all the way to law/med/business school without them ever knowing what a financial aide office looks like > throwing 'em a ball in the backyard...

...and don't get me wrong, when it's my time I don't plan on being that father that always puts his career before his children, but if daddy takes care of his business he can pay for his little girl to go off to Paris for ballet training - and once again lemme remind you, this is just me personally.

There's probably someone my age now who doesn't have to worry about finances, so they can have as many kids as they want right now 

...an no - men do not have "clocks" like women do - it's call a "biological clock" for a reason G. 

I can be 100 years old and get a woman pregnant if I wanted to, on the flipside - old women don't have periods. In the span of their entire lifetime women have a small window to have a child/children - pregnancy for a chick 40+ increases the chances of health risks/concerns in the child - and most women want a child in the normal construct of a marriage, so that's another reason as to why they start ring hunting in their mid-twenties and early 30s...

...now looking to settle down at 35 or higher and potentially having to deal with some younger broad is a totally different issue, but I'll deal with that when I get there. *Yeezy shrug*
Originally Posted by copped

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by KingJay718

 but I'm 27 and sometimes I feel like I'm on the clock.

You're thinking like a female...
...men don't have a "clock" to worry about.
what are you talking about? you want to be 35 having your first kid?

don't know about you but I want to grow with my kids, be a young father...when your child is heading to college you are going to be pushing 50-55... no thank you.

men have clocks just like women.
Actually, yes...
...I never planned on getting married until I was at least 35, and not because I want to run through women - because I want to be able to financially support my wife and any children she shoots out.

My father got married when he was 28 and had me when he was 30, so I don't knock any man who wants to get married relatively young, but to me personally: being able to send my future rugrats to private school from kindergarten all the way to law/med/business school without them ever knowing what a financial aide office looks like > throwing 'em a ball in the backyard...

...and don't get me wrong, when it's my time I don't plan on being that father that always puts his career before his children, but if daddy takes care of his business he can pay for his little girl to go off to Paris for ballet training - and once again lemme remind you, this is just me personally.

There's probably someone my age now who doesn't have to worry about finances, so they can have as many kids as they want right now 

...an no - men do not have "clocks" like women do - it's call a "biological clock" for a reason G. 

I can be 100 years old and get a woman pregnant if I wanted to, on the flipside - old women don't have periods. In the span of their entire lifetime women have a small window to have a child/children - pregnancy for a chick 40+ increases the chances of health risks/concerns in the child - and most women want a child in the normal construct of a marriage, so that's another reason as to why they start ring hunting in their mid-twenties and early 30s...

...now looking to settle down at 35 or higher and potentially having to deal with some younger broad is a totally different issue, but I'll deal with that when I get there. *Yeezy shrug*
Originally Posted by KingJay718

Originally Posted by Dok

I'm having the opposite problem that op is having. It seems like every girl I meet wants me to go to church with them and meet their parents . Meanwhile, all I want to do is smash and dash. I need to stop going after wholesome girls and start talking to more hood rats. Now, I have 2 girlfriends talking about marriage, kids, and white picket fence. and 0 Jumpoffs. Fml

Let's trade.

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Actually, yes...
...I never planned on getting married until I was at least 35, and not because I want to run through women - because I want to be able to financially support my wife and any children she shoots out.

My father got married when he was 28 and had me when he was 30, so I don't knock any man who wants to get married relatively young, but to me personally: being able to send my future rugrats to private school from kindergarten all the way to law/med/business school without them ever knowing what a financial aide office looks like > throwing 'em a ball in the backyard...

...and don't get me wrong, when it's my time I don't plan on being that father that always puts his career before his children, but if daddy takes care of his business he can pay for his little girl to go off to Paris for ballet training - and once again lemme remind you, this is just me personally.

There's probably someone my age now who doesn't have to worry about finances, so they can have as many kids as they want right now

...an no - men do not have "clocks" like women do - it's call a "biological clock" for a reason G.

