I'm going to be Rich...but my children are going to be hood.

Originally Posted by Q46totheE

Originally Posted by 36hypno

I feel what you are saying....but those values can be taught without being in that environment. There are pros and cons to both sides of the coin.
Exactly....I don't see why you're going to force your kids to be "hood." You can teach your kids about kindness, philanthropy, humility, etc without going through extreme measures to prove a point. You're certainly entitled to raise your kids the way you want, but I think you need to re-evaluate they way(s) in which you're going to be "teaching" your children.
I think that's basically what he's saying, you read too deep into "hood". I agree though, the things i see on that mtv sweetsixteen make me sick, my children will not be like that.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

They literally moved out of CHICAGO last year .

What are you talking about ?

He raises those kids exactly how Haze is talking about ... he provides them with things they need & want ... but they still have homely values because of the way he raised them ... having them surrounding the hood .

Humbly .
my point is you can have all of that and still not be surrounded by the hood...

exactly, why is being poor the only way we can teach our children "homely values?"
Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

They literally moved out of CHICAGO last year .

What are you talking about ?

He raises those kids exactly how Haze is talking about ... he provides them with things they need & want ... but they still have homely values because of the way he raised them ... having them surrounding the hood .

Humbly .
my point is you can have all of that and still not be surrounded by the hood...

exactly, why is being poor the only way we can teach our children "homely values?"
You guys clearly can't read or lack the comprehension skills to understand what he is saying .

When did he once say that his kids are going to "be poor" ?
Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

They literally moved out of CHICAGO last year .

What are you talking about ?

He raises those kids exactly how Haze is talking about ... he provides them with things they need & want ... but they still have homely values because of the way he raised them ... having them surrounding the hood .

Humbly .
my point is you can have all of that and still not be surrounded by the hood...

exactly, why is being poor the only way we can teach our children "homely values?"
word i'm tired of less fortunate people acting like they are saints because they grew up poor
Originally Posted by LLC Money

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

mdresident wrote:
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by LLC Money

mdresident wrote:
wow, this is the dumbest thing i've ever read..LOL

Yea, this is stupid as hell. You can't raise your child "hood" while you are living in a McMansion, toting them to soccer practice in a Benz, and sending them to private school you putz.
When did he ever say he was going to do this ?

Barack Obama raises his kids this way (in a sense) ...

No he doesn't. What even gives u this off the wall idea???

word...those kids are about as privileged as they come...

anything you see from those girls (which isn't much if anything) is good parenting...which can be done anywhere

it is your experience but i also think its a stretch to say the most genuine real people come from the hood...
They literally moved out of CHICAGO last year .

What are you talking about ?

He raises those kids exactly how Haze is talking about ... he provides them with things they need & want ... but they still have homely values because of the way he raised them ... having them surrounding the hood .

Humbly .

You think they were living in a bungalow on the south side? What are you talking about? Those birds go to one of the most elite schools in the DC area and are taken to and from via limo or town car, they have good parenting from everything we the public can see, but you are fooling yourself if you think they were "raised hood." I guess you're going to tell me that them living in DC is him having them "surrounding the hood"
Get real.

Dude ... you have no idea what you're talking about .

I pass Obama's old house damn near every day . It's literally 3 blocks from the "hood" . That isn't surrounding ?

Get the *%+$ outta here . If you don't know Chicago , you don't know what you're talking about .

They just moved to DC ... I'm talking about before then .
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

HueyP in LouieV wrote:
Originally Posted by mdresident

HueyP in LouieV wrote:
mdresident wrote:
wow, this is the dumbest thing i've ever read..LOL


Sorry that my parents aren't poor, but I was raised in an upper middle class household, where my parents bought my car, pay for school, and everything, but I appreciate everything they have done for me. I know many people don't have the oppurtunities that I do, and i take advantage of them.
See how easily I spotted that?

The arrogance and exaggeration gave you away.

Thanks for reinforcing my point.

you just seem upset that you weren't raised that way...

where do you see arrogance in his post? why wouldn't he take advantage of opportunities his parents worked hard to provide for him?

he suppose to not take advantage and apologize cuz everyone wasn't raised that way?

I was referring to the "wow, this is the dumbest thing i've ever read..LOL " comment.

There is a thread about the best white tee brand and peeing & crapping in the shower on this same page...so the extreme hyperbole was uncalled for and adead giveaway.

And don't get me twisted...I'm not knocking your personal upbringing or labeling anyone of you personally. I'm speaking on my life experiences andopinions.

Why would I be mad and then say that I thank God for my upbringing and will raise my children similarly.

I'm cool with children who have split their childhood between mansion in Alpine, NJ and summer homes on the water in Ocean City, MD...and they can'teven wrap their minds around certain concepts because of lack of experience.

Experience is the greatest teacher.

