How Old Are You & What's the Youngest/Oldest You'd Date?

Im 21. Youngest I'll talk to is 18. When I hit about 26/27, that'll increase to about 21/22. The oldest? Porbably like 30.
im 18

youngest- 16

You said nothing bout SMASHING so thats a whole different territory there,, since you said DATE, I have to go here

anything older than that, them ladies dont cosider dating, once your SMASH they EXPECT you to stop
**&kingaround already and Wife it up for sure, Imbettin they think at that age, if theyre gonna let you inside then you have your +*# together and your all passed the dumb...
Like I said, SMASHING is a whole different book, like two complete universes.
mid 20' youngest 22/23, oldest 33/34

smashing: youngest 18, oldest 45 (w. bad body of course. no sag. they out there)
Im 24

Oldest dating seriously probably 30

Youngest 21 but if she is bad enough with good sense...20. Can't go to chill with a chick and she drinking lemonade while I have Henny.
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