I can be 100 years old and get a woman pregnant if I wanted to, on the flipside - old women don't have periods. In the span of their entire lifetime women have a small window to have a child/children - pregnancy for a chick 40+ increases the chances of health risks/concerns in the child - and most women want a child in the normal construct of a marriage, so that's another reason as to why they start ring hunting in their mid-twenties and early 30s...

...now looking to settle down at 35 or higher and potentially having to deal with some younger broad is a totally different issue, but I'll deal with that when I get there. *Yeezy shrug*
GREATEST post in the history of NT...

kudos to you, my famb... cuz i'm thoroughly feel the same way.


Originally Posted by KingJay718

Originally Posted by Dok

I'm having the opposite problem that op is having. It seems like every girl I meet wants me to go to church with them and meet their parents . Meanwhile, all I want to do is smash and dash. I need to stop going after wholesome girls and start talking to more hood rats. Now, I have 2 girlfriends talking about marriage, kids, and white picket fence. and 0 Jumpoffs. Fml

Let's trade.

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Actually, yes...
...I never planned on getting married until I was at least 35, and not because I want to run through women - because I want to be able to financially support my wife and any children she shoots out.

My father got married when he was 28 and had me when he was 30, so I don't knock any man who wants to get married relatively young, but to me personally: being able to send my future rugrats to private school from kindergarten all the way to law/med/business school without them ever knowing what a financial aide office looks like > throwing 'em a ball in the backyard...

...and don't get me wrong, when it's my time I don't plan on being that father that always puts his career before his children, but if daddy takes care of his business he can pay for his little girl to go off to Paris for ballet training - and once again lemme remind you, this is just me personally.

There's probably someone my age now who doesn't have to worry about finances, so they can have as many kids as they want right now

...an no - men do not have "clocks" like women do - it's call a "biological clock" for a reason G.

I can be 100 years old and get a woman pregnant if I wanted to, on the flipside - old women don't have periods. In the span of their entire lifetime women have a small window to have a child/children - pregnancy for a chick 40+ increases the chances of health risks/concerns in the child - and most women want a child in the normal construct of a marriage, so that's another reason as to why they start ring hunting in their mid-twenties and early 30s...

...now looking to settle down at 35 or higher and potentially having to deal with some younger broad is a totally different issue, but I'll deal with that when I get there. *Yeezy shrug*
GREATEST post in the history of NT...

kudos to you, my famb... cuz i'm thoroughly feel the same way.


In the same boat. But, I don't believe in marriage and at this point in my life women annoy the **%+ out of me unless they are participating in intercourse with me. So, think of it as a "gift".

Emergency **** in a glass for the win.
In the same boat. But, I don't believe in marriage and at this point in my life women annoy the **%+ out of me unless they are participating in intercourse with me. So, think of it as a "gift".

Emergency **** in a glass for the win.
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by copped

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

You're thinking like a female...
...men don't have a "clock" to worry about.
what are you talking about? you want to be 35 having your first kid?

don't know about you but I want to grow with my kids, be a young father...when your child is heading to college you are going to be pushing 50-55... no thank you.

men have clocks just like women.

I can be 100 years old and get a woman pregnant if I wanted to, on the flipside - old women don't have periods. In the span of their entire lifetime women have a small window to have a child/children - pregnancy for a chick 40+ increases the chances of health risks/concerns in the child - and most women want a child in the normal construct of a marriage, so that's another reason as to why they start ring hunting in their mid-twenties and early 30s...

wait let me get this straight you want to get married @ 35... what are you going to do marry a 20 year old? why do you feel you have the power to marry a girl whose way younger than you just because it takes you 10+ years to get your %+@! straight and support a wife and kids....you think you can pull a 25-30 year old girl when you're pushing 40? what if you don't? then what?

you will have to settle for that exact same 35-40 plus women who you just pointed out have health risks in having kids....

