"If I really wanted to win the scoring title I could win it every single year..."

If he thought that he could do it all by himself, he would be averaging 40+ points a game and < 5 assists.

If he didn't trust his team, he wouldn't pass to them in clutch situations. He wouldn't have multiple 10+ assist games per season. If he didn't get his team involved. Lebron ALWAYS gets his team involved and for a while people were harping on him because they always said that he did it too much. Lebron HAD to go all out in that Magic series because the rest of the team played like %#%@. His supposed 2nd scorer was nowhere to be found. And he STILL had upwards of 8 assists per game.

Take off the blinders, please.
Lebron doesn't play defense either ... only time he plays defense is when he's trying to get a block.

When the Cavs played Denver , Lebron had Billups on D. Come on.

I'll see yall in the Playoffs thread.
Kneesh, just face it, you strongly dislike Lebron for whatever reason, and you refuse to give him any credit whatsoever. The man could average 50, 10, and 10 and you'd find something in his game to nitpick.

Remember how Prettyplaya would reach for anything he could to criticize Kobe? That's what you sound like with Lebron. You're not using logic at this point.
Yeah I hate Lebron with a passion.
Not even being sarcastic.

I hate KG too though, but I don't talk down on his game.
Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by CP1708

Game 1: 49 points 8 assists 6 rebounds
Game 2: 35 points 5 assists 4 rebounds
Game 3: 41 points 9 assists 7 rebounds
Game 4: 44 points 7 assists 12 rebounds
Game 5: 37 points 12 assists 14 rebounds
Game 6: 25 points 7 assists 7 rebounds


Those are just STUPID numbers right there. 

In the Playoffs too

this thread is terrible.

lebron talks too much. that was the only thing we learned from his statement. has nothing to do with his talent. he's the 1st or 2nd best player in the league. theres nothing else to discuss
Yall cant continue to give him a free pass on not winning a chip though.

And i would like to see him win.

But if he winds up like Malone/Barkley/Ewing he cant blame role players for his entire career.
Originally Posted by bittersweet

He's a ball hog, I watched the series. Guaranteed if his numbers were lower, they would have won.


Lebron doesn't play defense either ... only time he plays defense is when he's trying to get a block.

When the Cavs played Denver , Lebron had Billups on D. Come on.

So your saying instead of averaging 39 points, 8 assists and 8 rebounds on 50% percent shooting, they would have won if he averaged 25, 5, 5 on 35% shooting?
Should he of averaged more turnovers too?
Your saying the Cavs have a better chance when Lebron plays worse basically.

And that Denver game, i remember it, Carmelo was out with a knee injury. Lebron covered Billups the last minute of the game because billups is there best option in a clutch moment would you agree? Esp. with Melo out...
So they put Lebron on him the best defender on the court...
The video is on NBA.com if you wanna re watch it.

I would love to see what your rebuttal is to this. But if i were you i would log off.
Numbers dont mean crap. kobe averaged 35 ppg and nobody gave him his due. When lebron wins his ring, then he can be cocky all he wants. btw, any player can win a scoring title each year. let them shoot 25-30 shots a game, im pretty sure they will rack up points
Originally Posted by Kal Ripped Ken

Lebron could if he wanted to but it's funny that he always starts chirping when the attention is elsewhere. As soon as someone is stealing the spotlight (i.e: KD, Kobe, Dwight during the dunk contest) he says something to remind the whole world of how great he is. Dude's ego is on another planet.

It's because he cares about what everyone thinks of him.
Originally Posted by jmause3

Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by CP1708

Game 1: 49 points 8 assists 6 rebounds
Game 2: 35 points 5 assists 4 rebounds
Game 3: 41 points 9 assists 7 rebounds
Game 4: 44 points 7 assists 12 rebounds
Game 5: 37 points 12 assists 14 rebounds
Game 6: 25 points 7 assists 7 rebounds


Those are just STUPID numbers right there. 

In the Playoffs too


 Disgusting. It's obvious this man can go out there and win a scoring title every year if he wanted to, there shouldnt be any debate about it.  I dont know why there is so much hate for him in this thread. Dude is averaging a near triple double, one of the best defenders in the league and he's only 25! Can we not just enjoy him while it lasts? And for those saying that he needs to win a chip before he gets any respect, I guaran-damn-tee that he will have at the very least one before his career is over, if not this year.

Originally Posted by shaqtus92

Originally Posted by jmause3

Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by CP1708

Game 1: 49 points 8 assists 6 rebounds
Game 2: 35 points 5 assists 4 rebounds
Game 3: 41 points 9 assists 7 rebounds
Game 4: 44 points 7 assists 12 rebounds
Game 5: 37 points 12 assists 14 rebounds
Game 6: 25 points 7 assists 7 rebounds


Those are just STUPID numbers right there. 

