I never knew that......

there was a girl from my neighborhood years ago went to some country for spring break. she' was out partying and met some guy. they were dancing and what not. and they started making out. her friends grabbed her to go home before she could leave with the guy. so they come back to the U.S. and she has this bad break out all over her face and rash or whatever. she goes to the doctor and finds out she has this super rare infection caused by exchanging saliva with a cannibal. dude was gonna wine and dine her then eat her kidneys with a nice glass of chianti. so those people do exist.
there was a girl from my neighborhood years ago went to some country for spring break. she' was out partying and met some guy. they were dancing and what not. and they started making out. her friends grabbed her to go home before she could leave with the guy. so they come back to the U.S. and she has this bad break out all over her face and rash or whatever. she goes to the doctor and finds out she has this super rare infection caused by exchanging saliva with a cannibal. dude was gonna wine and dine her then eat her kidneys with a nice glass of chianti. so those people do exist.
being a cannibal and eating someone whole are two entirely different things
there was a girl from my neighborhood years ago went to some country for spring break. she' was out partying and met some guy. they were dancing and what not. and they started making out. her friends grabbed her to go home before she could leave with the guy. so they come back to the U.S. and she has this bad break out all over her face and rash or whatever. she goes to the doctor and finds out she has this super rare infection caused by exchanging saliva with a cannibal. dude was gonna wine and dine her then eat her kidneys with a nice glass of chianti. so those people do exist.

wait wut
A girl goes on vacation with some friends out of the country. Her and her friends are at a club one night, when she meets a handsome foreigner. After a few drinks and a little dancing, she ends up making out with the handsome foreigner. He tries to convince her to come home with him, but she refuses. She goes home a few days later and begins developing a rash around her mouth. She goes to the doctor, and the doctor starts acting really weird. After a lot of questioning about her recent activities, they finally tell her that the rash she has can only be contracted through the ingestion of human flesh or contact with someone with that rash. She tells the police about the handsome foreigner she kissed. The police begin doing some investigating and find that this man has been on a most-wanted list for some time. He’s a suspected serial killer and cannibal.

Alright, so as you can probably guess the last story isn’t true. It’s so strange and crazy that I figured it had to be true when I heard it. Sometimes real life really is stranger than fiction, but I guess this time the urban legend is crazier. And as for the other two stories, they are both true. So gross! I actually thought the whole getting crabs from a bathroom thing was an urban legend, but apparently it happens.

Literally the first link that pops up when I googled kissing cannibals. Lol, people are so gullible
@rck3sactown I never knew that time zones were based on the longitude lines instead of using states and their borders here in the United States .. Most of Nebraska is in the central time zone

Hawaii doesn't participate in daylight savings so their time change fluctuates

AZ as well.

I dont believe this fact at all anyway. based yes, but only like 3 states have 2 different time zones, and i know state lines arent parallel north/south.
AZ as well.

I dont believe this fact at all anyway. based yes, but only like 3 states have 2 different time zones, and i know state lines arent parallel north/south.
yep..az says they don't need to save daylight because they've got too much of it as it is.. i love that place.
Just saw a snake coming into my house via a 10mm hole in a damn brick at my front door

Time to move
you must live in a woodland area.
AZ as well.

I dont believe this fact at all anyway. based yes, but only like 3 states have 2 different time zones, and i know state lines arent parallel north/south.
yep..az says they don't need to save daylight because they've got too much of it as it is.. i love that place.
there's no need to have daylight savings time anymore, we just do it out of stupid tradition now. it was o ly implemented for farmers a hundred years ago but they don't need it anymore wit the tech they have
there's no need to have daylight savings time anymore, we just do it out of stupid tradition now. it was o ly implemented for farmers a hundred years ago but they don't need it anymore wit the tech they have
I thought it was first used during ww1 to help conserve energy for the war effort
there's no need to have daylight savings time anymore, we just do it out of stupid tradition now. it was o ly implemented for farmers a hundred years ago but they don't need it anymore wit the tech they have
I thought it was first used during ww1 to help conserve energy for the war effort
Oh that reminds me, niapolitan ice cream sandwiches were made to imitate a banana split but because of the lack of fruit during ww2 banana ice cream was removed and vanilla took its place.
View media item 1570139Hustler magazine's parody of public figure and minister Jerry Falwell

The satire at issue was a takeoff of an advertising campaign for Campari, an Italian apéritif. The real ads were tongue-in-cheek interviews with celebrities talking about their "first time." The ads, which played off the double entendre in the headline (“X talks about his first time”), initially appeared to discuss the star’s first sexual experience before revealing that the discussion actually concerned the subject's first time drinking Campari.

