How much money is enough money?

As an Engineering Major, I expect to make around 70k a year out of college. My goal is to be in the six figures by the time I'm 30 which seems like a very reasonable goal.
I did 78 last year. My wife is a stay at home mom. We have a 3 year old and a 8 month old. Im on track to do 85-90 this year. We live in Houston our cost of living is not too bad. Once my wife goes back to work we will be well over 150k a year. We live very comfortable now with just one income. I guess everyone has a number, just remember unless you are you own boss, the morw you make the more you work. Family time is important to me so im good at 100k+. Im only 28 so I still have some $ to make.
I'm 26 I make 80+k a year. My gf is 27 making 60k a year. It ain't enough. Living in the Bay Area problems.
Peterwarrick- not to be giving you financial advice but with that income and no debt, why not pay that mortgage down so you can avoid having to pay PMI?

In Yo Nostril - already working on that. Targeting to drop the PMI in 3 years versus the normal 7. Will target even sooner if possible. Saving right now for a master bath remodel and a new roof.
I look to make at least or start around 60k once I graduate to start off, and then go up.
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Honestly by 30 I have a serious goal of 100k stashed..and I want to make 100k a year I'm satisfied with that
"my income has increase 80k to 130k,"

So ol' boy like others who give to the church give it for selfish reasons. I used to attend church and pastor would preach 100% return on what you give to the church. A lot of poor people who attend these churches give a huge chunk of their income and get nothing in return while their kids starve. It's science, the act of giving to the church essentially lights up the same brain centers associated with gambling and playing the lottery. Very few will win, most get hosed, the pimp...I mean pastor can afford a caddy and more Steve Harvey suits.

If you really want to help people, start a local soup kitchen, buy some clothes for orphans or even adopt....send the money to trustworthy charitable organizations.

bdw, giving 20 grand to strippers to put em through school>.>>>>>>throwing it away the trash.


I never at it that way. I look at it that God continues to bless my family and I because we are loyal and show we can manage money. One thing our pastor preaches is that God gives money to those that can handle it and I also do not look at it as selfish. I look as it as I am helping people becoming closer to god, helping to spread the word of god, and because of all of the amazing work my church does. Money is something people worship instead of God, would you rather be know for stacking dollars or bringing people closer to god and for making your community a better place to live.
Man, as long as I can make enough to spoil my family, I'm happy. I plan on sending my parents on a trip to the homeland (Philippines) as soon as a graduate as a gift for putting up with my BS for 23 years.
Honestly by 30 I have a serious goal of 100k stashed..and I want to make 100k a year I'm satisfied with that

Sounds about right. I want to be able to support a household by myself while staying healthy and happy, living worry and stress free financially, and living comfortably.
I never at it that way. I look at it that God continues to bless my family and I because we are loyal and show we can manage money. One thing our pastor preaches is that God gives money to those that can handle it and I also do not look at it as selfish. I look as it as I am helping people becoming closer to god, helping to spread the word of god, and because of all of the amazing work my church does. Money is something people worship instead of God, would you rather be know for stacking dollars or bringing people closer to god and for making your community a better place to live.

no point

anton is an atheist

thread will take a turn
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Just Something to ponder upon but imagine if that 20k a year was chilling in a trust fund for your future kid and imagine you take care of him through college 20k x 21 :x

Just real talk with you homie women lie men lie etc relationships hardly ever last people lose their jobs etc if you ever do decide to go the route of having a kid your expenses will only go up
and kids are expensive and when little jimmy turns 16 and asks for that m3 and you cant afford it for him he will resent you and once he finds out you guys gave away 20k every year so his pastor could eat lil jimmys ganna be rustled and flip out and forever resent both of you guys and be like no wonder mom/dad left you when hes out there struggling working that 9 to five just to survive :smh:

I will be extremely up front and frank with my children about giving and saving. From the very first dollar they earn i will teach them about giving, savings, and spending.

If my child has to struggle working a 9-5 that will be his own fault for not taking advancements of education that will be provided to him through scholarships, savings, etc.

My parents and grandparents both taught about financials very young in life and i have been saving every since. Heck i see have my savings bond from when i was born and will cash out when it hits final maturity.

I did not provide my other accounts. We already have plans for child savings, home savings, new car savings, etc.

Going forward everything is paid in cash. We use CC to get rewards (2 free flights for this year to Seattle) and to help with christmas gifts.
Peter I know where you are coming grandparents give around that much to their church and they are a very successful couple in the dc area
Enough is about 100k after taxes from passive income and residuals. I'll take that all day over 400k+ from any 9 to 5, unless that 9 to 5 involves mainly travelling, meeting women, working out, making music and chillin.
Its all about what you consider yourself worth. People are on here talking about 80k by the end of their career are selling themselves short in my opinion. I dropped out and got my ged and made 63k last year doing sales for my first year im a manager now making overrides on my team so im looking at 100k this year and im 23. All about what u consider Yourself worth and how hard your willing to work now to never have to work in the future.

It's also based on your perspectives in life. I mean I know some people that make practically chump change and think their life is awesome. They don't do much that requires money and the little they have is what they need to survive. I'd hate to think they are selling themselves short and aren't living to their full potential. If money is a personal requirement to some, then that is cool but there are plenty of people that don’t even need anything close to a 100k.

I'm 26 I make 80+k a year. My gf is 27 making 60k a year. It ain't enough. Living in the Bay Area problems.

Can I ask what you do for a living?
I never at it that way. I look at it that God continues to bless my family and I because we are loyal and show we can manage money. One thing our pastor preaches is that God gives money to those that can handle it and I also do not look at it as selfish. I look as it as I am helping people becoming closer to god, helping to spread the word of god, and because of all of the amazing work my church does. Money is something people worship instead of God, would you rather be know for stacking dollars or bringing people closer to god and for making your community a better place to live.

Powerful stuff my man.

I am not even Religious but I am very thankful that there are people like you that contribute as much as you do to Churches? Why? Because I have audited a few churches and when I review their fundraising activity, and read over the minutes/newsletters, it's great to see how much charitable work these Churches are providing to the communities. One of the Churches I audited provided backpacks to students in need, teaching immigrants how to read/write English and so much more.
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Peter80warrick is commend you for your charity.

Id would say that 22K per year is enough money for me to livr comfortably on.
Enough to do what though?

Probably the same thing that everyone else wants which is to own things like a house, cars, things to furnish the house, going on trips, etc. I think the main issue with the Bay Area is making enough money to own a house in an area that is acceptable for them whether it be for commuting to work, schooling for kids or getting a house that is to the size you want. I mean there are areas where you can get a decent size house but if you work in the city, you are looking at over an hour of traffic on way and it can really take a toll on people. To live closer would be ideal but it just cost way more more money or you get a smaller house then what you pay for if you lived aways.
damn is bay area REALLY that bad

you guys must spend though also.
80k + 60k here in dallas ..

you got a benz and jaguar in the driveway of your 3 bedroom home.

hahahahaha this is why im trying to convince my wife to move to TX but she aint having it. I'm about 90% sure my boss would let me work remotely from home if I wanted to pick up and go, so my job would be safe (and no chance in hell would I have to take a cost of living adjustment to my salary). If my wife could find a gig that pays about the same as she has now, we would be set. $200K+/annual gross, we be living like kings... well not really, but better than im living now.
no point

anton is an atheist

thread will take a turn

I love this response, cause if I called you something you are not in sarcasm right now I'd get banned. :wink:

I'm NOT an atheist. Get it through your head.
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