In the Playoffs too


 Disgusting. It's obvious this man can go out there and win a scoring title every year if he wanted to, there shouldnt be any debate about it.  I dont know why there is so much hate for him in this thread. Dude is averaging a near triple double, one of the best defenders in the league and he's only 25! Can we not just enjoy him while it lasts? And for those saying that he needs to win a chip before he gets any respect, I guaran-damn-tee that he will have at the very least one before his career is over, if not this year.

Its posts with things like this that start the hate...we can not guarantee anything. However, using his past as a barometer...he's not going to win a chip. For as awesome a player Bron is, he doesn't do much winning. Sure he doesn't have the best teammates on earth but they sure are damn great during the regular season. He gets ALL the credit for them being having the best record in the league, but when they fizzle in the playoffs he takes no blame. At some point he has to be able to be criticized without it being "hate". Same goes for Kobe. We take both of these players for granted and are soooo fueled(really by Jordan) to pit these two against each other, we miss the fact that there are literally 2 of the best players to ever play the game right in front of our eyes...in their primes. All these conversations are stupid.
Originally Posted by JsindaA

Originally Posted by shaqtus92

Originally Posted by jmause3

Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by CP1708

Game 1: 49 points 8 assists 6 rebounds
Game 2: 35 points 5 assists 4 rebounds
Game 3: 41 points 9 assists 7 rebounds
Game 4: 44 points 7 assists 12 rebounds
Game 5: 37 points 12 assists 14 rebounds
Game 6: 25 points 7 assists 7 rebounds


Those are just STUPID numbers right there. 

In the Playoffs too


 Disgusting. It's obvious this man can go out there and win a scoring title every year if he wanted to, there shouldnt be any debate about it.  I dont know why there is so much hate for him in this thread. Dude is averaging a near triple double, one of the best defenders in the league and he's only 25! Can we not just enjoy him while it lasts? And for those saying that he needs to win a chip before he gets any respect, I guaran-damn-tee that he will have at the very least one before his career is over, if not this year.

Its posts with things like this that start the hate...we can not guarantee anything. However, using his past as a barometer...he's not going to win a chip. For as awesome a player Bron is, he doesn't do much winning. Sure he doesn't have the best teammates on earth but they sure are damn great during the regular season. He gets ALL the credit for them being having the best record in the league, but when they fizzle in the playoffs he takes no blame. At some point he has to be able to be criticized without it being "hate". Same goes for Kobe. We take both of these players for granted and are soooo fueled(really by Jordan) to pit these two against each other, we miss the fact that there are literally 2 of the best players to ever play the game right in front of our eyes...in their primes. All these conversations are stupid.

I see the point your making, but you cant blame Bron for the Cavs losing in the ECF last year. He did practically every thing possible for that team to put them in the position to win, but no one else really showed up. But oh well, thats the past. I do agree that we should just appreciate these players while their here and stop comparing them to one another. Also, I stand by my statement that he will get himself a chip and hope its this year

Lebron is a beast and everybody can see that. I just dislike comments like the scoring title statement, dude needs to calm down with that @@%+. The only reason he annoys me is because he comes off as a crybaby at times and for as good as he is, he has not won anything. If the Cavs don't get the job done this year then I wouldn't be surprised if he becomes a ring less HoF'er.

This Cavs team is straight-up stacked. They have 4 good combo guards in Mo Williams, Anthony Parker, D. West, and Gibson. The PF spot which includes Andy, JJ Hickson, and Jamison are perfect for this type of Cavs team. You have a old shaq who can do enough work for them this coming post-season and Z. Add Lebron to that and they should get the ring. So if they don't win this year then when will he?

Plus to be honest, it should be pretty easy to make open shots for an NBA player when you have Lebron on the floor
Originally Posted by JsindaA

Originally Posted by shaqtus92

Originally Posted by jmause3

Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by CP1708

Game 1: 49 points 8 assists 6 rebounds
Game 2: 35 points 5 assists 4 rebounds
Game 3: 41 points 9 assists 7 rebounds
Game 4: 44 points 7 assists 12 rebounds
Game 5: 37 points 12 assists 14 rebounds
Game 6: 25 points 7 assists 7 rebounds


Those are just STUPID numbers right there. 

In the Playoffs too


 Disgusting. It's obvious this man can go out there and win a scoring title every year if he wanted to, there shouldnt be any debate about it.  I dont know why there is so much hate for him in this thread. Dude is averaging a near triple double, one of the best defenders in the league and he's only 25! Can we not just enjoy him while it lasts? And for those saying that he needs to win a chip before he gets any respect, I guaran-damn-tee that he will have at the very least one before his career is over, if not this year.

