I'm smashing, but I can't get the girl. Vol Ronnie Romance

Originally Posted by Dok

I'm having the opposite problem that op is having. It seems like every girl I meet wants me to go to church with them and meet their parents . Meanwhile, all I want to do is smash and dash. I need to stop going after wholesome girls and start talking to more hood rats. Now, I have 2 girlfriends talking about marriage, kids, and white picket fence. and 0 Jumpoffs. Fml
Nobodys fault but your own because apparently you're telling them things that make them think that you want this with them.
and Jay stop being a JO to these broads and quit looking, it will come to you i promise 
Originally Posted by Dok

I'm having the opposite problem that op is having. It seems like every girl I meet wants me to go to church with them and meet their parents . Meanwhile, all I want to do is smash and dash. I need to stop going after wholesome girls and start talking to more hood rats. Now, I have 2 girlfriends talking about marriage, kids, and white picket fence. and 0 Jumpoffs. Fml
Nobodys fault but your own because apparently you're telling them things that make them think that you want this with them.
and Jay stop being a JO to these broads and quit looking, it will come to you i promise 
Originally Posted by likethematrix

Originally Posted by KingJay718

Well, I've got a few ladies that I sleep with when time permits, but damn I can't seem to get a serious relationship with a woman.  The longest relationship I've been in was 6 months.  I've had more sex partners than girlfriends.  I get kinda envious when I see dudes with their females out and about, whereas it seems like I'm stuck in the role as *+$% on call.  Is there anyway out of this?  I've had females laugh at me when I propose to get serious.  Don't get me wrong, I love smashing, but I'm 27 and sometimes I feel like I'm on the clock.  Most of the males in my family, from HS. have kids, a family etc,


bro hang in there.
after hundreds of broads smashed and all the rest of the failed attempts inbetween, the sour relationships, the "i dont want a man" story yet get a boyfriend 2 days later even though you had sex with her in the same week, the "youre too much of a player/prettyboy/blah blah blah to date seriously" lines that im sure you probally got too (i dont know u like that but im giving u the benefit of the doubt)
I thought I was going to be a pirate or some !%%@. smashing girls as i please, never buy a home to raise a family in and basically just have random kids with random broads.

matter of fact there was this chick named kendra. skinny lil light skin model type broad. beautiful. loved the same stuff i did. got along great. I was giving my all to get this girl to be MINE.

all she would do is call me when she needed a favor, wanted to smoke, or wanted to poke. but would not give me a +*+%!$# chance romantically. Had to leave her alone.

Then I met the girl ima be with forever out the the +*+%!$# blue.

swear to God. 

if they dont wanna be the one, then theyre not the one, so just take them for what their worth, but dont give up. 

you dont gotta look for it, it will come to you.

Now that broad looking stupid cause no one wants her the way i did and she bases how other men treat her on how i did and she knows it will never compare so she will be eternally sad and alone.

dont trip bro. it will all come together

This.. Spoken very well i have a similar lifestyle.. and its starting to become politics.. I am only 21 so i can rock this lifestyle out for a few years..
I feel you fam. I've been in similar situations.

There was this one chick that I kicked it with off and on from 12th grade ('01) until after college. I felt like we were very compatible but she would never give me a chance as far as an actual relationship, just dating and such. She would say something like "I don't want a bf now" and in a few months she would have one. In 07 we sexed for the first time and I just knew that we were gonna be together... nope. Same ol stuff. She basically said that I wasn't "established in my career" well enough and proceeded to date some older cat with kids. She would basically just hit me up in between bfs and treat me as a j/o. I saw straight thru it and cut her off.

There was another chick that I worked with at a photography studio, I wasn't feeling her at first but I figured I would just try to get at her for the fun of it. Initially she wasn't feeling me for whatever reason, and I think I took offense to it. In turn I started gaming her up relentlesslessly. Over the course of a few months she sucked me up a few times and legitimately started falling for her, I felt like our personalities/ interests meshed very well. I guess she didn't think so. She basically stopped hanging out with me and started dating some football player.

And now let me disciss my ex, who ive been considering getting back with. She's got a lot going for her, in the air force, law school and she loves me to death. Our relationship would've been very solid, except she was VERY sheltered and lacks tons of social skills. A good thing was that she's not about drama whatsoever, but I was constantly bored, uninterested in the relationship. Now I'm at the point where I'm 27, not rich, and I rarely see any fine chicks worth talking to. Can I afford to let a good chick go in search for a chick that I feel I mesh well with AND has all of the good qualities that I'm looking for? Do I overlook stuff like humor/ creativity? Am I too concerned with finding the "perfect girl"?
The chicks that I felt were "perfect" for me couldn't care less about me.

