How often do you see Ferraris, Lamborghinis, etc. where you live.

everytime I step out the house

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neighbor owns one
Visited NYC and LA this summer. Saw a Lambo in Harlem. Ferraris and Maserattis were very common in beverly hills so the prosches, benz's, and beamers turned no heads.
One out of three years!!! But when I go to SoCal, different vibe.... You see these everywhere like Hondas!

Co-Sign that.
I live in Seattle. Porsche and Maserati dominate, by far. Bentley comes in second (and I tend to see them in the most random places). After that it's probably Ferrari. Lambo I'll see once or twice a year, maybe. Only ever seen two Phantoms, once driving past Husky Stadium, the other on the main road through Medina (where Bill Gates lives). Saw a Maybach once, driving down 6th Ave Downtown. It was a family, too. Dad and mom up front, kids chillin' in the back. Randomly, what I still see a lot of are H1 Hummers. I feel like I see one every couple weeks, and it's always a different one.
When I used to live in Miami it was on a daily that I'm in NYC maybe once a week
apparently only one person owned a Maserati in Memphis and he got locked up two weeks ago for drug trafficking other than that there's a dude in the next neighborhood over with a fake one and I've seen one phantom but that was wayyyyyyyyyyyyy out in the country
in SF, I see them a lot
Especially in Embarcadero, North Beach, Fi-di

And last summer in NYC 
 I saw more high, high end luxury cars in brighton beach, BK than in the city 
My buddy's got a membership to the Country Club in my area and there's
almost always a Lambo, Ferrari, or Maybach in the lot...
Here's a pic he sent me a couple weeks ago
Never in my city, but Walnut Creek is somewhat close and the whip game out there is mean.
Silicon Valley. Not Ferraris and Lambos a lot but lots and lots of Benzs, Lexus, Infiniti, etc. I think I've seen a Lambo in San Francisco though.

When I worked at this one company, they had a client visiting that drove a Bentley...
Originally Posted by acidicality

Silicon Valley. Not Ferraris and Lambos a lot but lots and lots of Benzs, Lexus, Infiniti, etc. I think I've seen a Lambo in San Francisco though.

When I worked at this one company, they had a client visiting that drove a Bentley...
In regards to SF and Seattle, cars like Lambos, Ferraris, etc. that are low-clearance, manual transmission don't really work so well in cities that have so many steep hills. I see them on the east side (Bellevue) where the hills are low or non-existent. 
Where I live(Astoria, NYC) everyone owns a Benz or BMW it seems. Like literally walk downstairs and spot 10 any given time of the day. The exotics roll out every weekend and weekdays too Lambos, Ferrari, Bentley, Porsche, Maseratis and sometimes Maybach. I have yet to see Bugatti on my block though.
See at least one GTR, lambo, Ferrari or bentley daily. I live in one of the richest cities in the bay area so not o in common.
Those of us that live in California in the metro areas see them all the time, I use to date a girl in Calabasas, CA her dad had a garage full of Lambo's Ferraris and that one Porsche super car I can't remember the name.
Lambos not very often. Ferrari's are more common. My neighbor has 2 phantoms, 2 bentley arnages and a 360 spyder. There are other phantoms, continental gt, etc...near me too. I feel that the reason I don't see many lambos is because it's geared towards a younger crowd.
What's the point of this thread really? But anyway I live in Vegas, so I see every exotic car there is, all the damn time, everybody does. It's to the point where it's not even a head turner anymore. Just another vehicle on The Strip.
Rarely see one on a daily basis unless I go to Santana Row everyday where the rich folk lounge; always some Bentleys, Lambos, Maybachs, Maserati's, and Ferraris there.
I work in downtown Bethesda, MD (very affluent DC suburb) and Bentleys and Range Rovers seem to dominate. See a good amount of Porsches as well but exotics not so much.
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