How much money does Tinker Hatfield make?

Originally Posted by rocman23

One Hundred Billion Dollars

not sure why but i fully just laughed out loud
Originally Posted by KEARSE15

well i know they pay mike at least $25mil a year to use his name (MJ is currently the 4th highest paid athelete in the world....and he doesnt even play anymore
) so im guessing Tinker would get a nice amount...

whos 1, 2, and 3??
Originally Posted by jibbycanoe

I would think a man like that would care more about his accomplishments then how much money he makes. but I'm sure he is sitting pretty

umm prob not. I know I never would

money makes the world go round homie
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

probably commision based for his designs. I'd say around 200 gs a design and maybe royalty % on the shoe too
I doubt that. Most industrial designers at major corporations get paid on salary. They are expected to design product. Whether or not theymanufacture it is another department. That being said, he is a senior designer and probably has lots of stock perks, I'm betting he's a millionaire
just for designing the 3s, 11s, and 23s he should be able to choose how much he makes.
When you get to his level, it's not about how much money you make, it's about how much your worth. Wealth>Being Rich
Originally Posted by SneakerAFI

When you get to his level, it's not about how much money you make, it's about how much your worth. Wealth>Being Rich
Well said. But I bet he doesn't really care how much he makes. I'm sure Nike pays him quite a bit (maybe not as much as he is worth/meansto them) but when you love to go to work and do what you do for a living that is priceless.
Whats his current title? Is he a VP? I don't know where this royalties idea came from but this ain't the record biz. The money ain't in theroyalties anyway. It's in the stock. I've worked as an industrial designer in a parallel field to Tinker's. He's on salary low six figsprobably, but I'm sure he has a tons of stock, and a ton of perks. He has done well I'm sure... however...

He is important to Nike, but he's not on the insider trading list:

On top of that this article points out even the top execs aren't all that highly (cash) compensated (so one can assume he, even less so):

SO while he may be the GOAT Nike employee to us, he's not even on Wallstreet's radar as far as Nike execs go.

However, the man has a job he loves, THAT MANY IF NOT ALL OF US WOULD GLADLY DO FOR FREE where he should be pretty confident he's benchmark for hisprofession, and he know his ideas have changed the way shoes are made. You can't put a price on that. For most people after the first $100k or so you aredoing what you do for ego and satisfaction. Nike looks to be more about the glory than the cash.

Finally, something to keep in mind for all you high schoolers on the board, and not to crush the dreams, but the more "fun" a job is (and thisrelates to us doing the job for free) the less you are going to get paid. This has a ring of truth even at Tinker's level. He has a freaking awesome job.The line of guys beating on Nike's door to be the next Tinker is a mile long. Now notice he is not on the insider trading "big money" list. Those are mostly beancounters. Nobody lines up for those jobs. The more people who want your job the less you'll get paid:

If you want to make money, you tend to be forced to work on problems that are too nasty for anyone to solve for free.

All makers face this problem. Prices are determined by supply and demand, and there is just not as much demand for things that are fun to work on as there is for things that solve the mundane problems of individual customers. Acting in off-Broadway plays just doesn't pay as well as wearing a gorilla suit in someone's booth at a trade show. Writing novels doesn't pay as well as writing ad copy for garbage disposals. And hacking programming languages doesn't pay as well as figuring out how to connect some company's legacy database to their Web server.

-paul graham

Add to that designing sneakers doesn't pay as well as counting beans (or more accuratly designing elderly toilets). Incidentaly, the architecture thing?The "rich" architects are the ones who pump out tons of hospitals and schools. Not fun, and you never heard of them, but they're rich.

If you want to be (cash) rich be a bean counter. If you want to be happy be a designer.
Study that insider trading list kids. On a bad day Phil Knight (or any other one one those guys) sneezes and makes more than I do in year in a single day stocksale. On a good day he makes more on a sale than any of us will make in our lifetime. The lesson? If someone offers you $250k in cash vs say... $80k in cash+ 1% of the company or say 20000 shares of stock? Take the ownership/stock. That's your lottery ticket.

See what making shody retros can do for you?
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