This went all the way to the Supreme Court.

Hustler Magazine, Inc. v. Falwell, 485 U.S. 46 (1988), was a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court held, in a unanimous 8–0 decision, that the First Amendment's free-speech guarantee prohibits awarding damages to public figures to compensate for emotional distress intentionally inflicted upon them.

Hustler magazine's parody of Jerry Falwell was deemed to be within the law, because the Court found that reasonable people would not have interpreted the parody to contain factual claims, leading to a reversal of the jury verdict in favor of Falwell, who had previously been awarded $150,000 in damages by a lower court.
there was a girl from my neighborhood years ago went to some country for spring break. she' was out partying and met some guy. they were dancing and what not. and they started making out. her friends grabbed her to go home before she could leave with the guy. so they come back to the U.S. and she has this bad break out all over her face and rash or whatever. she goes to the doctor and finds out she has this super rare infection caused by exchanging saliva with a cannibal. dude was gonna wine and dine her then eat her kidneys with a nice glass of chianti. so those people do exist.
This happened to my GF's co-worker's cousin...do we know the same people?
View media item 1570139Hustler magazine's parody of public figure and minister Jerry Falwell

The satire at issue was a takeoff of an advertising campaign for Campari, an Italian apéritif. The real ads were tongue-in-cheek interviews with celebrities talking about their "first time." The ads, which played off the double entendre in the headline (“X talks about his first time”), initially appeared to discuss the star’s first sexual experience before revealing that the discussion actually concerned the subject's first time drinking Campari.

This went all the way to the Supreme Court.

Hustler Magazine, Inc. v. Falwell, 485 U.S. 46 (1988), was a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court held, in a unanimous 8–0 decision, that the First Amendment's free-speech guarantee prohibits awarding damages to public figures to compensate for emotional distress intentionally inflicted upon them.

Hustler magazine's parody of Jerry Falwell was deemed to be within the law, because the Court found that reasonable people would not have interpreted the parody to contain factual claims, leading to a reversal of the jury verdict in favor of Falwell, who had previously been awarded $150,000 in damages by a lower court.

Size of some coconut crabs
View media item 1570676
Size of some alligator gar fish...found in American lakes
View media item 1570684
The eggplant got its name because the first ones looked like this
View media item 1570677
Full picture of the tianamen square tank protester
View media item 1570678
some octopuses possess the foresight to actually pack along coconut shells to use as protective shelters when exploring areas without adequate places to hide.
View media item 1570679.
View media item 1570680
The reason public toilets have the gap in the front of the seat (there are other reasons out there too)
circular-shaped objects have rigidity based on their form. This means they resist deformation when force is applied (your *** sitting on toilet seat). This can be a good thing: Toilet seat feels structurally sound when sitting on it.

The problem is that the rigidity is not infinite. There is a snap point, and since the form is not able to bend, when the snap point is hit, it usually fails VERY BADLY. In our case, this often means replacing the toilet seat ($$$).

By taking a very small wedge out of an otherwise full circle, it changes the whole dynamic of the form. All of a sudden we have a U shape instead of an O. Now, both "legs" of the U are able to (mostly) independently move. This raises the "snap point" as the materials are now able to bend effectively and more thoroughly distribute load.

At the end of the day, the shape choice of a toilet seat is about it's reliability. In normal usage, U shaped seats are MUCH less likely to break over the long term than O shaped seats.

And at the end of the week, reliability is really about money. How long will thing X last given normal use conditions? When will I have to replace it? What are the costs associated with wear and tear? This makes sense in the context of businesses/governments (who usually own the public toilets in question here).

The reason that they are different at home is because at home you also (usually) have aesthetic requirements that automatically trump any cost related requirements. This is due to a combination of (a) people liking to surround themselves with things that are pretty, and (b) home toilet seats get very light use compared to public toilet seats and therefore are (by default) much less likely to fail at any given point in time.
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jesus something's wrong with me. I totally interpreted as coconuts designed to look like crabs and an alligator gay fish. I totally knew about the U toilet seats instead of the O toilet already. Ate at an acquaintances house before for a dinner, went to the bathroom and saw that they had a U toilet seat. Sat back down and said "hey why do you have a business toilet?" No one in the  room knew about the U toilets and were
when i told them
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