If the Patriots..

^interesting comparison

either way...pats is the best team i have ever seen...and this is coming from a person that hates everything about the patriots except for randy moss

in my eyes they are the best team today...and the only team that have a chance at beating them is the colts...and the sleeper team is the jags
72-10 > patriots 19-0
that comparison doesn't work... the pats play an uneven schedule, weather plays a factor, different sports.....and those bulls lost to the expansion raptors. the pats would never lose to a crappy team this year.....it just doesn't compare well......
Originally Posted by Mickey Moss

They're the greatest team ever regardless....


Dudes are truly showing their lack of football history and knowledge. The Patriots are good/great but they don't measure up to either the Steelers dynastyor more importantly the 49ers dynasty. For example, how many future HOF's do the Patriots have on their team right now??
Originally Posted by BaronDavis5

Go 16-0, Brady breaks the TD pass record, break the scoring record, Moss breaks the TD record, and they win the superbowl. Are they the best team ever?
If they go 16-0 and win the Super Bowl, you MUST mention them as at least a top 3 team ever. Because there have dozens of Superbowl winners, but onlyone undefeated team prior to the Patriots, and that was with two regular season games less... IF they go 16-0 and win the superbowl, that is.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Dudes are truly showing their lack of football history and knowledge. The Patriots are good/great but they don't measure up to either the Steelers dynasty or more importantly the 49ers dynasty. For example, how many future HOF's do the Patriots have on their team right now??
What the hell difference does this make? The 04 Lakers had four HOF'ers on their team and the 95-96 Bulls had two HOF'ers (should be three, butit's still two). Yet the Lakers didn't win during the year they were together.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Dudes are truly showing their lack of football history and knowledge. The Patriots are good/great but they don't measure up to either the Steelers dynasty or more importantly the 49ers dynasty. For example, how many future HOF's do the Patriots have on their team right now??

the new york yankees have a HOF starting 9 and have won NOTHING.....
we're talking TEAM......best TEAM......

and i've seen the 80's niners and 90's cowboys play and yes the two are comparable. but i wouldn't be so quick to say that those teams woulddispose of this team easily....
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Dudes are truly showing their lack of football history and knowledge. The Patriots are good/great but they don't measure up to either the Steelers dynasty or more importantly the 49ers dynasty. For example, how many future HOF's do the Patriots have on their team right now??

What does HOF players have to do with winning games?
What the hell difference does this make? The 04 Lakers had four HOF'ers on their team and the 95-96 Bulls had two HOF'ers (should be three, but it's still two). Yet the Lakers didn't win during the year they were together.
Yeah but the 04 Lakers didn't win the championship that year for starters, and overall from a team perspective in regards to stats andmonumental records, they didn't break anything. The 95-96 Bulls did of course, and people can actually name some of the members of that team.

the new york yankees have a HOF starting 9 and have won NOTHING.....

I see I have to clarify for some of you dudes, having HOF players is only part of the equation from my standpoint in regards to the greatest teamever. How can you be considered the greatest team ever and you only have 1 player at best who is even recognizable or even a HOF. We're talking legendshere people, how in the world can you be considered a legend if nobody remembers you?? Joe Montana-Legend, Jerry Rice-Legend, Bill Walsh-Legend, RonnieLott-Legend, Terry Bradshaw-Legend, Franco Harris-Legend, Joe Greene-Legend, Chuck Knoll-Legend, John Stallworth-Legend, Jack Lambert-Legend.............Inregards to the Patriots, the "so called" greatest team ever Tom Brady-Legend, Bill Belichick-Legend, after that who else do they have. I suppose yoududes are going to tell me that Teddy Bruschi is a legend right??

What does HOF players have to do with winning games?
I never said you need HOF players to win games, you need HOF players to be remembered however. How can you be remembered if nobody knows whoyou are??
Originally Posted by Deuce King

What the hell difference does this make? The 04 Lakers had four HOF'ers on their team and the 95-96 Bulls had two HOF'ers (should be three, but it's still two). Yet the Lakers didn't win during the year they were together.
Yeah but the 04 Lakers didn't win the championship that year for starters, and overall from a team perspective in regards to stats and monumental records, they didn't break anything. The 95-96 Bulls did of course, and people can actually name some of the members of that team.

the new york yankees have a HOF starting 9 and have won NOTHING.....