your thinking +## backwards...you want to be pushing 60 years old when your oldest will be graduating high school?
to each their own... don't let money/success and other trivial affairs get in the way of making a beautiful family with a great woman... and great kids.

sending your kids to paris for ballet? private school? really? you think this is what makes kids turn into doctors/lawyers? my brother sound parenting under a good roof, and providing for your family both emotionally and materialistically is all that is needed to raise good kids

again, to each their own.
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by copped

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

You're thinking like a female...
...men don't have a "clock" to worry about.
what are you talking about? you want to be 35 having your first kid?

don't know about you but I want to grow with my kids, be a young father...when your child is heading to college you are going to be pushing 50-55... no thank you.

men have clocks just like women.

I can be 100 years old and get a woman pregnant if I wanted to, on the flipside - old women don't have periods. In the span of their entire lifetime women have a small window to have a child/children - pregnancy for a chick 40+ increases the chances of health risks/concerns in the child - and most women want a child in the normal construct of a marriage, so that's another reason as to why they start ring hunting in their mid-twenties and early 30s...

wait let me get this straight you want to get married @ 35... what are you going to do marry a 20 year old? why do you feel you have the power to marry a girl whose way younger than you just because it takes you 10+ years to get your %+@! straight and support a wife and kids....you think you can pull a 25-30 year old girl when you're pushing 40? what if you don't? then what?

you will have to settle for that exact same 35-40 plus women who you just pointed out have health risks in having kids....

your thinking +## backwards...you want to be pushing 60 years old when your oldest will be graduating high school?
to each their own... don't let money/success and other trivial affairs get in the way of making a beautiful family with a great woman... and great kids.

sending your kids to paris for ballet? private school? really? you think this is what makes kids turn into doctors/lawyers? my brother sound parenting under a good roof, and providing for your family both emotionally and materialistically is all that is needed to raise good kids

again, to each their own.
A lot of good thoughts on this thread, real good read.
I can respect everyone's viewpoint on this one. I always said I wanted to be stable enough to the point where having the first child is like buying a new pet fish, financially speaking.
On the other hand, I think it's a benefit to have youth on your side when it comes to raising your kids, because that's a task that can be mentally and physically demanding, something that someone older may not want to deal with.
So in the end, it just depends on what you and your girl are comfortable with.

Random Sidenote: What up toast1985, 203 is out here!
A lot of good thoughts on this thread, real good read.
I can respect everyone's viewpoint on this one. I always said I wanted to be stable enough to the point where having the first child is like buying a new pet fish, financially speaking.
On the other hand, I think it's a benefit to have youth on your side when it comes to raising your kids, because that's a task that can be mentally and physically demanding, something that someone older may not want to deal with.
So in the end, it just depends on what you and your girl are comfortable with.

Random Sidenote: What up toast1985, 203 is out here!
Originally Posted by copped

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

I can be 100 years old and get a woman pregnant if I wanted to, on the flipside - old women don't have periods. In the span of their entire lifetime women have a small window to have a child/children - pregnancy for a chick 40+ increases the chances of health risks/concerns in the child - and most women want a child in the normal construct of a marriage, so that's another reason as to why they start ring hunting in their mid-twenties and early 30s...
wait let me get this straight you want to get married @ 35... what are you going to do marry a 20 year old? why do you feel you have the power to marry a girl whose way younger than you just because it takes you 10+ years to get your %+@! straight and support a wife and kids....you think you can pull a 25-30 year old girl when you're pushing 40? what if you don't? then what?

you will have to settle for that exact same 35-40 plus women who you just pointed out have health risks in having kids....
He's saying that men do not have nearly as limited of a window as women do in order to fulfill their goals (assuming ones' goals are to settle down and have a family).

