How to become a business major Vol. 1

Aug 4, 2004
How Business Majors come to be:

I'm not good in science....
I'm not good in math....
I'm not good in art....

I know! Business major! Success!
Originally Posted by infamousod

if you're not good in math good luck getting through financial accounting
Correct... or Seminar in Finance... International Finance.
I'm a senior accounting major at a good business program with mediocre math skills and so far accounting has not been a challenge. If you can use a4-function calculator, you can do survive in accounting. I have found that accounting requires much more logic than anything else. Now finance on the otherhand, be prepared for a lot of statistics and calculus.
There are other business majors, such as management and possible marketing, that require less math skills so you should have some options for majors, even ifthe accounting and finance prerequisites give you some trouble.

Don't worry about the art and science, I don't really see either of those subjects coming into play.
Originally Posted by RockyBalboa25

I'm a senior accounting major at a good business program with mediocre math skills and so far accounting has not been a challenge. If you can use a 4-function calculator, you can do survive in accounting. I have found that accounting requires much more logic than anything else. Now finance on the other hand, be prepared for a lot of statistics and calculus.
There are other business majors, such as management and possible marketing, that require less math skills so you should have some options for majors, even if the accounting and finance prerequisites give you some trouble.

Don't worry about the art and science, I don't really see either of those subjects coming into play.

though not english
Originally Posted by RockyBalboa25

Don't worry about the art and science, I don't really see either of those subjects coming into play.
I think you might of missed the OP's point. He was poking fun at the idea that people become business majors because the major doesn'trequire science, art, or math skills.
Business school is where people go when they can't cut it as an engineer
im sure we can all agree that communications is the major with the least skill required
Managerial has a lot of math and imagine you will be having business calc classes as well.

But the level of difficult on the math end is pretty easily managed. Except if you have to take an Econometrics course.

Good luck!
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by Snake201

Originally Posted by jjsrf

im sure we can all agree that communications is the major with the least skill required

Or Sports Management.
Sport Management?
Maybe no skills are required at most schools with it, but at its like one of the hardest majors
^ you at Oregon?

SPM at some schools isn't very well developed yet, the curriculum sometimes includes a lot of electives, outside concentration and internship/practicum.the best schools have it going on.
I always say that "Business" is for the people who don't really know what they want. At least pick something in business like finance, marketing,management, supply chain, etc.

And to preempt any econ pot shots, Intermediate econ is pretty difficult and econometrics is ridiculous.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Business school is where people go when they can't cut it as an engineer


all the engineers i've talked to said they go to business school so they can get into management (where they make more money)
Originally Posted by infamousod

^ you at Oregon?

SPM at some schools isn't very well developed yet, the curriculum sometimes includes a lot of electives, outside concentration and internship/practicum. the best schools have it going on.
No Im at Flagler down in FL
Wow really? I'm great at math....

Funny thing is a did better in financial accounting than in mangerial

I'm also very creative

I thought you do business because you're good in an array of things (that's y i'm in it)
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