I see I have to clarify for some of you dudes, having HOF players is only part of the equation from my standpoint in regards to the greatest team ever. How can you be considered the greatest team ever and you only have 1 player at best who is even recognizable or even a HOF. We're talking legends here people, how in the world can you be considered a legend if nobody remembers you?? Joe Montana-Legend, Jerry Rice-Legend, Bill Walsh-Legend, Ronnie Lott-Legend, Terry Bradshaw-Legend, Franco Harris-Legend, Joe Greene-Legend, Chuck Knoll-Legend, John Stallworth-Legend, Jack Lambert-Legend.............In regards to the Patriots, the "so called" greatest team ever Tom Brady-Legend, Bill Belichick-Legend, after that who else do they have. I suppose you dudes are going to tell me that Teddy Bruschi is a legend right??

What does HOF players have to do with winning games?
I never said you need HOF players to win games, you need HOF players to be remembered however. How can you be remembered if nobody knows who you are??

Randy Moss - Legend
Rodney Harrison - Legend
Junior Seau - Legend

Seriously though, we're talking best team ever, not best legendary team (if there is even such a thing). HOFers have nothing to do with being the bestteam ever. All people need to remember is 19-0.
"Best ever" is a very subjective term.

If the Patriots go 19-0, the only thing that you could definitively call them is the winningest single-season team ever.

That's it.

As for myself, I'd definitely put them in my top three "best ever" teams.
Randy Moss - Legend
Rodney Harrison - Legend
Junior Seau - Legend
Um, Truth, you forgot Brady. He > all these guys.

They could be the best ever, given they already have 3 titles this decade had a down year or two, then reloaded and have since unloaded on the rest of theleague. Great coach, great QB, great WR, always great D, I could live with the argument that they are the best team ever.
Randy Moss - Legend
Rodney Harrison - Legend
Junior Seau - Legend

Rodney Harrison-Legend?? That's a stretch right there champ. In regards to the other two names, if it all goes down this year, neither of those dudeswill go down as New England Patriot legends.

As I stated earlier, having HOF players is only part of the equation and the Patriots don't have them, if the Patriots break all those records when theyplay the Giants Saturday I can see how people could say that they are the greatest team ever, but if you really take a look at the great teams of the past Ican't see how dudes can say this Patriots team is by far superior to all.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

I never said you need HOF players to win games, you need HOF players to be remembered however. How can you be remembered if nobody knows who you are??
i don't know about you, but 19-0 would be very memorable..

tom brady could potentially break the single season passing TD record, randy moss could potentially break the single season TD reception record, the patriotscould potentially break the vikings' record for most points in a single season, the patriots could potentially be the first team to go 16-0 in the regularseason since the regular season was extended to 16 games, and they could potentially be the first team to go 19-0.

not to mention some people won't let go of the whole "spygate" deal. people will remember this team. they have more than enough name players tobe remembered. you don't need to be a HOFer to be a player to be remembered. brady, moss, welker, vrabel, seau, bruschi, harrison, samuel, etc are allnames that most NFL fans will be able to recognize. hell, belichick will be remembered as well.

again, 19-0 would be and should be memorable enough for most anyone.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Randy Moss - Legend
Rodney Harrison - Legend
Junior Seau - Legend

Rodney Harrison-Legend?? That's a stretch right there champ. In regards to the other two names, if it all goes down this year, neither of those dudes will go down as New England Patriot legends.

As I stated earlier, having HOF players is only part of the equation and the Patriots don't have them, if the Patriots break all those records when they play the Giants Saturday I can see how people could say that they are the greatest team ever, but if you really take a look at the great teams of the past I can't see how dudes can say this Patriots team is by far superior to all.

You used "legend" and "HOFer" interchangeably, so I did as well. Harrison might not be a legend, but he'll be a HOFer for sure.

And I don't think anyone is saying they are FAR superior, but you seem to go the other way by saying they shouldn't even be mentioned because they have"no HOFers."
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