How often do you eat fast food?

Let me aware you brah.








Protein = 50g
Carbohydrates = 45g
Fat = 5g
Total calories = 425
Wholemeal pita bread
Tomato paste
Chicken Size 14 (can make up to 6 pizzas)
Salt & Pepper
Set oven to 200 and bake for 15-20mins

I use LeanBodyLifestyle's template for pita pizzas, I love it

You run an internet message board. You and I both know that the increased usage of internet and video games keep children from doing physical activities daily. Increased internet usage is associated with poor eating habits, lessened physical activity and behavioral issues. It may be easy for grown men like you and I to use the internet, video games, etc. in moderation, but it is not that easy for kids who get addicted to these things. Kids may see Kevin Durant or their other favorite NBA superstar eating McDonalds, but at least the NBA contributes with many different charity and outreach initiatives to get kids involved in physical activity. I am fairly new here so correct me if I am wrong, but I don't not see anything where you guys have any programs that could even scratch the effectiveness of NBA Cares and NBA FIT. I pulled this information after searching for your charity donations.

.......pot calling the kettle black?
what a forced comparison....dieting is no where the same as internet usage...:lol: at all :smh:

I also put zaxbys in a different category of fast food. Chick fil a and subway too. I cant explain it but I just feel that it's different. May be wrong though.
are you serious? it's the exact same as all that other junk....deep fried...processed ****...they say the meatball Sub is the worst thing you can eat out of all these fast food places
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Not so much for lunch or dinner, but for breakfast I'll grab an egg Mcmuffin or an Oatmeal from McDonalds I do that probably 2 or 3 times a week.. give or take.. 

You run an internet message board. You and I both know that the increased usage of internet and video games keep children from doing physical activities daily. Increased internet usage is associated with poor eating habits, lessened physical activity and behavioral issues. It may be easy for grown men like you and I to use the internet, video games, etc. in moderation, but it is not that easy for kids who get addicted to these things. Kids may see Kevin Durant or their other favorite NBA superstar eating McDonalds, but at least the NBA contributes with many different charity and outreach initiatives to get kids involved in physical activity. I am fairly new here so correct me if I am wrong, but I don't not see anything where you guys have any programs that could even scratch the effectiveness of NBA Cares and NBA FIT. I pulled this information after searching for your charity donations.
You're criticizing me because our donations aren't as effective as "NBA FIT?"  Really?

First of all, compare the percentage of our revenue donated to charity and the percentage of the NBA's revenue donated to charity - let alone what each individual athlete contributes.  If NBA players inspire physical activity, great, but I'd tend to think that most of them don't eat garbage on a regular basis and I DON'T think it's a coincidence that they're snapping all these Twitter pics of themselves eating at McDonald's when the company sponsors many of them individually AND sponsors USA Basketball, etc.  In all likelihood, it's part of a marketing campaign.  

It's deceptive to suggest that, if you put away Big Macs, that you'll grow up to be "big and strong" like LeBron James.  

Whereas I think the criticism of athletic role models promoting unhealthy foods is obvious, your criticism of me (and NikeTalk's donations) as some crude form of "retribution" is anything but.  It's a bit of a reach, to put it mildly.  Essentially, your complaint hinges on the assumption that somehow detracts from physical activity, even though the site essentially revolves around sports culture and we have literally thousands of posts devoted to training, exercise, and healthy diets - like we're the "entertainment" equivalent of McDonald's.  If you're going to blast NikeTalk for encouraging a sedentary lifestyle, then you might as well criticize the NBA or the Olympic games for the exact same thing, as they're promoting "spectator sports."  How dare the NBA broadcast its games on television?  That seems a little silly.  By your logic, every single book on diet and exercise in the history of civilization is "hypocritical," because one can't possibly READ AND be active at the same time.  

