How Many People Do You Keep in Touch with That You Don't See on a Daily Basis?

May 20, 2013
There's two types of people you keep in touch with: those you hear from at least once a week and those you hear from around every month or two. How many of each of these people do you keep in touch with and who are they?

What's the distance between you? Is the initiating mainly one-sided? Do you have anyone you talk to every day or have an ongoing conversation with?
i feel like as a man you don't need to constantly be in contact with a friend every day. I have a few guy friends who i think are close friends that I don't touch base unless its sumn important.
I see all my best homies at least once every two weeks. We're really close though, we used to live together just because it's boring living alone and didn't to break up the crew. I have like 4 guys in that crew. The rest I talk to once a month or more.

We're all getting a duplex next :lol: been traveling in a pack like 5 years now.
I talk to my mans n em every day. We have an ongoing convo

I talk to my girl every day
Some of my best friends are the ones I see once a year and we might check in once every 6 months.
When we do link up **** is smooth as hell.

I thought that's how men are supposed to do it.
Yall forgot the "THAT YOU DONT SEE.." part.

My ace from HS is the only one.

He went into the military. When he was in Japan it was like once a months.

Now that hes states side, like 3 times a week.
There's two types of people you keep in touch with: those you hear from at least once a week and those you hear from around every month or two. How many of each of these people do you keep in touch with and who are they?

What's the distance between you? Is the initiating mainly one-sided? Do you have anyone you talk to every day or have an ongoing conversation with?

3 people basically

one is my bestfriend dude lives in another state but we talk literally everyday we both initiate sometimes he'll hit me sometimes ill hit him we just start with random **** that we come across in our day or on the internet
other one is my childhood friend dude lives a few streets away and we talk almost every other day usually to kick it he usually hits me first
other other one is my cousin lives a few streets down was close to him since we were babies and we talk maybe once a week him and my childhood friend ^ have the same circle and he usually hits me first too

the rest of my homies i just see them around or when the squad gets together and we just catch up then

as for females **** is hella inconsistent rn cuz im kinda on n off with my current girl and since we're kinda a thing i lost my little circle of females :lol:
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Have two really good friends
We keep in contact everyday
See each of them at least once a week
One of my boys I see him at least 4/5 times a week
I have a lot of friends in different cities and states. We have group chat, social networks and occasional phone calls and texts to keep in contact.
Parents = everyday
Friends that lives close by = weekly
Family = monthly
Everybody else = out of the blue
Down to 10 friends I keep in touch with on a daily basis.  I miss the college days and really wish I could go back
I rarely initiate contact with people (this includes family) outside of my immediate circle.

I randomly think about how crazy it is, that I've gone from talking to people almost everyday to never again. Folks outgrow each other.
Have a circle of good friends from college. We all live in different states, but have a group chat that's active almost daily. We also try to schedule trips together whether it be for one's birthday, holiday, or just a random trip.
I disappear for months, even amongst my family living in the same city.

Saw one of my good friends for the first time in like a month just this week, and I'm going to be his kid's godfather. :lol: Another friend has been asking me to see her new house for weeks now.

People who know me have come to expect it. I'm just the guy who disappears for weeks/months and mysteriously reappears at the party with bottles, the BBQ with brats, etc.
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I talk to my moms thru text or phone call pretty much daily.

I don't see my friends that much but we have an ongoing conversation thru whatsapp that we use almost daily.
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