I'm not going to have my kids ducking strays and stealing to eat...maybe thats how some of y'all imagine the hood....but they will spend time withfamily friends who are in less than optimal living arrangements, they will go to the best publicschools, they will ahve to work for the things that they want, they will go to BBQs in Crotona Park and spend time at Orchard Beach.

There is no substituting these type of experiences.
OP your an idiot. I refuse to let my kids grow up in the sameconditions as me. EVER.

IDK about you, but my kids will have the best.
Not spoiled, butearn-wise.
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

They literally moved out of CHICAGO last year .

What are you talking about ?

He raises those kids exactly how Haze is talking about ... he provides them with things they need & want ... but they still have homely values because of the way he raised them ... having them surrounding the hood .

Humbly .
my point is you can have all of that and still not be surrounded by the hood...

exactly, why is being poor the only way we can teach our children "homely values?"
You guys clearly can't read or lack the comprehension skills to understand what he is saying .

When did he once say that his kids are going to "be poor" ?

Lol, wow, i was making a point, saying, we don't have to treat them hood and raise them as if we were in the hood in order to teach them values.
Well excuse me. He owns real estate in the bubbling market of Syracuse, NY. Well on your way to the FORBES 500.
How do you figure your kids will have adequate amounts of love, food, shelter, and various other perks
while still truly being exposed to/ humbled by a hood life. No matter how ghetto the surroundings of your children are,
the hood life will never be a "reality" in their eyes
if they know at the end of the day they will be coming back to your middle class home, food, and care every night.
Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

They literally moved out of CHICAGO last year .

What are you talking about ?

He raises those kids exactly how Haze is talking about ... he provides them with things they need & want ... but they still have homely values because of the way he raised them ... having them surrounding the hood .

Humbly .
my point is you can have all of that and still not be surrounded by the hood...

exactly, why is being poor the only way we can teach our children "homely values?"
You guys clearly can't read or lack the comprehension skills to understand what he is saying .

When did he once say that his kids are going to "be poor" ?

Lol, wow, i was making a point, saying, we don't have to treat them hood and raise them as if we were in the hood in order to teach them values.
He never said that either .
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

They literally moved out of CHICAGO last year .

What are you talking about ?

He raises those kids exactly how Haze is talking about ... he provides them with things they need & want ... but they still have homely values because of the way he raised them ... having them surrounding the hood .

Humbly .
my point is you can have all of that and still not be surrounded by the hood...

exactly, why is being poor the only way we can teach our children "homely values?"
You guys clearly can't read or lack the comprehension skills to understand what he is saying .

When did he once say that his kids are going to "be poor" ?

Lol, wow, i was making a point, saying, we don't have to treat them hood and raise them as if we were in the hood in order to teach them values.
He never said that either .

ok, you got it moe. I'm not arguing with you
Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

They literally moved out of CHICAGO last year .

What are you talking about ?

He raises those kids exactly how Haze is talking about ... he provides them with things they need & want ... but they still have homely values because of the way he raised them ... having them surrounding the hood .

Humbly .
my point is you can have all of that and still not be surrounded by the hood...

exactly, why is being poor the only way we can teach our children "homely values?"
You guys clearly can't read or lack the comprehension skills to understand what he is saying .

When did he once say that his kids are going to "be poor" ?

Lol, wow, i was making a point, saying, we don't have to treat them hood and raise them as if we were in the hood in order to teach them values.
He never said that either .

ok, you got it moe. I'm not arguing with you
Blame it on the boogie .
Well all I know is Michelle and Barack better watch there girls and keep a certain parenting style about them because the elite blacks in DC are unlikeanything else.
They may be alright at Sidwell Friends for a time but if they had gone to NCS it would be over before it even began.
You cant force the 'Hood' or 'Ghetto' into anybody. They will grow up to be the fakest young bucks you will ever know.

People dont grow up in the hood or ghetto by choice. ARE YOU STUPID????????????????????

Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Well all I know is Michelle and Barack better watch there girls and keep a certain parenting style about them because the elite blacks in DC are unlike anything else.
They may be alright at Sidwell Friends for a time but if they had gone to NCS it would be over before it even began.
They're already elitists.

NY Denim Seller = Mayor?
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Well all I know is Michelle and Barack better watch there girls and keep a certain parenting style about them because the elite blacks in DC are unlike anything else.
They may be alright at Sidwell Friends for a time but if they had gone to NCS it would be over before it even began.
They're already elitists.

NY Denim Seller = Mayor?

from what i've read old money don't like new people in they circle...the Obama's are def. new money and new people to an already well establishedsocial circle...
This thread is one of the dumbest threads I've ever seen on NT. Just be a good parent and teach your kids good values.
Originally Posted by Grand Hustle It

OP your an idiot. I refuse to let my kids grow up in the same conditions as me. EVER.

IDK about you, but my kids will have the best.
Not spoiled, but earn-wise.

OK fam.
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