Let's get real:  there's a difference between promoting a healthy lifestyle through a "passive" medium and using world class athletes to promote an UNHEALTHY lifestyle.  
Yes, I would say that it does detract from physical activity. There are threads about training, exercise, and health but that is in the minority. At the end of the day this is a sneaker community and you know that everything on here is not all good. There is poison on here and if a well-minded individual like you knows that, why are you not putting funds into programs that will promote physical activity in youths? Your representation of Niketalk being this wonderful place where people go to learn about great things and practice positivity is all wrong. Most of the stuff on here is pure negativity and I absolutely do not have a problem with that as this is a free country. I felt I had to voice my opinion, because you seem very delusional about the content on here. Your "internet persona" is also very condescending. 
who are you though? it sounds like you think your opinion matters when it doesn't :lol:

your in here defending McDonalds for crying out loud :rofl: :rofl:

a true champion, defending a billion dollar corporate entity :nthat:
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I cut out the majority of my fast food eating. I probably eat it once a week as a "cheat meal" ... At 25, I realized that it'd be easier to cut it out now than down the road.. 
Yes, I would say that it does detract from physical activity.
So does watching basketball on TV.  You'll notice I didn't criticize Team USA players for that.  You'll also notice that you ignored this related comment:

"By your logic, every single book on diet and exercise in the history of civilization is "hypocritical," because one can't possibly READ AND be active at the same time." 
Your "internet persona" is also very condescending.
Seriously?  Have you read what you just typed to me recently?  Pot, meet kettle. 
At the end of the day this is a sneaker community and you know that everything on here is not all good. There is poison on here and if a well-minded individual like you knows that, why are you not putting funds into programs that will promote physical activity in youths?
There are literally tens of thousands of people expressing themselves here.  We're not in the business of playing thought police.  Naturally there will be quite a bit of commentary I don't agree with.  If you're not going to fault us for our lack of censorship, then what's the basis of your criticism?  That we haven't donated to a youth exercise program?  Seriously?  There's a reason why nobody OTHER than the NBA "donates" to NBA Fit.  It's a marketing campaign.  

If you want to talk about contributing to children's health, I'd tend to think something like Doctors Without Borders, Operation Smile, and UNICEF would qualify.  We just held a donation drive to address the famine in Somalia.  We backed user donations by giving over $13,000 of our ad revenue to the cause for a combined total of over $18,000.  That certainly deals with nutrition.  Or are you now going to lecture me for sending money to assist starving children abroad as opposed to overweight children in the US?  

I think we know what this is really about. 
Your representation of Niketalk being this wonderful place where people go to learn about great things and practice positivity is all wrong. 
Sneaker forums are going to exist whether NikeTalk's here or not.  I don't think it's such a terrible thing for us to at least try to inject some social responsibility to the sector and raise money for worthy causes while we're at it.  

Where's all the resentment coming from?

You have such firm (and harsh) opinions about NikeTalk's content for a self-described "new user."  Could it be that you aren't a new user at all?  That you're actually posting under a clone account of "Jay Gutta," who recently claims to have been a member since '04 '05?  

Who hurt you?  
Lately, probably every 2 weeks. When I do eat out on lunch breaks, I gravitate towards more healthy meals to boost up my energy for the rest of the work day.
chipotle veggie/chicken burrito>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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Wow, it took me a minute to even remember.  I believe the last time I did was in 2009 on the road from Seattle to Vancouver - and that was a veggie sub from Subway.

It pains me to see all these pictures of Olympic athletes eating at McDonald's.  Inspiring a new generation... of diabetics. 
Do you exercise Meth? Lot of good Places for carbs (local pizza places,chipotle, local deli's etc)

Unless your a vegetarian , but the only places i stay away from are places with a bunch processed 

and frozen foods.

To those of you who say you are eating in to save money , do you have parent's that cook for you?

Because a weekly grocery bill in 2012 is CRAZY expensive , i would actually think it's cheaper to eat

somewhere like mcdonald's/taco bell as opposed to a weekly grocery bill containing

deli meats/rice/bread/milk/fish/pasta/cheese/yogurt/cereal/meats etc <--- that right there could ring you up 65 dollars

for the week. 

how are we on coupon clipping? is it worth it?
I noticed I eat that **** whenever I'm depressed. I don't have any urge to glob that fried fat if I'm straight. But when I get ****** up over business or some personal worries...I start craving that poison.
I normally don't eat fast-food that often, but today I think I did too much as i was traveling about. In the morning I ate McDonalds for breakfast, Popeyes for lunch, and then more McDonalds on my way home for dinner. 
 I feel kind of disgusted with myself as all I drank today was soda with the exception of water when I woke up. 
used to be almost everyday last year, when i was younger sometimes twice a day SRS :x

havent touched it in 6 months
i dont really eat at fast food places, but recently its been the sit-down type restaurants that have taken a toll on my weight. I discover these hella good places on Yelp and its like have to try it.
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