How much money is enough money?

This is going to sound crazy but...

major props to you if youre living good in SF proper with $140K gross household income. I've never lived in SF but have friends and family that do and the cost of housing there is insane. I know everyone has their own definition of living good/comfortably but I think it would take a lot of fiscal responsibility and budgeting to make it work with that.

Haha. It's not all what it's cracked up to be so far. I mean we don't own yet but even with the money we have, we live in a super small studio but live life decent where we can go out and eat and buy what we want. It's tough though but I work with others that have it better. My boy in a difference department makes about 110k and his girl makes about 80k they just bought a 1 bedroom apartment for 650k. I mean that is living it up in SF. Almost everyone else out here rents.
650k for a 1 br, oh naw brah. I wish I could see the inside of some of these places though, i'm sure they're probably nice as hell. Especially in DC.
5K for groceries? Ya'll wildin

hahahaha man I legit spend more than $5K for groceries (if you include beer/liquor I buy at the grocery store as part of my grocery bill), and its just me and the wife. We got our first baby on the way in a couple months and my wife better breastfeed the baby as long as she can cause baby formula/food is expensive.

This is going to sound crazy but...

major props to you if youre living good in SF proper with $140K gross household income. I've never lived in SF but have friends and family that do and the cost of housing there is insane. I know everyone has their own definition of living good/comfortably but I think it would take a lot of fiscal responsibility and budgeting to make it work with that.

Haha. It's not all what it's cracked up to be so far. I mean we don't own yet but even with the money we have, we live in a super small studio but live life decent where we can go out and eat and buy what we want. It's tough though but I work with others that have it better. My boy in a difference department makes about 110k and his girl makes about 80k they just bought a 1 bedroom apartment for 650k. I mean that is living it up in SF. Almost everyone else out here rents.


damn that is just insane. i thought Westside LA was bad. I got my place 3 yrs ago when the market was down slightly and I paid around $500K for a 2bd condo. I thought that was bad but $650K for 1bd is insanity. And its not even like I got that much space for what I paid. I had to dump a buncha stuff outta my house to make room for all the baby gear I need now that my wife is pregnant. If we have another child in the next couple years, I'm going to have to bite the bullet and move to a bigger place.
One good thing about living in Arizona is that the cost if living is significantly cheaper down here then other parts of the country. There are families of 4 or 5 that get by comfortably on $60-80,000 a year. Some even less then that. If your relatively frugal, $40,000 a year would do just fine here.

Personally I want to start off somewhere in the $45k and above range. That's more then enough for me to begin life

Did dude say a 1 bedroom apt cost 650k in SF? That will buy you damn near the whole apt complex out here :x
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I really dont see the big deal, my 10% to church goes to helping others find God and keep the amazing staff we have at our church. Every since we began giving to the church my income has increase 80k to 130k, so God has blessed me for believing and helping others find God. He has more than made up for the 20k I give. I never even worry about this because it comes out before I even see my package and I am happy to cut the check quarterly to the church.

Also our 500 a month for groceris is for 2 adults, averages out to about 125 a week and that includes all household items too. We also eat at home 6 nights a week and pack our lunches for work 4 days a week, so you have to have groceries for that. Much cheaper to make quality food then to go out to eat all of the time.
I'm talking about just food. Hell I'm sure my parents took care of groceries for a family of 6 with less than 500 a month. Whatever you're getting for your household items maybe adding tallying up the price
he gives out 20K to the church and can still live comfortably, let that man cook.

 most of the kids on here would spend double that on shoes,clothes and jewelry..
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^^Nah. I can go a month on under 200 for groceries. You guys be on that hipster "$12 for organic grapes" steez.

:lol: i wouldnt call it hipster steez but I will admit that I have been transitioning to more organic fruits and veggies, mostly because I've become ultra paranoid about what my wife eats now that she is carrying my child. If it means I have to pay a couple extra bucks to get organic strawberries instead of pesticide laden strawberries, so be it. I dont mind trying to roll the dice with my own health. I've lived a solid 30+ years already, everything from here on out is just icing on the cake. I am not trying to gamble with the health and wellness of my child though. If more expensive produce is going to reduce the chance of serious health issues, I'm going to spend the money every time.

in addition to spending extra on organic produce, I just like to eat good food. food is more than just sustenance to me. its something i thoroughly enjoy. if i'm going to eat steak its worth it (to me) to shell out the extra money to get a dry aged USDA prime bone in ribeye rather than buying some bulk pack normal steak.
I really dont see the big deal, my 10% to church goes to helping others find God and keep the amazing staff we have at our church. Every since we began giving to the church my income has increase 80k to 130k, so God has blessed me for believing and helping others find God. He has more than made up for the 20k I give. I never even worry about this because it comes out before I even see my package and I am happy to cut the check quarterly to the church.

Also our 500 a month for groceris is for 2 adults, averages out to about 125 a week and that includes all household items too. We also eat at home 6 nights a week and pack our lunches for work 4 days a week, so you have to have groceries for that. Much cheaper to make quality food then to go out to eat all of the time.
Truth..i spend $100+ a week on food for just a bodybuilder so i eat 6 times a day but the cost of food and gas is no joke..luckily here in Louisville the cost of living is pretty cheap
Just died a thousand deaths. Ya got it a lot worse than DC out there. What was the square footage?

I want to say a 1000 square feet or little bit more. It gets even worse. The HOA on the apartment is $800!!! Its a new building so it covers fixing up the building, their pool, gym, rec room with pool table and flat screens, internet room, theater room, steam room and sauna. Still, that is super expensive for those things.
To put it in some sort of perspective here. So this one fo the floor plans for the Millennium Towers here in SF. It is in the Financial District and Joe Montana lives here. This floorplan is a tad bigger what my friend has as far as square footage goes (give or take):

View media item 346346
The difference? This floorplan above costs $1.2 million because of the building and location. My friend lives near the AT&T ballpark but about a mile or so away from the Millenium Tower. That is SF for you.
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