How old were you when your parents cut you off?

I'm 20 and parents still shoot me money every month for food, but I feel bad doing so. I want to be financially independent soon.
i have two jobs and my dad still covers everything...been working since 15...he says as long as i'm in school they got me...
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

my parents just help with school cuz they want me to finish.

i find it weird that parents pay for their kids to live somewhere else
So they can learn to be independent.
Originally Posted by derryj3

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by derryj3

Since I was 15.

My parents haven't had a job since 2001.

lol prolly the reason I'm not into shoes no more cause I don't buy em like I used to

Yeah it's been tough. LOL I remember dating this one white girl who had a "gas card" A credit card JUST for gasoline in adddition to her bank card and regular visa all paid for by Daddy! I guarantee I'm a strong as man regardless though, growing up the way I did, I really appreciate everything

Hey man i feel you, im 17 , moms is in jail and dad dont work, and i work two jobs and pay for everything i have, while staying on principles list!
i'm 23 and they still havent cut me off yet
. im the youngest of 3 so thats probably the reason why.
Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Dont feel like that my man... Just make your mother proud and finsh school and do something with your life. Thats enough payback. Thats what she wants. My mother has been disabled since I was seven years old. when I was younger she always found a way to make ends meet. Since I was about 14 Its been more of me taking care of her. I'm 22 now and I help her with just about everything. I know she would love to be in the position to "spoil" me but you can only play with the cards your dealt. Its crazy because alot of people tell me how good it is that I do what I do for her. I dont see it being a good deed tho. Its an obligation to me. Part of my every day life. I enjoy helping my mother out even know it is rough on me sometimes. You only get one Mom/Dad so cherish so cherish them while they are here. For those of you who parents can afford to help you out PLEASE dont take advantage of it. Also be thankful for what you have because there are some that are not as fortunate. Show your parents that you appreciate what they do for you!
great post. tho you dont look at as a great deed, thats Good S!!! man. Ya moms raised you RIGHT!
my pops never really cut me off. i kinda cut myslef off cuz i was sick of the bs i had to go through. id rather do $@$% myself and look back on it like"yeah i did that and nobody got it for me. I earned it."
Once i got my first job when i turned 15 (im 20 now) they stopped buying me stuff, since then i've paid for my
own clothes/shoes/school. They'll pitch me some money if i really need help but usually im on my
own when it comes to buying personal stuff.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Cut me off? When the hell was I even on? lol. I got a job when I was 16 and there was no going back after that. Self-sufficient ever since. Before that I had a marginal allowance that moms gave me whenever she felt like...or not. Puttin money in your own pocket ftw.
huh, I was completely cut off the moment I got a job, age 15. The reason I got the job was because they were cutting back. I'm yet to be 20 y.o. A goodfriend of mine is in his mid 20's, NOT the only child, but the youngest... still catered, too. Deep in my heart, I hate him for it. Especially because itshow's in his personality. 21+ year old spoiled little boy.
Makes me not want to hang with him.

Fresh outta HS, When I had my first J O B.

My pops didn't want me to go to college, he wanted me to join the military. So I saved up that summer for fall semesters tuition+books.
My parents never gave me money and I worked full-time during college.
But if I ever got sick or something like that and insurance won't cover, or I can't afford,
I know they would be there. Actually, my whole life, my parents always tried to make sure
I was healthy and had food.

A little different than some of you spoiled mama's boys.
I'm asian so it's my destiny to live with them forever and take care of em when they're old
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