I got G'd at the barbershop... VOL. WTF

Feb 22, 2013
Long story short, I went to a new barbershop today.

It was kinda busy and I didn't want to wait for just a quick fade so I said "f it" and went to some mid twenty looking spanish cat with a decent cut that was open. ROOKIE MISTAKE... I should have known.. he was probably free cause the regs must've known he was straight *** 
Straight up the most unprofessional cut I ever got. He was missing spots as he went over my head, wrong length, rushed job, f'd up line up 
, boxed sideburns/back when i wanted it tapered...  
 whatever whatever. He would show me the mirror a few times and I'll be like yo can you go over that one more time.. etc etc. After like the third time, son had nerve to suck his teeth mad slick under his breath as he took the mirror. In my head im like are you for real 
 yo i should be the one mad you the one that cant give an easy fade. 

so i end up going home and i find out from my boy that the dude overcharged me a couple bucks. so basically i got g'd with a unsatisfactory cut, overcharged WITH TIP!

 Should I bugged out or taken the L and move on avoid that mfer?
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That's messed up.  Who told about the shop?  Did they refer you to someone before you got your cut?
How is it possible to get overcharged at the barbershop? Just look at the prices posted.
Should probably burn the barbershop down, or wait two weeks and get a decent haircut.

Hair, it always grows back.
babrbershops stories always make me laugh no matter how effed up they are, im sorry man :lol:
Just take your L shaped edge.

The only way I would hop into a new barber's chair is if dude came well recommended from someone I trust.

I should have known.. he was probably free cause the regs must've known he was straight ***

Most defintely should have trusted your first instinct.
smh I hate it when the barbers stop cutting your hair to get involved into the shops convo about sports or ****
yo forreal i was thinking about going back and saying something but it was my first time and apparently its the only decent barbershop on campus.

so i plan on going back. plus maybe bugging out over a couple dollars woulda been petty. what do you think?
I will never go to another barber unless my barber is on vacation in the Dominican Republic(always feels like an enternity) and IF I do, I always go to whoever is the best or second best at that barber shop.

Sorry for your loss OP
I was just thinking the other night about a cut I got years ago and how bad the dude ****** me.

So pissed for not saying anything and still feel like a chump for just letting it slide.

Embarrassed myself with how hard I was played.
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