It's undeniable - women have a fast clock because their value is based on their appearance, and their appearance starts to decline at around age 30. Men on the other hand have their value based upon wealth and status and therefore can remain "eligible" until their 50s-60s. It's not that an older man has to settle for a younger woman, but it's that a man can remain desirable much longer than a woman.

If one doesn't want kids, then they don't even have anything to worry about. Men do not need appearance to be desirable, women do. Very few women are attractive to men over 40, yet many men are attractive to women over 50. It might not be for physical reasons (a lot of times it's money), but it doesn't matter. They're still more desirable.
Originally Posted by copped

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

I can be 100 years old and get a woman pregnant if I wanted to, on the flipside - old women don't have periods. In the span of their entire lifetime women have a small window to have a child/children - pregnancy for a chick 40+ increases the chances of health risks/concerns in the child - and most women want a child in the normal construct of a marriage, so that's another reason as to why they start ring hunting in their mid-twenties and early 30s...
wait let me get this straight you want to get married @ 35... what are you going to do marry a 20 year old? why do you feel you have the power to marry a girl whose way younger than you just because it takes you 10+ years to get your %+@! straight and support a wife and kids....you think you can pull a 25-30 year old girl when you're pushing 40? what if you don't? then what?

you will have to settle for that exact same 35-40 plus women who you just pointed out have health risks in having kids....
He's saying that men do not have nearly as limited of a window as women do in order to fulfill their goals (assuming ones' goals are to settle down and have a family).

It's undeniable - women have a fast clock because their value is based on their appearance, and their appearance starts to decline at around age 30. Men on the other hand have their value based upon wealth and status and therefore can remain "eligible" until their 50s-60s. It's not that an older man has to settle for a younger woman, but it's that a man can remain desirable much longer than a woman.

If one doesn't want kids, then they don't even have anything to worry about. Men do not need appearance to be desirable, women do. Very few women are attractive to men over 40, yet many men are attractive to women over 50. It might not be for physical reasons (a lot of times it's money), but it doesn't matter. They're still more desirable.
Originally Posted by likethematrix

Originally Posted by KingJay718

Well, I've got a few ladies that I sleep with when time permits, but damn I can't seem to get a serious relationship with a woman.  The longest relationship I've been in was 6 months.  I've had more sex partners than girlfriends.  I get kinda envious when I see dudes with their females out and about, whereas it seems like I'm stuck in the role as *+$% on call.  Is there anyway out of this?  I've had females laugh at me when I propose to get serious.  Don't get me wrong, I love smashing, but I'm 27 and sometimes I feel like I'm on the clock.  Most of the males in my family, from HS. have kids, a family etc,


bro hang in there.
after hundreds of broads smashed and all the rest of the failed attempts inbetween, the sour relationships, the "i dont want a man" story yet get a boyfriend 2 days later even though you had sex with her in the same week, the "youre too much of a player/prettyboy/blah blah blah to date seriously" lines that im sure you probally got too (i dont know u like that but im giving u the benefit of the doubt)
I thought I was going to be a pirate or some !%%@. smashing girls as i please, never buy a home to raise a family in and basically just have random kids with random broads.

matter of fact there was this chick named kendra. skinny lil light skin model type broad. beautiful. loved the same stuff i did. got along great. I was giving my all to get this girl to be MINE.

all she would do is call me when she needed a favor, wanted to smoke, or wanted to poke. but would not give me a +*+%!$# chance romantically. Had to leave her alone.

Then I met the girl ima be with forever out the the +*+%!$# blue.

swear to God. 

if they dont wanna be the one, then theyre not the one, so just take them for what their worth, but dont give up. 

you dont gotta look for it, it will come to you.

Now that broad looking stupid cause no one wants her the way i did and she bases how other men treat her on how i did and she knows it will never compare so she will be eternally sad and alone.

dont trip bro. it will all come together

This.. Spoken very well i have a similar lifestyle.. and its starting to become politics.. I am only 21 so i can rock this lifestyle out for a few years..
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