Its posts with things like this that start the hate...we can not guarantee anything. However, using his past as a barometer...he's not going to win a chip. For as awesome a player Bron is, he doesn't do much winning. Sure he doesn't have the best teammates on earth but they sure are damn great during the regular season. He gets ALL the credit for them being having the best record in the league, but when they fizzle in the playoffs he takes no blame. At some point he has to be able to be criticized without it being "hate". Same goes for Kobe. We take both of these players for granted and are soooo fueled(really by Jordan) to pit these two against each other, we miss the fact that there are literally 2 of the best players to ever play the game right in front of our eyes...in their primes. All these conversations are stupid.

the same could have been said about jordan at this exact stage of his career.

and then he three-peated.

and then he three-peated again.

why for every one intelligent lakers fan on this board there has to be 5 unintelligent ones
Says the person who makes an unintelligent comment. Your post meant really nothing. I could use Barkley/Ewing/Malone as a comparison and I'd still be right. If Jordan played in this media friendly era he would have been tortured at this same stage. On top of the fact that Jordan NEVER made it to the finals and lost. When he got what was percieved as help....he won. Bron did not do that. And I never said Bron won't win a ring, just that his track record says different. No one KNOWS what his fate will be. We can speculate but guaranteeing a chip is just dumb. Talk about unintelligent.
A lot of unintelligent people in this thread hating on LeBron without logical reason.

Why hasn't LeBron won a chip? Hint: Basketball is a TEAM game. LeBron has been surrounded by BUMS his entire career. Take LeBron off the team and they wont even sniff the playoffs. This is a guy that SINGLE-HANDEDLY took his team to the finals in 2007. Look at that team's roster in 2007

LeBron is the reason they are contenders, that they have finished 1st two years in a row, he's the reason that Cleveland is even relevant at the moment.

Get this guy 2 good team mates and he'll win multiple championships. Look at his supporting cast now...Shaq, Z, Sideshow Bob, Hickson, Boobie, Parker, Moon, Mo Williams
. Take LeBron off that team and they'd be the 2nd worst team in the East.
^ Which is why if he does sign with a new club in the off-season, that team will instantly be elevated to Top 2-3 in the East...and that's without even giving the supporting cast he'd be playing with a glance. That's just how good Lebron is.

Then when you factor in the fact that a lot of the teams that will be going after Lebron (if he decides to leave) have additional money set aside where they can sign a SECOND max free agent....you have to figure that that team will be the best in the East.

Yes, I'm talking to you New York.


Most of the talk in this thread is plain garbage. Lebron WILL win a ring in his career. It's inevitable.
if lebron switched teams with kobe the lakers would push 72 ... im being dead serious ...
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

He very well could...But it's not like his sacrifice has gotten him any rings..

Any serious Basketball fan knows its just a matter of time before he has a ring. You know it, I know it ....

 It's Inevitable


And yeah. he could win it every year.. If he wanted too...

But the same thing with like 10-15 other players in the league..

*Kanye shrug*
Lebron is a beast, get over it, enjoy it, and stop being haters. Everybody that posts on this board, that's an actual basketball fan, should be happy you get to see such a great talent for our generation. Jordan was just as arrogant, if not more, and EVERYBODY on this board loves him. The hate for Lebron is truly pathetic, and it's getting old. Also, you might not believe this, but, Lebron could stroke your girl and possibly mother, aunts, cousins, and sisters IF HE WANTED TO
Right when you start to have a logical post Toaster, you end it with the bizarre description of Lebron's sexual prowess.

Although like many Cavs fans you only see the negative when people talk about your team, past few pages people are actually defending Lebron against some of the most wild accusations. Are there haters? Of course. I really can't think of any star who is universally loved and doesn't get criticism. Those that don't, well give them a few years and I can almost guarantee we'll see topics about how Durant will never win a title and how his arrogance will be his downfall and so on.

In today's 24 news and constant media attention, players are more in the limelight than ever... and with that much exposure it will bring out the "haters". Just deal with it and get over it. There's going to be haters, there's going to be blind homers and stans, it's the way sports works now a days.
kobe can't score like he use to anymore. he's too use to passing honestly i feel like the double teams are unnecessary cause he aint droppin 40 on you two nights in a row if he gets one.

oh and bron is def getting a ship before he's done. Dude is unguardable. Defends, rebounds, scores, and can play any position its seriously ridiculous. , and this is froma lakers fan who doesn't wanna see kobe lose his reign.
The hate...and love, are exceedingly blinding in this thread. I don't necessarily know why either.

It's pretty safe to say whoever you think is the best player in the NBA is a conceited, proud, overly confident dude who probably wouldn't shake your hand.

Whether or not you like Lebron, he's an extremely talented and amazing NBA player.

It's just so tough for people to admit anything nice about a person they don't like I guess.
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