How old were you when your parents cut you off?

I pay for everything myself. Parents still come thru with help when say I need a new computer or something (btw, new macbook is
pretty much when i started working at the age of 14 but if i needed stuff here n there mom dukes would help me out. for example lets say a pair of kicks wascomin out and i only had 100 and they was 140 then she would toss the 40 my way, little stuff like that helpin me out cause im a good son whos done what heshad to do since day until and still now through college
When I first went to jail for fighting when I was 13 or 14. Longest punishment ever! Buts it was all love tho. Now I help her out.
my mom is trying to but it doesn't last long. i think i went a month or 2 trying to do it on my own..she felt sorry for me and put money in my bankaccount..
in my culture there is no such thing as "cutting off", it is a life time support. All that jazz "when you are 18 you are on your own" crapdon't work over here.

all amenities are paid for... Till you're financially secured.
Originally Posted by numbah1grimey

Damn, I feel spoiled ROTTEN! My moms supported me from jump street. I had the latest Js, Nikes, etc. Clothing, you name it. Whatever fashion or trend was in at the time or game stystem was popping, I had it. I got my first steady job when I was 19 though. Im about to be 21 this month. Im in school and working but she still helps me out. She's a single parent and money is tight but she will give me her last dime. Sometimes I feel kind of ungrateful but I've always shown moms love. But I vow when and if I ever have a steady career and make it big, I will pay her back. It's not all about the money and materialistic stuff like it seems thought at time. Sometimes your parents just love you so unconditionally.

Dont feel like that my man... Just make your mother proud and finsh school and do something with your life. Thats enough payback. Thats what she wants. Mymother has been disabled since I was seven years old. when I was younger she always found a way to make ends meet. Since I was about 14 Its been more of metaking care of her. I'm 22 now and I help her with just about everything. I know she would love to be in the position to "spoil" me but you canonly play with the cards your dealt. Its crazy because alot of people tell me how good it is that I do what I do for her. I dont see it being a good deed tho.Its an obligation to me. Part of my every day life. I enjoy helping my mother out even know it is rough on me sometimes. You only get one Mom/Dad so cherish socherish them while they are here. For those of you who parents can afford to help you out PLEASE dont take advantage of it. Also be thankful for what you havebecause there are some that are not as fortunate. Show your parents that you appreciate what they do for you!
I started working when I was 16, so I didn't need financially supported anymore then. My Dad lost his job a year later and had to start all over at a newcompany. So I stepped up and helped out paying bills until I moved out earlier this year at 22. So it was like I cut them off when I moved out.
i pay for all my tuition after my half scholarship is applied, pay for my place, and paid for my whip. Parents are definetly there for the support though andare glad to see me doing well. I respect no one who just lives off mom and dad, to me that is loser and the start of horrible habits. After 18 you gotta stepup and start mapping out your own feature. Its funny seeing most of my peers in college doing the previous mentioned and they have no value for theirpossesions or drive to get ahead
My sister is two years older than me and always set up an allowance with my dad. I don't really need the money, but he feels like I should get the same asshe did at whatever age. I never ask, but he gives me some every month. I guess I'm lucky that my sis set this up for me because I feel bad asking for cashfrom my parents. I don't buy too much so I'm just piling most of it up in saving. Should help me later on.
Originally Posted by doosta45

I was never cut on, so I couldn't be cut off

Been buying my own stuff since I was little, either selling candy, playing them dice games/bones/cards on the playground, or burning cds. I stayed making money when I was little.

They really only bought me stuff on xmas, my bday, and when school started. Other than that I was on my own and my parents still making 150k+/year, so the money was there I just didn't want it. Hell the money they give me, id go buy them something with it.
You sound exactly like me. Ever since I was like 6 I was sellin my Halloween candy. I STILL remember feeling like the !*** when I got up to like12 dollars
I got older and expanded to CDs. I had a nice lil operation goin. Had people selling for me throughout the school plus I was still sellincandy/snacks/drinks. I still see the shoulder scars my duffle bag strap left from carryin around that heavy bag. I was bringin in soo much money every week. Even after factoring out the cost of CDs and food.. the profit margin was crazy. Any body else remember when Get Rich or Die Tryin' leaked? 50 Cent had mefeelin like a million bucks

I was definately spoiled/blessed as a kid. Though in my teens I was buying everything I wanted through "hustlin" and it all started with my mom"investing" that first $100 (after making me write up a business proposal + a Powerpoint Presentation
). I remember she was so surprised when I paid it back to her after a coupledays.

Actually its really funny. Im in college now, just quit my job of 4 years and now I'm living off all that money I made from the HS days. But things liketuition and rent, eternal thanks goes out to my parents. tryin to make em proud and gotta say, I aint doin to well at that
I've been working since 14 so I had my own money for stuff. I just gave my mom the checks to deposit and use it for extra bills if she needed it. I'm22 now, Junior in College (1 year behind because I moved to this country late and they forced me to stay a year back and I took 1 year off after my 1stsemester at the Univ). I mean my mom is willing to take care of me until I finish all my schooling. So I guess I'm really lucky. But since my mom was asingle mom for so long and I am her only child. She's willing to give up her world just so that I have all the opportunities in the world. And I really dofeel blessed to be in the situation I am.
s0leFUNK wrote:
doosta45 wrote:
Actually its really funny. Im in college now, just quit my job of 4 years and now I'm living off all that money I made from the HS days. But things like tuition and rent, eternal thanks goes out to my parents.

what kind of man has his parents pay rent and doesn't take up the responsibility of providing some means of income for his self?
after my fourth year in 21.

but it's all good, if i was ever in a financial bind they would be there for me.

im just glad they were able to pay my way through college, no debt after grad ftw!

<3 my parents
Originally Posted by numbah1grimey

Damn, I feel spoiled ROTTEN! My moms supported me from jump street. I had the latest Js, Nikes, etc. Clothing, you name it. Whatever fashion or trend was in at the time or game stystem was popping, I had it. I got my first steady job when I was 19 though. Im about to be 21 this month. Im in school and working but she still helps me out. She's a single parent and money is tight but she will give me her last dime. Sometimes I feel kind of ungrateful but I've always shown moms love. But I vow when and if I ever have a steady career and make it big, I will pay her back. It's not all about the money and materialistic stuff like it seems thought at time. Sometimes your parents just love you so unconditionally.

Same as Me but I'm 20 lol. Did you have the friends around that knocked you because your Mom did this stuff. Some of my friends dug in my A about my Momsgiving me funds. We aint rich or anything near it, She just goes the extra mile. She spoils my Nieces and Nephew too. They get away with everything
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

RavageBX wrote:
Cut me off? When the hell was I even on? lol. I got a job when I was 16 and there was no going back after that. Self-sufficient ever since. Before that I had a marginal allowance that moms gave me whenever she felt like...or not. Puttin money in your own pocket ftw.

I've been working since i was 14 moved out when i was 17
I'm 23 and I honestly doubt I'll ever be cut off. I work hard for the family biz so mom & pops take care of me in return... and they'll betaken care of when they retire. Still live at home bill free. Thanks mom & dad.
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