How many yambs have you piped vol. this thread is played out

Nov 1, 2012
22 and I smashed 21 yambs. Currently in a 3 month dry spell though 

Question, do yall lie to girls about how many yambs you piped? I keep it 100 but some broads think I'm disgusting. Funny thing is I have one of the lowest numbers out of my friends. Even my two female roommates have piped more lol 
damn bruh. I'm 18 and just hit 5 in like august.

I tell chicks I'm a virgin in a sarcastic manner. seems to work most of the time seeing as how I didn't really talk to a lot of chicks till I was almost 18.
Somewhere in the high 30's/low 40's at 28

Started off late (17, at the end of senior year) and slow - was a relationship guy for a while (these last 2 single years have been the longest I've been single). Doubled my number the last 2 years at about 1 new one a month. Probably could do more but picky and lazy

I try to avoid the # convo with females. Never ends well
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I am 26 and I think I am in the mid 20's to high 20's range. Honestly, I forgot. :smh:

Sometimes, I try to write all the names of the girls I piped and there are just some girls names I don't even remember. There's one that I never even knew her real name. I just knew her by "Sparkle". :smh: :smh: :smh:
The yearly exagayamberation thread :pimp:

Less than 50 more than 30. Idk. Ive had the same count for years now tho. Wifey :pimp:
Probably the 30-35 range, I'm 27 .. been smashing for 11 years. Not that many when I start to think about it :lol:
My body count should be higher, but I've been in serious relationships and get hella lazy. I pick up girls numbers like candy and then just don't make moves or wait too long to make them. I've been changing this recently though
My body count should be higher, but I've been in serious relationships and get hella lazy. I pick up girls numbers like candy and then just don't make moves or wait too long to make them. I've been changing this recently though
This is the case for me as well. It's a constant inner thought struggle between staying committed to my relationship and living the single life running through yambs like most of my friends are. They're jealous of me, I'm jealous of them. A good, loyal girlfriend and my membership to team raw have kept my tempations minimal...but I do want to revert back to my college days frequently. What are ya gonna do though *shrugs*
27 probably over 70 by now. Smh. How I've never gotten an STD is beyond me

70 isn't that bad when you have dudes in the 200-300s. My boy lost count at 50 something in HS :lol:

I wish I didn't tire of random yambs quickly and that I could keep chicks on the team long term without feelings being caught. I'm lazy and I don't like being in pursuit mode all the time. Biggest reason my # isn't high
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