I hope gets bombarded with hate mail.

Subject: I gotta tear down this group....

Ladies and Gentlemen of this group: It has come to my attention that this poor young lady's social life has been literally destroyed. She has been kicked off facebook, out of her sorority and also has been asked to leave Louisiana Tech University. My intentions were not to accomplish all of this but only to teach her a lesson, hence she said, "yeah I said it, say something." So I did. I thank everyone for joining this group but I'm starting to get information that I could be expelled for pulling a stunt like this and I don't want that. Plus, I've also recieved some threatening messages. And I don't know if she deserved all of this but God bless her and anyone else that feels the same way she does. And may God also bless you all too.

Your truly,

Everett C. Route, III
^I got that too
all that in a day basically. Now she really hates black people
the power of the internet


expelling folk for making a facebook group exposing a racist? wow.. that's doing too much.
Originally Posted by HighRep87

Subject: I gotta tear down this group....

Ladies and Gentlemen of this group: It has come to my attention that this poor young lady's social life has been literally destroyed. She has been kicked off facebook, out of her sorority and also has been asked to leave Louisiana Tech University. My intentions were not to accomplish all of this but only to teach her a lesson, hence she said, "yeah I said it, say something." So I did. I thank everyone for joining this group but I'm starting to get information that I could be expelled for pulling a stunt like this and I don't want that. Plus, I've also recieved some threatening messages. And I don't know if she deserved all of this but God bless her and anyone else that feels the same way she does. And may God also bless you all too.

Your truly,

Everett C. Route, III

we need confirmation though

dumb broad deserves it + plus more
Originally Posted by HighRep87

Subject: I gotta tear down this group....

Ladies and Gentlemen of this group: It has come to my attention that this poor young lady's social life has been literally destroyed. She has been kicked off facebook, out of her sorority and also has been asked to leave Louisiana Tech University. My intentions were not to accomplish all of this but only to teach her a lesson, hence she said, "yeah I said it, say something." So I did. I thank everyone for joining this group but I'm starting to get information that I could be expelled for pulling a stunt like this and I don't want that. Plus, I've also recieved some threatening messages. And I don't know if she deserved all of this but God bless her and anyone else that feels the same way she does. And may God also bless you all too.

Your truly,

Everett C. Route, III


if they kick homie out of school though
Daam she pretty much ethered herself. i'm pretty sure she hates Barack Obama & all black people for that matter ALOOOT more now.
HighRep87 wrote:
Subject: I gotta tear down this group....

Ladies and Gentlemen of this group: It has come to my attention that this poor young lady's social life has been literally destroyed. She has been kicked off facebook, out of her sorority and also has been asked to leave Louisiana Tech University. My intentions were not to accomplish all of this but only to teach her a lesson, hence she said, "yeah I said it, say something." So I did. I thank everyone for joining this group but I'm starting to get information that I could be expelled for pulling a stunt like this and I don't want that. Plus, I've also recieved some threatening messages. And I don't know if she deserved all of this but God bless her and anyone else that feels the same way she does. And may God also bless you all too.

Your truly,

Everett C. Route, III

Is this legitimate?

That's taking a colossal "L" right there.
Peoples ignorance....
. But if that note is legit. about her gettingkicked out of school
Getting kicked out of school though? Wow.

She might as well permanently log off.
can you really get expelled for that though?

i didn't know that. i don't feel bad for her though.
hmmm...I dont get why everybody is so up in arms like this they didnt know this stuff goes down.
Im not tryin to downplay it, but at the same time, I dont see the need to really bring so much attention to it either. I mean messing up her Facebook andMySpace pages is gonna accomplish what? what lesson will be learned? I agree she does need to learn a lesson but I dont think this is the way to go about it
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