Such is life. The way I see it, life is like a hand of black jack. You're not always gonna get 21. Sometimes you've got to be content with that 16. It may not be ideal, but its safe and not worth the risk to get anything that seems better.
I feel you fam. I've been in similar situations.

There was this one chick that I kicked it with off and on from 12th grade ('01) until after college. I felt like we were very compatible but she would never give me a chance as far as an actual relationship, just dating and such. She would say something like "I don't want a bf now" and in a few months she would have one. In 07 we sexed for the first time and I just knew that we were gonna be together... nope. Same ol stuff. She basically said that I wasn't "established in my career" well enough and proceeded to date some older cat with kids. She would basically just hit me up in between bfs and treat me as a j/o. I saw straight thru it and cut her off.

There was another chick that I worked with at a photography studio, I wasn't feeling her at first but I figured I would just try to get at her for the fun of it. Initially she wasn't feeling me for whatever reason, and I think I took offense to it. In turn I started gaming her up relentlesslessly. Over the course of a few months she sucked me up a few times and legitimately started falling for her, I felt like our personalities/ interests meshed very well. I guess she didn't think so. She basically stopped hanging out with me and started dating some football player.

And now let me disciss my ex, who ive been considering getting back with. She's got a lot going for her, in the air force, law school and she loves me to death. Our relationship would've been very solid, except she was VERY sheltered and lacks tons of social skills. A good thing was that she's not about drama whatsoever, but I was constantly bored, uninterested in the relationship. Now I'm at the point where I'm 27, not rich, and I rarely see any fine chicks worth talking to. Can I afford to let a good chick go in search for a chick that I feel I mesh well with AND has all of the good qualities that I'm looking for? Do I overlook stuff like humor/ creativity? Am I too concerned with finding the "perfect girl"?
The chicks that I felt were "perfect" for me couldn't care less about me.

Such is life. The way I see it, life is like a hand of black jack. You're not always gonna get 21. Sometimes you've got to be content with that 16. It may not be ideal, but its safe and not worth the risk to get anything that seems better.
Originally Posted by JayStayFresh

A lot of good thoughts on this thread, real good read.
I can respect everyone's viewpoint on this one. I always said I wanted to be stable enough to the point where having the first child is like buying a new pet fish, financially speaking.
On the other hand, I think it's a benefit to have youth on your side when it comes to raising your kids, because that's a task that can be mentally and physically demanding, something that someone older may not want to deal with.
So in the end, it just depends on what you and your girl are comfortable with.

Random Sidenote: What up toast1985, 203 is out here!
haha, In the words of Harriet Tubman, We out here!
Originally Posted by JayStayFresh

A lot of good thoughts on this thread, real good read.
I can respect everyone's viewpoint on this one. I always said I wanted to be stable enough to the point where having the first child is like buying a new pet fish, financially speaking.
On the other hand, I think it's a benefit to have youth on your side when it comes to raising your kids, because that's a task that can be mentally and physically demanding, something that someone older may not want to deal with.
So in the end, it just depends on what you and your girl are comfortable with.

Random Sidenote: What up toast1985, 203 is out here!
haha, In the words of Harriet Tubman, We out here!
Originally Posted by Liltank0206

Originally Posted by KingJay718

Well, I've got a few ladies that I sleep with when time permits, but damn I can't seem to get a serious relationship with a woman.  The longest relationship I've been in was 6 months.  I've had more sex partners than girlfriends.  I get kinda envious when I see dudes with their females out and about, whereas it seems like I'm stuck in the role as *+$% on call.  Is there anyway out of this?  I've had females laugh at me when I propose to get serious.  Don't get me wrong, I love smashing, but I'm 27 and sometimes I feel like I'm on the clock.  Most of the males in my family, from HS. have kids, a family etc,

i feel u on this bro cuz im 25 and im the sameway but im tryna settle down now cuz i feel like its bout dat time u can only play the cards your dealt for so long then u gotta back out thats how i see it
You sounding mad old lol, 25 is still young fam.
Originally Posted by Liltank0206

Originally Posted by KingJay718

Well, I've got a few ladies that I sleep with when time permits, but damn I can't seem to get a serious relationship with a woman.  The longest relationship I've been in was 6 months.  I've had more sex partners than girlfriends.  I get kinda envious when I see dudes with their females out and about, whereas it seems like I'm stuck in the role as *+$% on call.  Is there anyway out of this?  I've had females laugh at me when I propose to get serious.  Don't get me wrong, I love smashing, but I'm 27 and sometimes I feel like I'm on the clock.  Most of the males in my family, from HS. have kids, a family etc,

i feel u on this bro cuz im 25 and im the sameway but im tryna settle down now cuz i feel like its bout dat time u can only play the cards your dealt for so long then u gotta back out thats how i see it
You sounding mad old lol, 25 is still young fam.
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