Illuminati? NWO? 9/11!?? Coincidence?...WOW.

Aug 6, 2001
I stumbled accross this card game that released somwhere between 1995-1999 after researching the Illuminati secret society.

First. The Illuminati Movement was developed in 1776, right around the time The Constitution was created. It was a secret society. Illuminati were createdduring a time where secret society's were legal to have. They basically were a "power behind the throne" type of society that allegedlycontrolling world affairs through present day governments and corporations.

Examples of the NWO?

Novus Ordo Seclorum = New World Order...could be linked to the Freemasons of today.

I could get really deep with this by explaining the Masons, 13 families (which basically is why there was 13 Colonies in America. 13 stripes on theAmerican Flag...).

But ill get straight to the is the card game called "Illuminati". Do a lil bit of research on it...released1995.


Dont be fooled people. The government has its people under a spell....

Conspiracy theories are nice and keep us entertained and thinking. But in reality, us the general public will never know the truth. We can only speculatethings and discuss them in a mature manner. I don't believe in 95% of these theories. But I do give them the time and chance and see what is their focalpoint. I seen this one before tho.
Please, for the love of God, stop taking hallucinogens and coming home to post ridiculous things on an internet forum.
i agree for real.

This democracy is nothin but an illusion, people thinkin we actually got a say in what the govt does.
Originally Posted by SURE LOCK 510

yea i know.. its crazy..

YOUR president is also a mason
so were the last 2...and the other 30 something..

and the 13 colonies? belonged to the 13 is your best friend...

Rockefeller, Li, Krupp, Kennedy, Disney, Collins, Bundy, Astor, DuPont, Freeman, Onassis, Reynolds, Rothschild, Van Duyn....
Originally Posted by SURE LOCK 510

yea i know.. its crazy..

YOUR president is also a mason
Obama is not a mason, there is no proof of this. You're just talking nonsense.

And the OP is an armchair revolutionary. Yeah, get real deep about tings you dont know. The number 13 goes back to biblical times, it has to do with rebellion.In this case rebellion against Great Britain.
Originally Posted by tmukg21

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

13 the research.
post the research, that sounds vague as hell
that seems to be a trend. post something vague and follow it with something like "wake up people" or "you're being fooled"
I swear there's days I log on to NT and think I've stumbled into one big Foucault's Pendulum ARG
Originally Posted by MJsaver

i agree for real.

This democracy is nothin but an illusion, people thinkin we actually got a say in what the govt does.

I agree here. I say why do we vote these guys in if we have to contact them to vote or make decisions with our best interest? Isn't that why they got ourvote in the first place?
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Originally Posted by SURE LOCK 510

yea i know.. its crazy..

YOUR president is also a mason
so were the last 2...and the other 30 something..

and the 13 colonies? belonged to the 13 is your best friend...

Rockefeller, Li, Krupp, Kennedy, Disney, Collins, Bundy, Astor, DuPont, Freeman, Onassis, Reynolds, Rothschild, Van Duyn....
Do you believe EVERYTHING someone tells you? Especially someone you don't even know. I don't trust the government. I need someone to explain to me howWTC Building # 7 fell. It wasn't even touched.
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